How To

How to Get a Dumpster Permit

An open top dumpster with an approved stamp over it in front of a blue background. ZTERS logo is in the bottom right corner.

Whether you’re looking to rent a dumpster for the first time or you’re familiar with the process, you’ve probably heard about dumpster permits. Figuring out if a dumpster permit is needed and how to get one is an area of stress for a lot of contractors and residents.

We’re here to help make the dumpster permit process more transparent and eliminate confusion around these important documents. No need to waste your time searching for answers.

What is a Dumpster Permit?

A dumpster permit is a type of permit required by some cities or municipalities before you can place a dumpster or large container on your property or in a public right-of-way. The permit is typically obtained from the local government agency responsible for issuing permits for construction, demolition, or other activities that generate large amounts of waste.

A few other names for dumpster permits are:

  • Right-of-Way (ROW) Permit
  • Street Use/Temporary Use Permit
  • Encroachment Permit

The purpose of a dumpster permit is to ensure that the dumpster or container is placed in a safe and appropriate location, and that it does not pose a hazard to public safety or the environment. The permit may also specify the size and type of dumpster that is allowed, as well as the allowed duration of time that the dumpster can remain in place.

How Do You Know if You Need a Dumpster Permit?

Situations that may require a dumpster permit vary. When in doubt, it’s always a good idea to check your local municipality’s permitting website. Better safe than sorry. If you’re unsure of where to place your dumpster, check out our post on where to put a construction dumpster.

There are two major instances when a dumpster permit will almost always be necessary.

Your Dumpster Will Block a Pathway

Whether your dumpster will obstruct the sidewalk or street, you’ll likely need to notify your local government. City officials need to be made aware of any potential interference for vehicles, pedestrians, or public works. Generally, if your dumpster will be in your driveway and won’t block the sidewalk, you won’t need a dumpster permit.

You’re Part of a Homeowners Association

A homeowners association (HOA) might have certain permits or regulations pertaining to dumpsters, even if the city doesn’t. If your residential community is governed by an HOA, you need to comply with its specific terms and restrictions. There may be additional fees involved.

How to Get a Dumpster Permit

Some municipal websites are really easy to navigate. Others not so much. Follow these steps to ensure that you’re properly obtaining a dumpster permit.

  1. Visit your local municipality’s website

There may be a section on the website related to permits. Take the Chicago permit portal for instance. There might not be a page explicitly marked “permits.” Dumpster permit details could also live under Public Works, Streets, Building, or Zoning. If you can’t find the information you’re looking for, dial up the administrative office. This will also give you the opportunity to ask more specific questions.

  1. Fill out the required paperwork

Once you locate the required form, you’ll need to provide some information. This could include the rental duration, size of the container, placement, reason for the rental, and other details. 

  1. Call ZTERS

Feeling confused? Call us. We’ve worked with thousands of individuals nationwide, providing insight about local dumpster regulations. Our priority is ensuring that your rental goes smoothly. 

How Much Does a Dumpster Permit Cost?

Dumpster permit costs are usually low, starting at ten dollars and increasing according to your location and the length of your rental. You may be billed the entire amount upfront or be asked to put down a deposit.

As mentioned, ZTERS is here to provide any clarity. Our account managers are happy to assist you in ensuring you get the right dumpster permit for your rental.