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Alquilamos contenedores de basura en todo el país

Ya sea que busque un alquiler temporal de un contenedor de basura para su proyecto de vivienda más reciente o una obra en construcción, ZTERS tiene el tamaño de contenedor adecuado para satisfacer sus necesidades. Gracias a nuestras décadas de experiencia y a los miles de vendedores aprobados que tenemos en todo el país, usted puede alquilar un contenedor de basura de primera calidad a precios asequibles para sus necesidades cortas o largas. ZTERS puede ayudar a facilitar su decisión de alquilar un contenedor de basura, ya que hemos entregado más de 74,500 contenedor de basura en todo EE.UU. a clientes satisfechos.

Los contenedor de basura móviles proporcionan una forma conveniente de manejar la basura y los escombros de gran volumen y son ideales para proyectos a corto plazo. Para servicios regulares, consulte nuestros servicios de residuos comerciales.

alquiler del contenedor de basura


Llámenos para una consulta o para obtener un presupuesto gratuito.

alquiler del contenedor de basura

Llame al 346-258-5547

para una consulta o para obtener una cotización gratuita.

BBB Accredited Business


INC 5000

INC 5000



4 Consejos para Alquilar un Contenedor de Basura

  • 1

    Cargando su Contenedor de Basura

    Cuando cargue su contenedor, por favor asegúrese de que la basura y los escombros quepan dentro del contenedor y no sobresalgan. Si su basura no cabe en el contenedor y el conductor no puede sacarla, se aplicará una tarifa por no tener el contenedor listo. Si prevé que necesita una recogida adicional, por favor llámenos.

  • 2

    Eliminación de Artículos Voluminosos

    Si tiene artículos voluminosos de los que deshacerse, como muebles de casa, de oficina, y/o equipo de ejercicio, por favor contáctenos para programar la eliminación de estos artículos. Estos artículos suelen ser más altos que el contenedor y sobresalen por encima de la parte superior, por eso se necesita un contenedor especial y/o planear un dia separado para la retirada de estos artículos.

  • 3

    Seguridad del Contenedor de Basura

    La prioridad de su compañía de residuos es la seguridad de todos. Para ello, ofrecemos los siguientes consejos de área de servicio:

    - Mantenga un acceso despejado y seguro a su contenedor

    - Coloque su contenedor en un área abierta y/o bien iluminada

    - Asegúrese de que por encima del contenedor haya un espacio de un mínimo de 14 pies de altura.

  • 4

    Evitar los Gastos Adicionales de Alquiler de los Contenedores de Basura

    Para evitar los gastos por no tener listo el contenedor, por favor asegúrese de que tengamos libre acceso a su contenedor. Los vehículos no deben estacionarse delante o al lado de su contenedor. Si se encuentra en áreas con nieve, por favor asegúrese de que el área esté despejada el día de su recogida. Además, si su contenedor está dentro de un recinto, por favor asegúrese de que las puertas estén abiertas.

alquiler del contenedor de basura

Llame al 346-258-5547

para una consulta o para obtener una cotización gratuita.

Preguntas frecuentes

Hemos compilado una lista de las preguntas más frecuentes sobre el alquiler de contenedores de basura. Si tiene preguntas específicas relacionadas con sus regulaciones y tarifas locales, puede que nuestra sección de información local le sea útil.

Alquilar un contenedor de basura es un proceso relativamente simple. ZTERS determina el mejor tipo de contenedor de basura para su proyecto basado en la cantidad y tipo de residuos, duración del alquiler y dirección de entrega. Le damos un presupuesto exacto y preparamos una ventana para que el contenedor de basura sea entregado en el lugar de trabajo. Usted llena el contenedor, vamos a recogerlo y lo llevamos a la instalación de residuos más cercana.

El tamaño de contenedor de basura que necesita no sólo va a ser determinado por la cantidad de residuos que está eliminando, sino también por el tipo de residuos. La tierra y las rocas, por ejemplo, pesan mucho más que otros escombros de construcción o basura doméstica, por lo que se necesitará un contenedor más pequeño para que el camión pueda soportar el peso del transporte. Aquí hay algunos tamaños típicos de contenedores de basura con ejemplos de tipos de escombros:

Tamaño del Contenedor de Basura Toneladas Incluidas Tipos de Desechos
10 YARDAS 2 Suelos, tuberías, hormigón, escombros pesados
20 YARDAS 4 Construcción comercial de gama baja
30 YARDAS 2 Paisajismo, residuos de renovación
40 YARDAS 2 Construcción a gran escala

Ver el Ilustración a escala de estos tamaños de contenedores de basura debajo.

No se permite llenar el contenedor con materiales que excedan los lados del contenedor. Además, los materiales comunes que no están permitidos en los basureros incluyen (pero no se limitan) a:

  • Residuos Peligrosos
  • Concreto
  • Tierra
  • Barriles
  • Líquidos
  • Anticongelante
  • Animales Muertos
  • Asbesto
  • Desechos Médicos
  • Durmientes de Ferrocarril
  • Residuos Industriales
  • Pintura (excepto por las Latas de Pintura de Látex Secas Sin Tapa)
  • Líquidos Inflamables
  • Disolventes
  • Material Radioactivo
  • Pesticidas y Herbicidas
  • Productos Químicos
  • Tubos Fluorescentes
  • Microondas
  • Latas de Aerosol
  • Tanques de Propano
  • Aceite (transmisión Lubricación, Motor, Hidráulica O Aceites Contaminados Mezclados con Disolventes como la Gasolina Etc.)
  • Filtros de Aceite
  • Anticongelante
  • Electrodomésticos
  • Tierra Contaminado con Petróleo
  • Pedasos de pintura de plomo
  • Televisiones
  • Monitores
  • Computadoras
  • Baterías
  • llantas

Si puede o no poner un contenedor de basura en la calle depende de la zona y de las leyes de sus municipios locales. Consulte con su municipio local para saber si se requiere una licencia en su área. Por ejemplo, debe obtener un permiso de uso de calle antes de que su contenedor sea entregado y colocado en una calle de Seattle o Washington. Sin embargo, esto sólo se refiere al uso residencial. Cuando se coloquen contenedores en el derecho de paso público con fines comerciales, usted necesitará un permiso de Uso Comercial. Para más información, consulte las normas y reglamentos de su ciudad o condado.

En la mayoría de los casos, un contenedor de basura puede ser entregado tan pronto como al día siguiente si se pide antes del mediodía en la zona horaria aplicable, de lunes a viernes. Se puede aplicar un cargo por urgencia para todos los pedidos del día siguiente que se soliciten después de las 12:00 del mediodía y/o para las entregas del sábado. Si necesita un contenedor de basura antes, llámenos al 346-258-5547 y haremos todo lo posible para que le entreguen el contenedor cuando lo necesite. Sin embargo, tenga en cuenta que los Tiempos de entrega no están garantizados. Si se requiere un contenedor de basura por la mañana, recomendamos encarecidamente programar la entrega para el día anterior al que planea utilizarlo.

Una buena regla para determinar el espacio que se necesita para la colocación de un contenedor es tomar la longitud y la altura del tamaño del contenedor y duplicarlo. De esa manera, tendrá mucho espacio para que el contenedor y el camión se carguen y descarguen con facilidad. Por ejemplo, un contenedor de 10 yardas mide 13 pies de largo por 3.5 pies de alto. Así que asegúrese de que su área de entrega mida por lo menos 26 pies de largo con una distancia mínima sobre la cabeza de 7 pies. También asegúrese de que haya suficiente espacio en la carretera que conduce al lugar de trabajo para que el camión de reparto tenga acceso.

Se aplican costos adicionales por cualquier cantidad de peso sobre lo que se incluye en el precio inicial del contenedor. Superar el límite de peso podría causar daños en el contenedor o hacer más difícil y peligroso su transporte. Si el límite de peso se excede significativamente, su entrega deberá dividirse en dos o más viajes para mitigar el riesgo.

alquiler del contenedor de basura

Llame al 346-258-5547

para una consulta o para obtener una cotización gratuita.

NUESTRA MAS POPULAR dumpster rentals

Llame al 346-258-5547 para precio exacto

Dimensions: L:13' W:8' H:3'5"

A 10 yard roll-off dumpster is the most compact roll-off dumpster rental available. Typically used f...

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Dimensions: L:22' W:8' H:3'5"

A 20 yard roll-off is one of the most commonly rented dumpsters. This size is ideal for home renovat...

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Dimensions: L:22' W:8' H:5'5"

Home construction sites and major renovations generally require a 30 yard dumpster. They’re also use...

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Dimensions: L:22' W:8' H:8'

A 40 yard roll-off dumpster is the largest dumpster rental available. Typically used on commercial c...

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OTRO alquiler del contenedor de basura PRODUCTOS

Dimensions: L:13' W:8' H:4'

A 12 yard roll-off dumpster is a compact waste disposal option that offers slightly more space than...

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Dimensions: L:14' W:8' H:4'

A 15 yard roll-off is great for medium-sized renovation projects, including small kitchen or master...

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Dimensions: L:12' W:7'5" H:6'

Though it's an uncommon size, an 18 yard roll-off dumpster provides a versatile solution for project...

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Dimensions: L:16'5" W:8' H:6'

The 25 yard roll-off offers a happy medium when you need a little more space than a standard 20 yard...

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Dimensions: L:20' W:8' H:6'

A 35 yard roll-off dumpster is more compact than the more standard 40 yard size, but still offers pl...

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alquiler del contenedor de basura

Llame al 346-258-5547

para una consulta o para obtener una cotización gratuita.

Ilustración del Tamaño de los Contenedores de Basura

Nuestro alquiler de contenedores de 40 yardas incluye 6 toneladas de peso y diez días en el lugar.

Este es el contenedor de mayor tamaño disponible. Elíjalo para una construcción a gran escala y asegúrese de que tiene el espacio adecuado para este tamaño. El tamaño equivale a aproximadamente 12 cargas de camioneta.

Nuestro alquiler de contenedores de 30 yardas incluye 4 toneladas de peso y diez días en el lugar.

Perfect for sizeable clean-outs, this size is ideally suited to lower-end commercial jobs, such as heavy-duty renovations and waste removal for landscaping. The size is equivalent to about nine pickup truck loads.

Nuestro alquiler de contenedores de 20 yardas incluye 4 toneladas de peso y diez días en el lugar.

Este tamaño es la elección más popular para trabajos pequeños y medianos y para la construcción comercial. Tiene capacidad para aproximadamente seis cargas de camioneta.

El alquiler de nuestro contenedor de 10 yardas incluye 2 toneladas de peso y diez días en el lugar.

Este tamaño es ideal para cambiar un piso, pequeñas cantidades de tuberías, eliminación de concreto y otros materiales pesados. La capacidad es equivalente a unas tre scargas de camioneta.

NOTA: No todos los contenedores de basura se adaptan bien a todos los lugares. Una vez que explique su proyecto a un gerente de cuenta de ZTERS dedicado, le recomendaremos el tamaño y estilo de contenedor adecuado, y estableceremos un programa de mantenimiento que se adapte a usted.

alquiler del contenedor de basura

Llame al 346-258-5547

para una consulta o para obtener una cotización gratuita.

Lo Que Dicen Nuestros Clientes

  • Terri F. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 24333


    Ashley is my account manager and she satisfied all of my needs. Thank you

  • Vicente A. VERIFIED

    40 yard Open Top 77338


    Everything went smoothly thank you.

  • Karin T. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 80421


    Both shaun and vanda were very helpful and the delivery went very smooth

  • Mary B. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 23462


    Both drivers were really friendly and kayla was quick to respond to my questions of what i could put in the dumpster. That was really helpful! ?? Overall a great experience!

  • Steve W. VERIFIED

    15 yard Open Top 04985


    Alex and cedrik were great.

  • Lisa G. VERIFIED

    15 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top;8 yard Open Top 94566


    Nothing left to say

  • Louis T. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 06831


    Maggie account manager was great quick w quote, responsive with questions, drop off location perfect, pick up smooth. This is the second time i have used zters for dumpster needs and am extremely satisfied and highly recommend them.

  • Lisa G. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 24333


    My account manager, alyssa, was very helpful and the size dumpster she recommended was perfect.

  • John M. VERIFIED

    15 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 95018


    It's all good. Thank you zters!

  • Fred L. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 72087



  • Aaron A. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 33946


    Rhonda fusssell my account manager has been nothing less than a pleasure to work with. She is responsive, and professional.

  • Marc S. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 12748


    Whitney was absolutely amazing to work with, friendly, helpful and got back to me with any questions

  • Andrea B. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 74960


    Had a great experience. Brandon was extremely attentive and made sure we were taken care of. Turnaround time for a swap is decent, but could be faster.

  • Essence B. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 85374


    Mike schmidt is great. He is very thorough and prompt. I enjoy working with him when i rent dumpsters.

  • Jeff L. VERIFIED

    15 yard Open Top 44089


    Thank you, for being so helpful, friendly and professional, 110 percent satisfied.

  • Arleen W. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 98922


    Very nice and helpful driver.

  • Hope C. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 28352


    My account manager, rhonesia, was knowledgeable, personable, friendly, walked me with ease through the entire rental process. I am very fortunate to have spoken with her. She knows her craft!!

  • Christy V. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 50213


    Great service from account manager tina and great service from company who delivered and picked up dumpster!! Would definitely use again!!

  • Orpah C. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 74352


    Thank you so much for everything, everyone was so helpful, definitely would use this company again.

  • Jeff H. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 23433


    The customer service is always excellent. Your senior account manager aliyah burrows is on top of everything to meet our companies requirements.

  • Debra M. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 55330


    It was a very good experience from my 1st call through pick up! Staff was efficient, knowledgeable, pleasant, and very easy to work with and, they actually followed through on everything they said they would, not the normal standard in this industry. Will definitely use them in the future and highly recommend their services!

  • Reggie C. VERIFIED

    25 yard Open Top 91902


    Cost was a little too high. Found another company same size for under $800.00.

  • Jason P. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 37096


    Ms verna was friendly and super helpful! I am all about great customer service and yall hit the nail on the head. Will certainly use your services again in the future.

  • Kathleen P. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 48733


    Everyone was very professional. I appreciated the great customer support while i had the dumpster.


    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 55804


    Hunter hudgens has been very helpful in our efforts to clean out my aunt's house. Might need one more rental in august.

  • Buck W. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 03253


    Thank you for a good experience

  • Brian B. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 92677


    Marcel and parker 5 stars. Delivery guys of jon and dumpster five stars!

  • William W. VERIFIED

    12 yard Open Top 53186


    Driver was very knowledgeable and friendly.

  • William W. VERIFIED

    12 yard Open Top 53186


    Driver was very knowledgeable and friendly.

  • William W. VERIFIED

    12 yard Open Top 53186


    Driver was very knowledgeable and friendly.

  • Peter B. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 02770


    The driver who delivered our unit was quick, efficient and quite skillful.

  • Dave P. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 30633


    Excellent company! Michael schmidt was so pleasant to work with. He was genuinely concerned that my needs were taken care of.

  • Glen S. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 79007


    Great service - did their best with no notice given. Made my emergency theirs. Very appreciative of the help and support in making it happen.

  • Tasha H. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 33570


    Awesome job. Hard to find this kind of service in that area. you guys are life savers.

  • Nancy H. VERIFIED

    40 yard Open Top 76230


    I worked with a most professional girl named tina and she went over and beyond to make my transaction with your company so easy and so enjoyable , i will tell everyone about tina and your great company and the awesome and courteous service that i received from your representative, tina , your company was awesome to work with , great service , prices were so good, i compared , and best customer service i have ever had , ask for tina, thank you folks again ,

  • Lisa M. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 96161


    Clinton, the customer service rep, is awesome!! He had great communication skills and was quick to respond when i had questions. He was also quick to respond when the delivery driver hit the house fascia and damaged the trim! Gary came out afterwards and took photos letting us know that they would have someone call us about scheduling a repair. Still waiting for that it's the weekend and hope to have it fixed quickly. I would definitely use these guys again, in spite of the accident. Everyone i dealt with was courteous and professional.

  • Debra W. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 47043


    This was a great experience. Everyone was super nice and friendly. I would use this company again.

  • Paula S. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 95020


    Driver who delivered was friendly, professional, and answered our n7merous questions

  • Melanie W. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 29379


    Delivery was made early as requested and both the representative matt and the driver were very pleasant to work with. Would call them again for roll-off dumpster rentals.

  • Paul M. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 40503


    Thanks for your services great company

  • Monica S. VERIFIED

    15 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 46143


    Brought on time and picked up when we wanted


    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 65257


    Thank you for the prompt service.

  • Mark J. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 86017


    Excellent job!

  • Jesse h. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 80827


    No problems, everything went smoothly.

  • Grant . VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 92656


    Nice doing business with you.

  • John S. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 53916


    We very much appreciate the promptness, and professionalism of your delivery. Thank you.

  • Jeff L. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 80026


    Completely satisfied with all aspects of service, from the time i ordered, to the time of pick up .. Top notch service!


    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 65257


    If you pick it up on tuesday the 20th of june i feel you gave excellent service. Thank you

  • Jennifer F. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 41824


    The driver who set up the dumpster was wonderful. He put the dumpster exactly where we asked so that it did not block any roads. He also called to make sure we were finished before he picked it up. Great service!


    20 yard Open Top 15534


    Very reasonable and responsible. Thank you

  • Jason P. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 37096


    Driver dewayne jones was excellent. He was friendly and helpful. He was punctual and able to place the container exactly where i needed it. He is an asset to your company!


    30 yard Open Top 55724


    Working on a deadline, we had to clear our newly purchased property asap. Jane and the crew went above and beyond. We went through three 30 yard dumpsters within a week. They came and swapped out on short notice. The driver was so helpful! They were fantastic and we will call on them again!

  • Barbara R. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 13339


    I still don't know if there is a charge for going over the weight limits.

  • Merritt M. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 24311


    I called several places in my area , before finding the number for zters. and got no results. You guys kick ass

  • Jesse M. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 44236


    Kayla was amazing! I had been calling another company to get the roll off i needed for 2 days to no avail. One call to zters and kayla made it happen the next day. Thank you so much!!

  • Adam K. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 33569


    Super easy

  • Leslie G. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 66070


    The delivery people did not put the dumpster where i had wanted i was not home. when i did get there i called you and everyone was so nice. Then i realized that the dumper the way it was worked much better. This way the door opens all the way and leaves room for the contractors people to get around. Im happy they deceited to put it where it was most useful. Ive never orded a dumpter and greatful for all the help

  • Louis T. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 76021


    Easy setup, clear terms, drop off exactly where i requested it, and prompt pick up when done.... Very professional, very efficent, very helpful... Thank you guyz!!

  • Jason A. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 12078


    The delivery person was awesome! Did a perfect job.

  • Betsy B. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 53566


    Reached out to client when address was incorrect for delivery. Waiting to hear how removal went, but overall very happy with the helpful service.

  • Leslie C. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 80003


    I was given a delivery window of 11 am to 1 pm. The dumpster was actually delivered at 10:45 am. Driver placed it exactly where i wanted it and made sure the door could open fully and did not block the shed door. I am beyond pleased!

  • Jeanne S. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 44654


    Super easy to work with!

  • Neil B. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 49090


    The experience was top notch.

  • Peter M. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 48653


    Want well

  • Lyle G. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;8 yard Open Top 54403


    I would definitely use your service again . The dumpster was the right size. and they picked it up in a very timely manner. Thank you,


    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 55804


    Hunter hudgens was a great help. Hope to work with him again soon with this ongoing project.

  • Louis T. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 76021


    U guys delivered and placed my 20 yard dumpster exactly where i needed when i needed it.

  • Shawn W. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 45805


    Easy and convenient

  • Ronald D. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 49058


    First time using a dumpster for clean up .if i ever need another one i will call you guys again

  • Reyes A. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 93422


    Prompt fast delivery.

  • Kayla D. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 95602


    Leah was an amazing help, so i have no complaints about zters. My issue is with recology. The guy who dropped the truck off lied and said he called and spoke with my employee, which he did not. The onsite contact got one call, and it was when dispatch called to let him know the dumpster was dropped off hours ago, which was not our request. The wrong dumpster was dropped off at the requested location, so my employee got another call, and the driver told him he would switch the dumpsters and meet him there in 45 mins. 10 mins later, he received a call from our client stating the driver was already there. The situation was embarrassing, and i would not recommend recology to another business.

  • Mark N. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 82213


    Very nice

  • Chris O. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 84101


    Christian stahlman is so incredibly helpful and friendly. He put the order together for us and answered all my questions. The regional manager, bert, who delivered the toilets was also wonderful and just a pleasure to work with. Both of these individuals are worth their weight in gold and are the reason why i keep coming back to your company. The large events i help with are a nightmare to plan but it is such a relief to have people like these to help. A+!

  • Glenda W. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;12 yard Open Top;15 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 97622


    I was very disappointed that the delivery did not, after all, happen. Dear team at zters, sadly, the delivery did not arrive. According to my phone conversation with clinton, the delivery driver canceled and another wasn't available. Rescheduling will not work for us, unfortunately. I would like a refund of my payment. Thank you, glenda wood

  • Sandra M. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 64831


    Dumpster wasn't placed where i wanted. It was supposed to be picked up today and it is still in my yard other than that service was good.

  • Linda C. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 39443


    Zters was very helpful and efficient in providing the dumpsters for my project. I will definitely use your company again.

  • Ingeborg S. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 04085


    I am impressed!

  • Dawn A. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 29706


    Always pleased with our service!

  • John K. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 33859


    Verna walton did an amazing job for me. She explained how the process worked and gave me options on what could accomodate my needs and made a great recommendation. I highly recommend her and would not hesitate to contact verna to use zters in the future !

  • Daniel S. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 54114


    Customer service was the best. Unseen circumstance change on my part change the date and customer service rep was the best. I will use them again for future projects without question. Thanks!

  • Brandon L. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 03234


    Aisha miles is fantastic. Delivery driver hit walkway railing with truck when leaving, causing damage.


    Multi Project 35043


    Rhonda our point of contact to a great job processing the order and setting up our account.

  • Tony H. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 74467


    I was not present at the delivery and i have not seen the dumpster. However, i have not heard any complaints. I assume all is good. Thanks

  • Rhonda M. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 35121


    Excellent customer service! I will not hesitate to use zeters again!

  • Anthony O. VERIFIED

    15 yard Open Top 03246


    Great customer service !

  • Jane M. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 28159


    I dont have a toliet or sink delivered. Where is it?????!!!!! I've already had to pay in full for it. This is a huge problem. I am cleaning out my fathers house that has no electricity or running water. I called yesterday evening 5/26/23 and spoke to â“parkerâ” who assured me the delivery was on track. We arrived at the home at 7:30pm last night and it wasn't there. I'm at the home now 5/27/23 at 8:50am and it's still not here.


    20 yard Open Top 49756


    Driver was great and seemed to have a lot of experience. Did a great job!

  • Jonathan T. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 75070


    Thank you, verma

  • Robert N. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 95616


    A bit of a tricky maneuver to place the dumpster but the driver was spot in. Thanks.

  • Charletta S. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 30314


    Great service ! From each employee throughout the entire process, the order i received was brand new and that made the service even better. I would highly recommend their services..


    15 yard Open Top 92886


    Everything on time

  • Katherine C. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 87083


    Sierra williams is the very best!

  • Charlene . VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 02740


    Professional, delivered when stated and picked up when requested. Great service all around. I will hire zters again in the future for any other projects.

  • Reid W. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;12 yard Open Top 95073


    Great service!

  • Karen C. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 12816


    Fantastic service! Thank you and we may need your services again

  • John L. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 97123


    I liked the process and attention to detail your team provided. Thank you zters

  • Karen O. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 37660


    Service was excellent and staff very helpful and professional. We were very pleased with your service.

  • Damien M. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 29910


    Zters is a great company. Every time i called the phone was answered and within less than 24 hrs i would have a new dumpster changed out and porta potty cleaned. I will absolutely use again. Thanks!

  • Mary S. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 53545


    Thank you

  • Jodi K. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 60421


    Driver was friendly and professional, he put the container where i asked him to. I will continue using your service.

  • Andre D. VERIFIED

    40 yard Open Top 93562


    Thank you for your help

  • Jodee K. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 98258


    Very fast service to get it on the property and fast service to get it off, very friendly staff

  • Elissa T. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 88240


    Cedric was fantastic. He worked hard to meet my needs and went above and beyond to keep things moving for us.

  • Leonardo C. VERIFIED

    40 yard Open Top 95914


    I have yet to be notified if there were any other changes such as the dumpster's net weight was six tons or under and if my atm card has been closed out for this job.

  • Nancy L. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 39525


    Everyone was so kind and helpful given all the changes i made on delivery and pick-up. I truly appreciate the flexibility and their understanding of my situation.

  • Loyd M. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 80817


    Would use again. Customer service is outstanding. Thank you.

  • Jennifer H. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 97448


    Set up and delivery were amazing. I can't figure out how to use the online process to schedule a pick up.

  • Dolores K. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 29471


    It's been a great beginning! Customer service from the first call has been great! Roll off delivered a day early no muss no fuss i fully expect the rest to go just as well thank you!


    20 yard Open Top 30412


    Great job.

  • Derrick S. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 38965


    The entire experience was great!!!!

  • Julie B. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 47040


    Isaac was great the entire step of the way from answering all my questions, to having the dumpsters delivered in a timely manner. Anytime i called, he answered quickly or called me back as soon as he was available. He is an excellent example of providing exceptional customer service! Your company is lucky to have him representing you. The two men that delivered the dumpsters were just as polite and respectful of our property, taking care to place the dumpsters conveniently where it would help us the most with our clean up. I am really glad i found your company! Julie bucher

  • Lisa R. VERIFIED

    15 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 54446


    Professional, friendly and reliable.

  • Steven L. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 90290


    Great service

  • Robert B. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 48843


    You guys were awesome. Kyra lotts, my csr was the best. You should give her a raise. Thanks again.

  • Michelle H. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 94568


    I would definitely hire them again, fast, friendly sly customer service and very knowledgeable.

  • Tyler W. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 22701


    Cedric was rhe best! I look forward to working with him in the future!

  • Tamara K. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 45840


    I appreciated the quick and clear communication from start to finish. The trash unit was clean and actually has a fresh coat of glossy paint. The drop off driver was friendly and took his time getting it placed just right. For the price, it would be nice to add an option for hazardous materials removal. I would recommend this service to anyone.

  • Thomas S. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 54025


    Very friendly driver. Very engaging and cautious.

  • Darren K. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 76645


    Did a amazing job getting a dumpster to house for clean up, i definitely will use their service again needed in the future.

  • Matt S. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 28023


    Very professional. I had a late notice for the needed items. I reached out to zters w/ less than a 48hr notice prior to the event and they pulled through for us! Easy to work with. Thanks.

  • Mark M. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 44827


    My service rep was awesome!

  • Robert K. VERIFIED

    40 yard Open Top 93550


    Everything was awesome from the people to the service!

  • Terrance P. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 32211


    Great experience. Will use again and share with others.

  • Tori K. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 97128


    Very helpful and attentive!

  • Jeffery F. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 54229


    Very happy with your service. I will be calling when we get to phase two of our project. Thank you!

  • Deanna K. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 82082


    Thank you!

  • Edward B. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 06239


    Good service. I'm very pleased

  • Forrest D. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 40057


    Your customer service is tops. You exceeded expectations with all questions answered and prompt call backs. All was handled with no problems what so ever. Thank you and will recommend you and use your services again.

  • James M. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 75126


    I would like to place another order for another job site in irving, tx

  • Robert B. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 48843


    You guys are awesome.

  • Michelle T. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 59644


    Zters was excellent to deal with. I cant say enough about shelby she was awesome and was always available for me if i had a question or problem. The local company they used to deliver and pick up the dumpster was professional and efficient. I plan on using zters again for my dumpster needs.

  • George S. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 77023


    Great job as usual. We appreciate your high level of customer service, especially from dave thomas!

  • Loyd M. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 80817


    Customer service was outstanding. Delivery crew did 30 minute notice on time. Delivery was on time, and delivery was fast and efficient. Great experience so far.

  • David N. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 37683


    David crabtree, our truck driver for delivery and pick up was outstanding ! He was on time, called ahead and was extremely helpful in the placement of our dumpster. When it was time for removal, once again he was on time and very careful and respectful of our property when removing the dumpster he was very kind and very professional. Start to finish from the phone call to order the dumpster to the time it was picked up we have been extremely satisfied with zters. I would highly recommend them thanks to david, verna and zters for making our entire transaction a pleasant one.

  • Jeffery J. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 66002


    Elizabeth was terrific. I will definitely use your service again.

  • Suellen G. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 73064


    This was wonderful to have to clean out my garage. Delivered on time with no hiccups. Everyone i spoke with was very nice and communicated everything well. I will use again in the future if needed

  • Billy a. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 77375


    Thank you for great service!

  • Katherine S. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 97501


    Great placement in such a small place!! Awesome work!!

  • Josielyn R. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 14546


    Alyssa was very helpful and went above and beyond to get me answers to questions i was asking. Also called me back the next day with information that she couldn't get when being asked.

  • Tony T. VERIFIED

    40 yard Open Top 46902


    Wrong size unit, but workable. Thanks.

  • Diane R. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 49548


    You guys did great. I am in a wheelchair and have a hard time getting things done. My neighbor volunteered to help me while i was away and you guys did great with delivery and pickup. I really appreciate you working with me on this. Thank you so very much.

  • David N. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 37683


    Verna took our order. She was very professional and extremely helpful very pleasant, very knowledgeable and a pleasure to work with. Her customer service was exceptional. I also would like to mention david crabtree who was the driver that brought our dumpster. He too was very professional, on time , helpful and caring of the surroundings with the placement of our dumpster i would highly recommend zters

  • Robert H. VERIFIED

    40 yard Open Top 44003


    Very nice working with this company.

  • Joe p. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 65065


    Showed up the day of order. Quick phone calls and easy to talk to representative. Franky was great!

  • Rick O. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 77043


    On time delivery. Driver was courteous. Office staff especially jennifer were helpful and accurate with quote and delivery schedule.

  • Forrest D. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 40057


    Wish could have got a delivery time window. Other than that the customer service was excellent. Prompt call backs, and the staff was very knowledgeable. They set me up with a local dumpster quickly. And the dumpster service was excellent.


    40 yard Open Top 44111


    Thank you for all your assistance. I special thank you to lolo. Wefixcoolers

  • Keith V. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 47224


    Great group to work with! Thanks!!

  • Michelle T. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 59644


    Shelby is awesome and very patient. And the delivery was flawless. So far we have been very happy with the zters experience.

  • Tommy M. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 28759


    Great doing business with a good company! No complaints! Thanks tommy

  • Mary R. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 45013


    Staff was fantastic.

  • Karen C. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;6 yard Open Top 34224


    Timely delivery and removal

  • Mark G. VERIFIED

    40 yard Open Top 91302


    Everything from start to finish was wonderful and deserves a top 5 score. But it was brought down to a 3 only because the unit dropped off is in horrible shape it just made a clean righty job site at a mercedes dealership look like crap.

  • Rita W. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 47401


    Thank you for service! I will be calling to schedule for another delivery at the same address in a couple of weeks. Rita woodcock

  • Richard W. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 13501


    Jackie provided excellent customer service and made sure we were given the best service !

  • Terry P. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 17224


    My contact with your company was outstanding!!

  • Terry P. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 17224


    Krisha has outstanding customer service!

  • Karen H. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 24073


    It was a smooth and easy process! Very impressed with the professionalism of this company. Will use again! Highly recommend!

  • Robert H. VERIFIED

    40 yard Open Top 44003


    I will use this service again


    30 yard Open Top 13820


    Great job, delivered on time, picked up on time. Drivers were friendly. Thank you.

  • David N. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 54170


    Little pricey but prompt, great service

  • Roberta D. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 65270


    Customer service was very good. Shout out to roby who delivered one of the dumpsters. We enjoyed visiting with him.

  • Philip B. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 75142


    We had your product on 10 day rental. We only had it for 2 days, asked for a dump and product brought back to be utilized within the original 10 days. We were told that we would have to pay for another 10 days for a dumpster that we still had a rental on for a remaining 8 days.

  • Robert K. VERIFIED

    40 yard Open Top 93550


    Excellent service!!!!

  • Richard W. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 13501


    Jackie was fantastic she took all the worries out of getting the equiptment onsite on short notice !

  • Casey A. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 73099


    Amazing service remained in contact throughout the whole process, quick and efficient


    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 76691


    Arrived on time

  • Karen H. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 24073


    Great service! Highly recommend!

  • James S. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 25526


    Great company they did all the work to have a dumpster delivered to my house from wm they keep you up to date if something changes i would highly recommend

  • James O. VERIFIED

    15 yard Open Top 45240


    100% satisfied thank you so much

  • Diane R. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 49548


    My neighbor who is doing this for me says you did great. I am away in my wheelchair and she is helping me clean up stuff i am unable. You did great and i really appreciate you working with me too.

  • Diana R. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 62431



  • Laura P. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 13066


    Excellent service.


    30 yard Open Top 13820


    Everything went as planned, thank you.

  • Bill M. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 14591


    I worked with kierra b and she was just great. Called to clarify a few things. Very professional and responsive.

  • Laurie M. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 15501


    All of the customer service was polite and kind and informative!

  • Tommy M. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 28759


    Person was great and put dumpster where we wanted it thanks tommy

  • Alisha D. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 55901


    Everyone i spoke to was genuinely nice!

  • Stephen B. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 63601


    Great service

  • Dung T. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 93933


    Easy to order the dumpster and delivery as promised. Great service!

  • David . VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 01034


    Jane and sierra were great to work with. Dumpster was dropped exactly where we wanted it. Very satisfied with the service.

  • Eliot K. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 14613


    Great service and very friendly staff. The driver who delivered our dumpster made extra efforts to place the dumpster in the spot that we wanted. This was difficult because of the angle of the ground. The driver was prepared with wooden chocks to place under the dumpster.

  • Gary W. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 25962


    Customer service was very friendly,patient with me because of having to change the days for drop off several times. driver for delivery and pickup a+


    20 yard Open Top 49083


    Very good service

  • Tammy D. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 84074


    The phone rep was helpful and polite, the driver who delivered was extremely accurate and dropped the dumpster exactly where we wanted it. Both were very cheerful and kind. Excellent service!

  • Chino H. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 32937


    Zters is the go to company, thank you for letting me shine in my company, until next project, keep up the good work. respectfully, chino.

  • Scott M. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 37727


    Driver was terrific!

  • Melissa K. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 29148


    Great customer service! Corey was awesome to set up with and delivery was smooth as can be. This is my 2nd time using zters and i will definitely use again.

  • Katie T. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 54732


    Cindy was a joy to work with. She promptly returned calls, was very professional and knowledgeble. Would highly recommend this company.

  • Kathy M. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 12477


    Driver b. professional, friendly and caring. Great job!

  • Frederick J. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 95973


    We already have it filled. You may pick the dumpster any time you please now & hopefully you can renrt it to someone else, a week early. Fred jackson

  • Scott S. VERIFIED

    15 yard Open Top 30224


    Leah has been the best ever to work with on my request for dumpster drop-off and pick-up. Leah answered every question, explained full process, coordinated, followed up as requested and also returned our calls. It made our project so much easier to fulfill for our clients. A+++!

  • Lauren H. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 62650


    It rained all weekend before it was picked up and we were charged for being over weight. Just wish that had been considered. Otherwise we had a wonderful experience!

  • Shane P. VERIFIED

    25 yard Open Top 97520


    Alex is great, very professional. I plan on using your service more.

  • Rick T. VERIFIED

    15 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 35670


    Very helpful customer service, will definitely use again


    30 yard Open Top 37046


    Great customer service and prompt responses from brandon. There are many choices for dumpster rentals but your customer service level is why i will choose asters again. Thank you!

  • Robin B. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 63048


    So grateful for the excellent service

  • Dave P. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 30633


    Mike s made it simple and quick. He was very friendly and professional.

  • Tony V. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 72076


    Thank you for they way you handle all our emergency needs. Wonderful customer care and support.

  • James A. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 89521


    All aspects from customer service to placement have been great.

  • Orpah C. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 74352


    I was very pleased to get the dumster so fast, the delivery man was great.

  • Margaret G. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 21788


    Quick response time and easy to schedule.

  • Gonzalo V. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 77650


    I'm very satisfied with the service, they deliver on time and answer all my questions, l will use them again.


    20 yard Open Top 49504


    Overall great service from first phone call to final pickup. Highly recommend.

  • Jasmine V. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 65742


    Service requests were always prompt and on time.

  • Lori D. VERIFIED

    15 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 76531


    Exactly what was needed. Terrific sercive!

  • Carin A. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 98042


    Exceptional service. Good value. Overall very easy experience. Thank you!

  • Beverly H. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 29102


    You guys at zters are absolutely the best. Fast response and the greatest customer service i have ever had. The best!

  • Beverly H. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 29102


    Absolutely the best. I wouldn't use anyone else

  • Woody W. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 50677


    Driver was very professional and made sure he parked it in the right place

  • Daniel E. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 32244


    Driver was professional and courteous.

  • Lori H. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 75437


    This was our first time ever having a dumpster delivered. I called the morning of delivery and was given a window for delivery and they arrived within the timeline. The driver was very professional and had a smile on his face. We showed him where we wanted it and he maneuvered it perfectly. Excellent phone service and excellent delivery service.

  • Mike S. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 78639


    Thanks , everything was as stated with no surprises !!

  • Fred W. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 93552


    Yes the porta potty service was excellent. Had a few problems with the homeowners not moving their cars but nothing to do with you guys. Good job! Have another project coming up and i'll be calling you.

  • Randy D. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 15851


    Rep-whitney anderson is the best ,she goes out of her way to get it done for you,i have used their services a few times and have not been disappointed . Highly recommended . Aa++ thank you whitney

  • Brenda E. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;15 yard Open Top 28685


    Great job!

  • Donald P. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 30802


    Service was very timely. Met my expectation for service and price.

  • Linda H. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 78676


    I ordered a dumpster for delivery on 3/27/23; however, it arrived on 3/24/23. No notification or phone call. Does this mean they are picking it up three days early, which does not work for me. I have hired workers to help until 3/4/23. If you pick it up earlier i won't have anyone to help me. I don't want to pay any more either because if your mistake.


    20 yard Open Top 49504


    Very grateful for all of the extra help in planning our first remodel project.

  • Kelly M. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 76020


    Lolo was very helpful on the phone. She needs a raise.

  • Brenda E. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;15 yard Open Top 28685


    Everything worked out great. Thank you!

  • Alonzo T. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 07204


    Fantastic, really appreciate the fast turnaround for delivery!!! My other dumpster co, canceled last minute for our can.. First time i used zters, couldn't have ask for a better interaction thanks again!!

  • David R. VERIFIED

    15 yard Open Top 29341


    Overall a good experience!!

  • Loretta G. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 45356


    Very pleased with the service we received. Thank you.

  • Juan O. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 60088


    Thanks a ton for working within our project's constraints. We're glad that zters can always pull through for us.

  • Randy D. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 46124



  • Damon S. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 60953


    Very nice to deal with.

  • Sandra A. VERIFIED

    40 yard Open Top 77020


    From scheduling drop off to pick up customer service was great. Will definitely use again in future projects.

  • Joseph H. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 47906


    I was pleasantly surprised using a company in texas for a dumpster in indiana in how easy and reliable the service was.

  • Melvin H. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 47960


    Very professional communication. Coronado was 100% excellent with phone communication and setting everything up for us!

  • Melvin H. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 47960


    Everything was perfect from phone set up with coronado, to delivery/placement of the dumpster, to the removal of the dumpster. Would definitely recommend your company to everyone! Thank you for making a difficult job for our family go smoothly.

  • Sharon L. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 72936


    I was pleased with everything.

  • Kevin T. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 35031


    Thank you for the service and the quick delivery thank you for the overall service

  • Terry W. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 35630


    Very helpful

  • Kenneth N. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 50428


    Needed a second dumpster but 20 yards was too much. Went to another company to get a smaller dumpster since 20 yards was the smallest you had

  • Alexis W. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 37203


    I have used your dumpster service multiple times now and it has always been a very easy and simple process. Leah has been amazing to work with. She's very prompt and always available to answer whatever questions i have had.

  • Derek M. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 42127


    Driver was polite and placed exactly where wanted

  • Louann M. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 29707


    Best service ever! The porta potty was cleaned and maintained every week!!

  • Kenneth N. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 50428


    Service was timely and good.

  • Dwight F. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 26836


    You did a great job with customer service and prompt delivery. Thank you

  • Michael F. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 81007


    They were right on time, which doesn't happen to much. he was polite & placed the dumpster right where i needed it.


    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 98012


    Delivery dust as promised

  • Julie C. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 13618


    Amazing from start to finish!! Thank you

  • Elizabeth G. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 17268


    Great service. Very responsive. Rhonda was especially helpful!!

  • Lauryn . VERIFIED

    Multi Project 78801


    Process was easy & communication was great. Would use again. Thank-you!!

  • Jessica H. VERIFIED

    15 yard Open Top 28043


    Unfortunately the rep that emailed my quote went mia after that. I ended up calling and getting to speak to ryan who has gone above and beyond to make sure that things were handled correctly

  • Robert B. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 30286


    Verna was professional and a joy to work with. I wish i had folks like here working on my customer service side of things!

  • Dennis B. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 55379


    Couldnt have been any better!

  • John I. VERIFIED

    15 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 01201


    Great communication, delivered on time.

  • Scott D. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 15238


    Stepanie abrams has been great to work with on our project needs

  • Jody S. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 30642


    Great service from all!

  • Daniel M. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 39666


    Excellent service. Rhonda was very helpful in helping me get everything set up and helping me decide which dumpster i needed. The delivery driver was very professional and was careful about not tearing up the yard. A great job by everyone!

  • Joan G. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 63069


    Drivers were amazing! Extremely good at what they do! The container was, also, great! Unfortunately, it was not big enough! My fault! I now know what a 20 yard container looks like! Hah! We were very pleased with your company. Thank you!

  • Jose B. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 61108


    Fast service, on time and quick removal. Good experience overall.

  • Joan G. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 63069


    Just a heads up when you deliver!

  • Dawn T. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 70057


    Roneshia was wonderful the work with and the delivery spot on! Thank you for helping us on such short notice.

  • Julie C. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 13618


    Wonderful service! The gentleman who helped get everything set up was amazing!!! Was knowledgeable and answered all my questions with ease!! Will definitely be using your services again!!

  • Scott J. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 15243


    On time and handled professionally.

  • Paige D. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 31015


    I was very specific about where i wanted the dumpster. It was to be on the non lake side of the house against the bushes. They backed it up to the lake side of the house and parked it right on top of my water lines in a very wet spot of the property. Hope they can get it out when the time comes.

  • Phyllis C. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 87035


    Except for not notifying me at least 2 hours before they delivered so i could be there as was agreed at rental, everything else was excellent.

  • James H. VERIFIED

    40 yard Open Top 30540


    The dumpster has damage to it so i took pictures so i'm not responsible for that. It a dumpster so there will be damages. Soon as it filled we will order another one when they pick this one up and drop the other one. Thanks for bring it on time.

  • Trisha O. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;15 yard Open Top 02532


    A bit expensive.

  • Aaron B. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 95403


    Always enjoy working with zzters!

  • Racheal S. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 53048


    Very easy to work with. Punctual and professional drivers

  • Christy N. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 29505


    I was scheduled for delivery of dumpster yesterday and charged for yesterday but it didn't even get delivered til 4:00pm and we close and our techs get off work at 5. So they literally got to use it for 1 hour yesterday but that will count towards my 10 days. The lady that set up this dumpster rental asked what our hours of operation were the day she took this order, i just don't think yesterday should be included at my day 1...

  • Daniel M. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 02762


    Dropped dumpster to close to tree so back door could not be opened. Had to to get pick-up trucks to move forward in order to open door.

  • Krysta K. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 15824


    The reps on the phone were very helpful. And the man who delivered the container did an excellent job with placement. Thank you for all the help and i will be telling everyone to use your company in the future.

  • Conner H. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 52531


    Zters was able to provide a dumpster for us in an area no other company was willing to service

  • Chris B. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 77433


    Good job

  • Larry B. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 38834


    Everything went just as we expected. The container was there when it was ordered and removed when promised.

  • Tracy M. VERIFIED

    15 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 45322


    Driver was very courteous n professional. Prompt delivery with notice.

  • Mindy W. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 71291


    Very prompt delivery!

  • Troy M. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 85024


    Christopher oradiegwu is amazing! He is quick to help with our needs and follows up well. 10 stars for chris!!!

  • Dave W. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 22980


    It arrived as scheduledâ—thx


    40 yard Open Top 77418


    The only thing i can complain about is the one day delay on the delivery, everything else was excellent


    10 yard Open Top 07882


    No problems. Everything was as stated it would be.

  • Chava W. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 37214


    Looks great, appreciate the timeliness.

  • Trisha O. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;15 yard Open Top 02532


    Driver was prompt, friendly and delivered with a smile!


    30 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 29607


    The driver was awsome at delivery. He put the dumpster exactly where i needed it to get the job done efficiently.

  • George S. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 78244


    Great customer service always provided by dave for us. We appreciate the relationship with your company

  • Anna P. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 56093


    You guys made it easy to work with you. The customer service person i spoke with was super nice and answered all my questions.


    Multi Project 79720


    Friendly and fast

  • Thomas G. VERIFIED

    15 yard Open Top 21650


    Thank you for working with us on this and for being available on short notice

  • Allen W. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 78028


    Totally satisfied with customer service from begin, and through out extire process. Will recommend your service, and will use it in future endeavors.

  • Tony D. VERIFIED

    40 yard Open Top 66075


    Driver communicated well and placed dumpster in a very accessible location

  • Vince W. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 35146


    My experience with asters has been great. They were very professional and punctual.

  • Brad P. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 33596


    Delivery man did a very good job.

  • Joan S. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 33710


    The gentleman delivering roll off was very pleasant and considering

  • Shawn D. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 73080


    It was placed and delivered exactly where we needed it. Thanks so much.

  • Rufina C. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;15 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 98146


    None......Job well done.

  • Kevin K. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 60152


    The delivery driver did great. It was a narrow street. He got the dumpster in without doing any damage to the grass perfect placement of the dumpster. We weren't there, and he knew exactly where to put it so that we could load it easily.

  • Kevin K. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 60152


    Driver did great, placing a dumpster without doing any damage to the grass. The placement was perfect to make it easy for us to load from the house.

  • Shawn D. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 73080


    It was delivered and put exactly where i needed it. Thank you so much


    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 36032


    Thank you christopher oradiegwu!

  • Gary L. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 55335


    Good work!

  • Colin K. VERIFIED

    40 yard Open Top 90670


    The positioning of the bin could have been better if it was positioned along the fence line rather than backed in so the the doors open against the fence line. I appreciate the driver may not have had appropriate access to do that.

  • Clay C. VERIFIED

    35 yard Open Top 98404


    Driver was cool and did a great job

  • Mike S. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 28205


    Very pleased, would use again

  • Eashmell S. VERIFIED

    15 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 29061


    The delivery was excellent. The driver was very friendly. He also me picked the best spot to put the dumpster for what i am trying to do.

  • Jennifer W. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 65041


    From the initial call to parker, to the drop off with cody forgive me if i didn't remember names exactly everything was beyond my best expectations. Everyone was so helpful and professional. I would give more than 5 stars if possible but will definitely share positive word-of-mouth.

  • Kendra F. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 87124



  • Susan C. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 48632


    You responded faster and more kindly than the others. I chose you because of vanda.

  • Terry M. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 37035


    Customer service was great! Got a call and they fix the issue i had. But the placement turned out to be a good placement, even though it wasn't where i was wanting it. They went above and beyond where others would have left you high and dry. Thank you!

  • Paul H. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 47030


    Arrival was on time.

  • Randy B. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 77358


    Great service thanks!

  • Randy B. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 77358


    Great service thanks!


    20 yard Open Top 49093


    If i could give ziyan and your team a 6, i would. The service and response from your company was exceptional.

  • Karen W. VERIFIED

    12 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 72521


    I have no complaints. From the initial conversation through the dumpster being picked up, it was an excellent experience. We'll call again if and when we need another dumpster

  • Dennis G. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 49073


    Great job

  • Patricia K. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 50701


    All employees are courteous and diligent. When an inquiry is made , you should clarify that the information quoted is not a contract, but simply a quote. Also, clarify that the ordered needs to call back to make a bonding agreement.. This will decrease misunderstanding and

  • Sandra O. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 76053


    Ziyan maknojia was very polite and helpful, excelent customer service.


    20 yard Open Top 30736


    Awesome service all the way around. Highly recommend these nice folks.

  • Shawna L. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 41031


    Great experience. C/s was very helpful and pleasant. Over all great experience!


    20 yard Open Top 61104


    Renee was so helpful even in the midst of our chaos. I can't thank her and the delivery team enough!


    20 yard Open Top 47630


    Professional service was high quality

  • Andrew L. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 95065


    Mike was a pleasure to work with. Very clear communication. 10/10 for mike. deserves a raise

  • Robert K. VERIFIED

    15 yard Open Top 80917


    One of the wheels on the dumpster would not turn. As a result, removal left a wheel-wide scrape the whole length of the driveway. Pretty unsightly. Can anything be done about that?

  • Jeff D. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 04444


    Excellent service every time. I couldn't get things completed without you being part of my team

  • Taylor F. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 27810


    Great experience overall!

  • Patrick G. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 92028


    New driver had a difficult time negotiating are twisting driveway, but was able to maneuver his truck to get our trash bin. He did a great job.


    20 yard Open Top 98310


    First time i have used zzters. I was looking for a new company to use in the bremerton area. Zzters came thru in all areas with flying colors.

  • Stephen B. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 63653


    Delivered when you scheduled to and picked up accordingly. Great!

  • Dennis E. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 48203



  • Rhonda B. VERIFIED

    40 yard Open Top 89441


    Skilled professional driver, who was driving a badass cat truck. Thanks!


    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 97527


    Thanks for the great service

  • Audrey T. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 38106


    I will be using the company again

  • Claudia S. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 04468


    You all were very helpful in the stressful situation of our daughters passing in her sleep! You made it very easy thank you

  • Tonya L. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 35049


    Dumpster was delivered after working hours. The delivery driver was friendly and helped get the dumpster located on property.

  • Keith R. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 85615


    It was delivered at 1:30 pm but was delivered and right to the location we wanted. Thank you, i also spoke to a employee sierra in texas,so kind and professional.!!

  • Robert K. VERIFIED

    15 yard Open Top 80917


    Driver was friendly and helpful. Nice job.

  • Lance M. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 88415


    Excellent service! We will use again


    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 47170


    Great job, prompt. Would definitely use again.

  • Sandy M. VERIFIED

    25 yard Open Top 57025


    Overall i would have given you 10s. Thank you!!!!!!


    20 yard Open Top 58784


    Very happy with your service.

  • Luann P. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 48327


    I am very please with your service

  • Laura C. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 56093


    Dave was super helpful during a very stressful time. He was informative, efficient and empathetic. Great customer service skills.

  • Alan M. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 75025


    Alyssa is great at her job. Great customer service.

  • Kelli W. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 12524


    Tabitha is my go to person, she does a great job!

  • Magedalena C. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 60083


    Great service thank you

  • Lance M. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 88415



  • Sandra H. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 72916


    Leah was very helpful

  • Thomas T. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 80452


    These days, it's nice when someone can actually answer the phone when you call versus having to leave a voicemail. We requested service late on friday for monday morning and they were able to deliver. The delivery was early and faster than expected. We will continue to use zters in the future and would recommend them to you and everyone else as well. Tom custom exteriors

  • Tony V. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 62225


    Cindy mcdonald is a pleasure to work with and pays attention to all the details. Gives tremendous insight and is the main reason i keep coming back. Thank you cindy!

  • Knathan L. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 73505


    Whitney anderson, the sales manager that helped me out was awesome. She has great communication skills and very was very attentive throughout the whole process. She even called me after she was clocked out for the day to tell me my dumpster would be arriving on the first so that i would not have to wait another night wondering if i had the dumpster i need to clear my mother's who recently passed away property. The delivery driver was also great, he contact me before delivery to make sure it was placed where i wanted. I couldn't be there to accept delivery, but was placed exactly as specified. Also got upgraded to a 30 yard dumpster since there were no 20s available. Overall a great experience so far!

  • Jennene A. VERIFIED

    35 yard Open Top 98201


    Really appreciated the fast delivery and removal even with the weather being so bad!!

  • Ramon R. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 63823


    I couldn't be more happy with service after the setup call dumpsters were there 1st thing in the morning the next day and calling to get dumpsters removed was even faster even with thanksgiving being in that week . if i need this service i will be calling y'all back and referring y'all to everyone i know that needs this kind of service

  • Tony M. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 87508


    Great customer service! Great communication! Superb delivery on time!

  • Kelli W. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 12524


    Tabitha walker is great to work with. She is now my go to for projects i have all across the eastern us

  • Cynthia B. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 93620


    Deena is awesome!!! Used your service last year the customer service was awesome that is why i came back this year. Thanks deena for all your help. See you next year!!


    10 yard Open Top 46311


    Got quote late in the afternoon and delivery made early next morning. Awesome

  • Mike W. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 28791


    The delivery window of 6am- 5pm was difficult for us. Wish we could've had a â“windowâ” of several hours or at least a call before the driver was delivering. I called at 9am the day of delivery asking for this window, no one ever called back. The driver was fantastic and a good operator .got the dumpster exactly where we needed it!!

  • Ramon R. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 63823


    Fast and great service

  • Cindy F. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 54911


    The women i talked to while going thru this process, were very helpful and just nice , the delivery was excellent, they out it right where we wanted it and came and took it away when we called to say we done. I would use them again if needed and recommend any one who wants great customer service and also they were the very best price at the time we got ours. Again, very pleased. Thank you.

  • Judy M. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 23901


    Small but important complaint. I ordered a20 yd. container but got a 30 yd.i'm only being charged for a 20 yd., that's not the issue. It's so much taller it will be difficult to load some items.

  • Randall J. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 72734


    Done a great job

  • Phillip J. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 65616


    Time of drop date and removal date were critical in this situation. all worked as promised.

  • Marc F. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 37743


    Well done all around. I will be working with y'all again.

  • Gene L. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 21221


    Keep up the good work

  • Cornel G. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 37381


    Great job...

  • Gary D. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 75572


    The dumpster was in my driveway by 7am. The driver was friendly and professional, negotiating a tight and challenging driveway to get it placed exactly where i wanted it. I couldn't be more satisfied.

  • Brandi N. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 76458


    Super fast delivery and great customer service.

  • Patricia G. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 15928


    Receptionist was very accommodating and was very attenuative to the details we needed. The delivery driver was super nice and ensured we were happy with the process. Very happy customer.

  • Erik F. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 48768


    Fast and easy junk removal for a reasonable price. Perfect.

  • Lori G. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 01879


    Everyone was very efficient and pleasant to work with. Will use again for sure.

  • Jackie b. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 23398


    This was my second dumpster delivered for a large home clean out . When i called for this second dumpster asking if it could be delivered same day the person on the phone went beyond making this happen. Great service.

  • Jeff C. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 33873


    Your delivery man had no problem putting it close to my deck

  • Randall J. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 72734


    Everyone was very helpful and very courteous great job

  • Serretta A. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 75103


    Very pleased with corey assisting me. Very helpful and courteous.

  • Lisa// R. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 53821


    It was a pleasure working with you. Everyone was very helpful when i had question, prompt and professional. I will definitely keep you in mind if i need products and services again.

  • Carol L. VERIFIED

    12 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 33884


    Great service! Thank you so much!

  • Steve B. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 53923


    Dylan was a great person and handled everything for me quickly and without any problems. The price was great as compared to other companies. Thank you for your service

  • David P. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 63023


    I was impress with the delivery time. Which is what i needed to work with the weather.your prices was higher than those i had inquired with other competitors.if prices were more in line with competition serve you would be a perfect supplier. David peters

  • David P. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 63023


    I was impress with the delivery time. Which is what i needed to work with the weather.your prices was higher than those i had inquired with other competitors.if prices were more in line with competition service you would be a perfect supplier. David peters

  • Lisa L. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 60099


    Delivery has not been made as of 6:52 am on 11/8/22. Funny to get an e-mail that states it was!


    20 yard Open Top 87083


    Quick and easy rental for a last minute project. Friendly driver. competitive prices. Made the project simple.

  • Cesar S. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 18424


    Good service customer service also friendly

  • Kelly C. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 28216


    Loved working with you guys. Your delivery person was very personable and cheerful, and great to work with.

  • Karen W. VERIFIED

    12 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 72521


    It has been a pleasure to work with your company thus far. Liz was great; understood my needs and was professional through out the process. The driver arrived on schedule and was courteous and called me so i could confirm that location i wanted the dumpster. Thank you!

  • Jeff D. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 79830


    No delivery was made

  • Daragh G. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 80249


    We had a gated facility and it was very difficult to schedule pickup and drop off

  • Eileen P. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 02148


    The dumpster was delivered with no hassle. Right on time. Zters made this very easy process

  • Jeff D. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 04401


    The girls in the office are doing a great job very helpful thank you

  • Eric L. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 16148


    I had a lot of issues with scheduling. I was to have a dumpster delivered on friday and because of a clerical error it was not delivered and i had to call and find it and earliest i could get it was monday. Pickup was to be on a friday i expected it to be before noon and didn't end up getting removed til after 3. I lost 5 days of working because of scheduling issues. Customer support and the delivery driver was excellent tho and no issues with either it was just scheduling that was the nightmare.

  • William C. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 23325


    You guys are great its like dealing with people i've known all my life. Thanks again

  • Cheryl B. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 53158


    Great service. Early delivery and seamless pickup. Thank you!

  • Sandy F. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 53533


    Jasmine was so very helpful getting everything set up and following up when i had questions. The driver was also great and reached out 30 minutes prior to delivery and was right on time. So appreciate the great customer service!

  • Jackie P. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 98662


    Silvia gonzales is excellent with all aspects of customer service!

  • Myra V. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 37865


    We appreciate all the help and consideration of your staff, especially stanley, who checked back with us to make sure we had what we needed. Thank you

  • Danielle L. VERIFIED

    40 yard Open Top 79927


    Derek my rep and robert the delivery person both were professional and great!

  • Leslie H. VERIFIED

    12 yard Open Top 56303


    You folks are easy to work with thank you

  • Mike A. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 27839


    I'm very grateful for having parker poole as my rep

  • Jerry W. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 42330


    Really easy transaction, everything was just as they stated.

  • Carol S. VERIFIED

    15 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 26764


    I was pleased with the overall service. The dumpster did not arrive until 4pm which was ok, but i was getting worried and called to get an approximate time of arrival. They told me it would be there before 3. I understand the later arrival though, that area is not a good place to drag a huge dumpster. Thank you for your service. I will definitely use this company for future business.

  • Laura T. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 60970


    The customer service i've gotten from zters has been consistently excellent. It is easy to get derek on the phone and he's been able to deliver what we needed and at a very competitive price. The delivery driver who brought our 30 yd. dumpster this time was amazing! He maneuvered a large dumpster into a very tricky space like a true pro! Thanks!


    30 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 62479


    Dumpster was dropped in a perfect location. Only one concern was with the condition of the dumpster. There were a couple holes where garbage escaped; nothing huge though and absolutely not a game changer. Overall, our experience has been fantastic!

  • Alina D. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 87124


    I was very happy with how professional queentinette took care of me i came from out of state to help my uncle clean the house and his garage since he is unable to to it by himself and needed a dumpster asap since i only had a wk to complete the task she was very sympathetic and understood my situation and i was able to get it the very next day which made me super happy and gave me peace of mind if i ever need the service i will definitely rent from you again , i highly recommend it!!

  • Aaron C. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 98022


    Product condition was not that great. Also the dumpster was located in the wrong place.

  • Lenecia L. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 19082


    Great job....thank you~

  • Richard L. VERIFIED

    15 yard Open Top 85718


    Driver was courteous, knowledgeable, and efficient.

  • Lisa C. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 36792


    Very easy to work with! Thank you!

  • Dale V. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 46410


    Customer service was excellent, everything happened just like they said it would, very satisfied so far

  • Becky V. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 75931


    Very satisfied prompt courtesy service

  • Gary W. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 03048


    Delivered on time and very helpful with placement


    30 yard Open Top 21921


    Great service thank you! Everything was exceptional. Thanks again.

  • Elizabeth C. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 42071


    Zter's is an excellent company to work with, this is my second time to use your service., and will use you again if i need a dumpster.

  • Robert W. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 30281


    Driver is very good in dealing with your customers. Very nice young man.

  • Lauren I. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 55038


    Great delivery. Nice guy.

  • Stephen F. VERIFIED

    15 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 29555


    Just what i needed, very timely, driver was courteous and professional. Pleasure working with him

  • Gary E. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;25 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 92345


    Sylvia was very nice and showed a lot of patience and answered all my questions and concerns.


    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 17751


    Ashley was great. Got my pick ups on time and to my satisfaction.

  • Wolfgang V. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 49777


    Perfect. Great delivery driver, dumpster placed perfectly. Customer service was outstanding.

  • Linda O. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 13733


    Very helpful and friendly

  • Wayne W. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 39440


    Awesome customer service and delivery

  • Daren L. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 56378


    Thank you for helping my project go smooth!

  • Chelsie J. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 67063


    Thank you so much!!

  • Kyle J. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 78113


    It would be nice to be able to schedule an exact time for delivery or know the time of delivery at least a day in advance.

  • John F. VERIFIED

    15 yard Open Top 08226


    Brandon did a great job.

  • Danielle M. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 12553


    Wrong size dumpster delivered ordered a 20 yard a 10 yard was delivered


    40 yard Open Top 86444


    Shay was vey professional and helpful

  • Bobbi A. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 57072


    Fantastic service, excellent customer care.

  • Diane G. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 62275


    Deanna is awesome to work with. And the delivery man was a sweet person to talk to


    10 yard Open Top 01930


    The dumpster that got delivered here was filled with holes. Because we needed it for a roofing job it was not at all ideal. We ended up buying a large thick tarp and lining the bottom with it. The dumpster is right were we normally park cars. Any of the nails that were removed with the old roof could have easily ended up stuck in any of our cars. My contractor asked the gentleman,who delivered the dumpster, if he had a tarp or something to line it and he cynically replied ya. He then got in the truck , released the dumpster, and drove away. His customer service was garbage!! The gentleman i spoke to on the, the salesman, was very polite and courteous. I really got a nice impression from him. I do feel that we should at least get a discount on this dumpster. I'm friends with the ladies that own â“coxco dumpstersâ” & in the future would only go to them, if there won't be any discounts. I'm not one for doing surveys, like this, but feel you should definitely get this feedback to help improve your business.

  • Peggy W. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 63090


    You guys were amazing! We will definitely recommend you in the future!

  • Britany G. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 73772


    Early and considerate of our property.

  • John F. VERIFIED

    15 yard Open Top 08226


    Brandon was great! He helped make my project a success.

  • Roxanne C. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 16222


    I was very impressed because some people have a hard time finding my home. The driver was extremely competent and he arrived before lunch just as you said he would. He was friendly pleasant and didn't mind working to get the dumpster in exactly the place i wanted without any drama. The dumpster itself is in excellent condition and if i ever had to do this again i would call you again.

  • Cindy H. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 30328


    Very happy with the delivery time, placement, and careful attention to not dinging my driveway by dropping the container. I've already recommended your services to two friends locally. Thank you!

  • David V. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 37641


    On time service. Easy to work with.

  • Matthew M. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 72916


    Delivery was late, but partial refund made it good

  • Keith M. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 54479


    Dumpster was delivered on time and exactly where we needed it to be placed. Cory did a great job ensuring everything went smoothly.

  • Richard C. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 68004


    Great. Service. Thanks

  • Kathleen P. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 46947


    Customer service was great. The delivery was smooth. The dumpster is well used and dinged up but ok. Overall, the delivery was smooth.

  • Eric C. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;12 yard Open Top 18301



  • Jose G. VERIFIED

    12 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 28034


    Truck driver shows up on site at 3:00 pm. I had my workers standing by waiting for the dumpster.

  • James A. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 89521


    Everything has been as it should be.

  • Alice A. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 17737


    Should i need a dumpster in the future i'll be calling your business. Thank you.

  • Ashley P. VERIFIED

    15 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 29501


    My dumpster has yet to be delivered. It waa supposed to be brought out yesterday. But they said they were backed up and it would be today. I still haven't seen it brought out yet

  • Clint S. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 78956


    Great so far i think we will have to keep it passed the 10 days

  • Jesse S. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 32963


    Great job again


    20 yard Open Top 65714


    The driver was good at the placement of the dumpster. He got it just were i asked. He's was very professional at his job

  • Pamela L. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 53092


    Ashley stahlman was excellent to work with and helped me to get the correct size for my job to clean out full house. Always answers all my concerns, quick! Ashley is great asset to your company! Sincerely, pamela lucas


    20 yard Open Top 68506


    Thank you for the quick delivery!

  • James F. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 68701


    Very helpful

  • Deanna H. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 44820


    The person who delivered the dumpster was very nice and helpful as was christian at zters! They both made this very easy for me which is greatly appreciated.

  • James H. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 62914


    Great customer service. We had some miscommunication on our end and they were able to work with us to get our situation resolved in a timely manner. Thank you so much.


    30 yard Open Top 28571


    Great customer service including follow-up and responsiveness!

  • Scott J. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 95603


    Would definitely recommend. Super helpful and friendly customer service representatives.

  • Stacey E. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 97023


    It was the cleanest portable toilet i have ever seen.

  • Faye L. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 20115


    All went well. Driver exceptional.

  • Rick W. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 01803


    Everything worked out from the phone call to delivery.

  • Julie R. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 02664


    Easiest process ever

  • Bonnie P. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 34243


    The driver called me before delivery and we had someone there to sign. Very professional and kind. Friendly, too.

  • Jerri J. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 37821


    Easy to order and very helpful, and they will return phone calls !!When you have a question. Great service


    30 yard Open Top 99019


    Jessica arnold was very extremely helpful and prompt! Shellie williams was also a great help too! Will use you guys again for sure!

  • Maria T. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 03811


    We were very specific about placement of the porta potty and it was done perfectly.

  • Michelle C. VERIFIED

    40 yard Open Top 76705


    Delivery didn't happen on scheduled day. No one called the onsite contact or us as the client. We had a crew of men sitting around all day waiting for the dumpsters. Without dumpsters they can't start working. Thanks for adding a wasted day of wages and no work to our company.

  • Diana G. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 72740


    We are in a very remote location. I was worried about the dumpster delivery getting there ok. Fatima in your customer service was amazing to work with, extremely polite, great communicator, great follow up. Totally on top of everything. A++ give the girl a raise. Thanks for having availability when no one else in nw arkansas does!

  • Betty C. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 04360


    Happy with delivery, followed instructions, professional, well done

  • Lorie . VERIFIED

    40 yard Open Top 78011


    It was easy and delivered as promised. Thank you

  • Michael D. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 29824


    Thanks and i really needed some trash service on this job.

  • Beau M. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 77375


    Excellent service thanks beau

  • Sara P. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 62854


    Dave answered all of my questions and did a great job of setting up this service. Thank you! Sara powless

  • Roger H. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 01255


    Disappointed that the 30 yard dumpster was not the lower one this is got tall walls hard to put stuff in


    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 77064


    Liz was so nice. I was dealing with the loss of a family member 1500 miles away and she helped me tremendously. The guys dropping off and picking up were kind and very understanding of my situation. Zters is a place you can trust and their employees are all first class. My family and i thank you!


    20 yard Open Top 23901



  • Leah J. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 64670


    Dumpster was delivered earlier than i expected which was great! Driver was very polite. Nice service!!!!

  • Thomas J. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 81133


    On time -- delivery instructions followed perfectly

  • Jerry P. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 55302


    I couldn't be home for dumpster delivery but a call fixed it all! Dumpster was exactly where i wanted it, thank you!

  • Michael D. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 29824


    A good company man was the driver. he was great!

  • David L. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 38871


    Very good service

  • Roxanne M. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 72801


    Was great on time very friendly


    20 yard Open Top 28607


    Shelby cr was great to work with and delivered much earlier than expected. Keith driver was very nice and was able to drop the dumpster exactly where i asked


    Multi Project 46161


    My experience was great. Parker was extremely helpful and was able to help me out sooner than i expected. Madison was also very helpful. Our company will definitely use zters again!!!

  • Patricia A. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 88081


    I was pleased with the courtesy and helpfulness of the delivery person. Thank you.

  • Kama E. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 98346


    It was easy to book this is had a person to call for questions who called me right back with answers . I appreciate the call back with answers to my questions and i even was told they would deliver a dumpster between 930 and 1130 and they were right in between..

  • Gabe B. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 72762


    Everything went on schedule and as expected.

  • Connie w. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 75494


    Vanda was very helpful and courtesy, was very comfortable speaking with her and she was very responsive to my calls and emails. Recommend her very highly a+ customer service, and that is a rarity in this day and time. The dumpster delivery service was courtesy and helpful with the placement of dumpster and responding to our questions. Highly recommend a+ service. Thanks connie & woody

  • Sherri F. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 42413


    Off to a rocky start but overall great service. I would for sure use them again!! Thank you an awesome job.

  • Steve J. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 73036


    Personable, helpful

  • Katherine H. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 04605


    I would use this service again.

  • Bill J. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 45732


    Thank you very much.

  • Steve L. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 75090


    The dumpster should have been dropped off on the gravel drive closer to the house where it is flat rather than the street. The location on the street allows others free usage to it and can drop whatever they want into it putting the bill on me. Also, there was already items in the dumpster before i used it, either from someone in the neighborhood or already in the unit at drop off.

  • Greg C. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 84094


    Delivered when promised.

  • Bryan P. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 25285


    Dumpster had a large hole in floor and some trash in it upon delivery

  • Kathy F. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 73012


    Good service thus far, good phone service with cornado

  • Sharon N. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 92372


    Customer service was great. The issue i had was with execution. Requested delivery to be on 6/23. When i called to confirm delivery time, no delivery was scheduled according to dispatch. The customer service rep scrambled to get one on the books that day or the next. There was nothing available so managed to reschedule for delivery on 6/27. I had received a confirmation email few days prior to 6/23, but guess that doesn't actually mean delivery is confirmed.

  • Crystal W. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 34222


    Great customer service!!

  • Claudia D. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 37023


    Thank you for your fast delivery. Everything is perfect

  • Blake L. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 77355


    Everyone i dealt with did fantastic jobs and were very polite & friendly.

  • Dana H. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 97498


    Driver was extremely helpful ... absolutely no issues. wish all service providers were this efficient and courteous.

  • Lori D. VERIFIED

    40 yard Open Top 75061


    Driver was late. They tracked him down and coordinated and communicated with me.

  • Roland N. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 78623


    Very professional, very courteous and helpful customer service.

  • Dorie C. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 17921


    Delivery driver was top notch!! He gets 5 gold stars!! Dumpster was clean : no warm smells lol thank you so much!!

  • Roger S. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 54208


    Delivery was perfect. Very pleased with placement.

  • Carla K. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 62675


    This company did a great job at locating a roll off bin for me after telling me the bin i had reserved was no longer available. Thank you for your efforts, cindy.

  • David G. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 78164


    Very professional

  • Greg A. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 74884


    Crystal was excellent in getting things scheduled properly. Let's give her a 10!

  • Kevin G. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 26559


    You all did a fine job!


    20 yard Open Top 29032


    Driver very pleasant to work with

  • Sarah E. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 28027


    Prompt delivery.

  • Lalena S. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 58801


    Received a metal only dumpster for some reason but it was quickly remedied by the driver.

  • Ellen H. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 26270


    Everything on delivery was great

  • Dorthy D. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 43469


    I was very happy with the drop off service. The driver was very nice and considerate.

  • Robert M. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 13864


    Easy to work with. fast service. polite driver .

  • Cathy T. VERIFIED

    15 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 29379


    I have loved dealing with crystal. She is so helpful and pleasant. The lead man on our job texted me yesterday and said "" i like this zters company for dumpsters!"" Thank you for the great service you provide. Cathy

  • Debra B. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 46341


    Very friendly and professional service! Was able to get the dumpster to my house the next day!

  • Albert H. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 30473


    Travis was excellent. The address was hard to find, but he found us. A very nice guy! Such a pleasant experience. Thank you!!

  • Rebecca C. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 87031


    The delivery was fast, customer service was great, friendly, and always answered and called back promptly. Andrea was resourceful, and mike, i think, was humble and kind in letting me know delivery was late and that we wouldnt be charge for the extra time/days the dumpster had to sit til it could be picked up. They might have missed a small detail of contact persons number and the request for a change of contact person, but it worked itself out. Pickup was delayed, but everything else was efficient and no damage to fences or property, so that is good!

  • Robert H. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 98632


    I have been treated well. Could not be happier.

  • Dwaine B. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 77701


    The container doesn't close at the back and a strap was used to secure the door. This left a gap where debris can escape from. Other than that the placement was great.

  • David M. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 86327


    Staff were great. Only issue was delivery was one day later than original scheduled. But staff i spoke with as well as the staff that actually delivered the bin were very professional and courteous.

  • Jolie P. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 77328


    The delivery driver was absolutely amazing and extremely helpful. I wish i knew his name. Zters is my main choice every time i need a dumpster. Thank you zters for everything!

  • Richard M. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 78133


    Everything went smoothly,destini was the best!


    40 yard Open Top 97055


    My salesman went over and above to make sure our equipment and customer service was as good as possible thank you steven for a job well done joe hatfield


    Multi Project 77356


    Great account set-up, pre-delivery on day of communication superb experience.

  • Laurie L. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 80751


    Friendly, great communication and such a help!

  • Edward G. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 48071


    Everything as expected

  • Audrey G. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 20187


    Very friendly and knew what she was doing. Nice employee.

  • Deborah S. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 35470


    Great experience all the way! Thank you!

  • John D. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 68959


    Dumpster was originally scheduled to arrive on 4/21. I was informed mid-afternoon if 4/21 that it would not be delivered that day. Delivery was rescheduled to 4/25. Delivery occurred that day. Driver was very nice and made sure that dumpster was placed where we wanted it.

  • Gina C. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 72758


    Driver was super nice but position of dumpster is not quite far enough back and is partially blocking drive but will make the best of it. Thank you again for such quick delivery.

  • Greg N. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 95677


    Put right where i wanted it. Well call when ready for pick-up. Thank you.

  • Kelly C. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 98274


    Delivery was on time and the driver was very nice and made sure the container was placed exactly where we wanted it. We ordered a 20 yd dumpster, but they provided a 30 yd dumpster because they were out of 20 yd. It worked out perfect as we needed a bit bigger one. Customer service was excellent. I would contact zeters again for any future jobs. Happy customer. Kelly

  • Mark F. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 37771


    Very smooth delivery thanks

  • Neil C. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 75480


    Excellent service and quick responses to my requests, thank you.

  • Larry B. VERIFIED

    40 yard Open Top 85712


    Give stormi a raise..................

  • Robert G. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;15 yard Open Top 04609


    Delivered on date as promised; driver was friendly and helpful; everything proceeded smoothly.

  • Debra P. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 23043


    Delivered when expected and picked up when expected. Customer service was great. Sam made it simple and came up with a plan. Much appreciated!

  • Robert S. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 67042


    Customer service was superior. Clarissa was very helpful!

  • Robert M. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 98360



  • Scott T. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 46220


    Nice people to deal with

  • Holly P. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 48836


    The price of the 20 yard dumpster for you was $480 and we were charged $615. It is quite a large mark up. Everyone on the phone and the delivery person were very nice.

  • Chad C. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 71360


    The dumpster had two large holes in the floor at the gate. Also the gate latch was tore up making difficult to open. Other than that i am very pleased with the service. Will definitely recommend.


    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 73507


    Crystal was fantastic. Delivery was at end of day - was expecting it by noon or shortly thereafter. Otherwise, everything went well.

  • Michael S. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 90277


    Derek is great to work with.

  • Johnnie H. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 23072


    Renting unit was quick an easy. Delivery was timely. Super friendly and professional

  • Marc W. VERIFIED

    40 yard Open Top 79904


    Brooklyn ; was extremely helpful and knew i needed the dumpster delivered the next day. She made it happen, was helpful and professional. The dumpster was delivered on friday. Just not sure of pick up. I will call tomorrow since it is easter sunday.


    30 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 65739


    Great. Driver called in advance to say he was coming and worked with us to place the dumpster in a location that was best for the circumstances.

  • Betty L. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 62221


    Customer service rep 5 delivery person 5


    10 yard Open Top 87508


    Thanks and good job!

  • Jennifer S. VERIFIED

    40 yard Open Top 91905


    Thank you very much

  • Donna F. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 31008


    Overall great - not having an estimated delivery of unit was a challenge

  • Debi D. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 35674


    There was a bit of confusion on the delivery date. I spoke with david and he did an exception job at clarifying the situation. Definitely an asset to your company. Delivery man i’m sorry i don’t remember his name informed me when delivery was completed and was very kind. Happy that i chose your company because of the people i’ve mentioned.

  • Charles S. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 28119


    Thank you for your prompt and courteous service.

  • Bruce X. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 97229


    Driver was very helpful and understanding in positioning the dumpster under tight conditions.

  • Melinda A. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 30512


    Chris was very skillful and very amicable. He went above and beyond in making sure the dumpster was placed where it would be the most convenient for me. Great job!

  • Patrick N. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 25559


    I was expecting a phone call before the driver left with the container so i was not prepared when he got here. He stated that he did not have anything on his paperwork to phone prior to leaving. I was hoping to have the dumpster closer to the house; but the driver clearly explained that he needed a straight line to drop the container onto the pad. Since there is an island with trees & shrubs his placement of the container was the best place. The driver was very courteous and professional.

  • Lara S. VERIFIED

    15 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 29563


    Thomas was wonderful


    40 yard Open Top 95828


    They were very professional & courteous, placed bin exactly where needed, overall a great experience, my co will definitely be using them continuously.

  • Gary C. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 28146



  • Dana L. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 70806


    I was very pleased with speed of delivery and the professionalism of rogelio.

  • Lyle . VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 84065


    Service was great, delivered on time and placed were i had specified

  • Rayan S. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 76051


    Thank you for your service

  • Miranda W. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 78028


    Quentinette odom was super polite and friendly. She was very knowledgeable about the service and was more then happy to help and recommend what was best for us.

  • John A. VERIFIED

    40 yard Open Top 77511


    Great customer service , both phone operators where knowledgeable and help full in helping decide what size container i needed. the driver call in advance and place the container where it would be easily accessible.


    20 yard Open Top 78006


    Patty was so nice. I had other offers but went with you because of her. She was a pleasure. You should give her a big raise. Also the gentleman that delivered the dumpster was so nice. He is an excellent representative. I would recommend your service to everyone

  • Walt L. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 94040


    Other than customer services, the agreement for a dumpster was a nightmare, expensive delays that put me 2-3 days behind my schedule that was given at start, pre-supply t visit driver verified as no issues but report next day claimed issues and canceled m deliver at the last minute. I was forced to do it my sef because time was out. Then they called and said they would be on-site in ten minutes that was after my equipment was on the way to the site, when they arrived it was to large of a truck for the area. very bad deal and organizational local end.

  • Bobby E. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;15 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 76020


    Ashley did a splendid job

  • Marylen K. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 95380


    All representatives i spoke with were knowledgeable, helpful and courteous. Delivery was prompt and in the morning, as requested. Price for rental was comparatively reasonable.

  • Penny C. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 42431


    So far so good! Thank you!

  • Donna K. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 98611


    I really appreciate the kindness and patience of the woman who fielded my call. I was certain of a delivery date of march 24th, later figured out i was wrong, but i was pretty adamant with her. I apologize for my , ""no, no, no, no, no."" thank you, donna knudson

  • Rosella J. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 54801


    Dumpster was delivered on time and at the right place on the driveway


    15 yard Open Top 61356


    The dumpster will be ready for pick up on friday, 04/01/22.


    30 yard Open Top 62704


    The guy delivering the dumpster was very courteous and made sure it was placed exactly where i wanted it. When the dumpster is picked up, please check that i shut the door properly. Thanks.

  • Bobbie S. VERIFIED

    40 yard Open Top 23605


    Thanks you so much for your prompt service. We are most grateful for everything steven did to make our job in virginia so much easier. Thanks again bobbie

  • Tammy G. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;15 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 12870


    Your customer service representative ashley was so very helpful and professional. The delivery was amazingly punctual! The driver was great!

  • Sylvia P. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 89040


    Excellent customer service and on time delivery!!!!

  • Arturo J. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 20132


    Good service i appreciate it thanks.

  • Elizabeth C. VERIFIED

    40 yard Open Top 35020


    The dumpster isn't here.

  • Lisa B. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;25 yard Open Top 93063


    Dropped carefully in the space designated.

  • Charles L. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 97424


    Chris is great with communication, customer service extremely friendly, great experience.

  • Bernie E. VERIFIED

    12 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 77554


    My communication with jaime from the start was great!

  • Edwin R. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 97530


    My original order of a twenty yard dumpster wouldn't work because the truck couldn't get it in there. Fortunately the scout who came out in advance made that determination and we got it switched to two 10 yard dumpsters. They made the correction and still got them out on time. Well done and thank you!

  • Micheal C. VERIFIED

    15 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 85901


    Delivered on time and placed correctly according to our instructions.


    30 yard Open Top 02790


    Great service


    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 62040


    Person who took the order was very helpful. Delivery on time and placed correctly. Thank you

  • Raul . VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 90604


    Great job, on the delivery and the pick up.

  • Jerry F. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 22514


    Said they would arrive in the afternoon, arrived around 10:00 am

  • Phillip S. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 79735


    Roll off dumpster did not arrive at site


    10 yard Open Top 43050


    Nice courteous friendly driver. had no problem backing in my curvy driveway and placing dumpster right where we wanted it

  • Rhonda G. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 78155


    Surveyor was great! Professional and got the job done. He is a great asset to your company.

  • Penny F. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 98323


    Great for cleaning out a basement and a garage!

  • Susan C. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 79109


    Customer service was good! Product not delivered.

  • Krys B. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 53094


    We were very pleased at the prompt service we received.

  • Larry R. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 93551


    Please remove container , no return

  • Thomas D. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 70506


    Driver was friendly, efficient, and put the container right where i wanted it.

  • Terry . VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 62074


    Wish all contacts went as smooth and were as professional and efficient as as your company. From my first call with christopher to the delivery driver all was very easy. Thank you!

  • Esmeralda C. VERIFIED

    15 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 78211


    Great communication


    20 yard Open Top 32062


    Everything has gone great so far.

  • Tara G. VERIFIED

    40 yard Open Top 78013


    Thank you so much! The delivery driver was friendly and professional! Great experience!

  • Robin H. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 51503


    The cost is high compared to our local services that charge closer to $300, but delivery and customer service were perfect.

  • Grant H. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 77389


    Excellent service and delivery. Prompt and great communication.

  • Charles S. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 48441


    Arrived 6 days earlier then contract date.

  • Timothy C. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 94549


    Very happy with your service so far.


    40 yard Open Top 10580


    Good service


    40 yard Open Top 10580


    On time in proper condition

  • Gerald L. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 76854


    The delivery was on time and the driver was very courteous and friendly.

  • Daron G. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 06796


    I would highly recommend this company to anyone

  • Richard Y. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 32053


    They got me what i needed promptly and were very easy to work with.


    30 yard Open Top 32465


    Excellent customer service. Very knowledgeable. Would definitely recommend this company.

  • Brian M. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 78640


    Great communication with destiny taking my reservation and letting the driver know exactly where dumpster was to be placed. Driver placed dumpster in perfect spot. Great service!!

  • David H. VERIFIED

    15 yard Open Top 03909


    Everyone was friendly and helpful

  • Janine A. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 34972


    Delivered exactly how we wanted it to be

  • Doug R. VERIFIED

    40 yard Open Top 93510


    Driver was on time and very courteous

  • Lanaia L. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 95838


    Thank you for providing great service. I really appreciate your business.

  • Paul B. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 31324


    My dumpster has not been delivered yet! He told me it would be friday today but i'm here now waiting for it, but i haven't heard anything or seen no one yet!

  • John M. VERIFIED

    40 yard Open Top 35971


    Great job of delivery by the driver considering the weather conditions

  • Evon K. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 28904


    Im very impressed with the professionalism of zters.

  • William M. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 32962


    Walter was very courteous and a great help. Thank you !

  • Debi O. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 78606


    Did a great job of placement and were easy to work with.

  • Kathy R. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 95681


    The prices are very reasonable and the people i spoke to were very helpful and friendly, i would definitely use them again and would definitely recommend them.

  • Jeff S. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 30519


    Did great was there when you said you would be and the driver even helped me with my plywood.


    20 yard Open Top 88011


    My apologies on the delayed response. The team was awesome to work with; from the first scheduling to the delivery and the updates - the team went on and above to make this project a success.

  • Roxanna B. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 90631


    Drop off was great, afternoon as requested. Driver was very professional

  • Debra J. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 92308


    Delivered on time and easy to access driver checked with me for placement

  • Goerge T. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 25411


    The driver answered all questions and was knowledgeable in the area’s questioned about.

  • Sheila P. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 54157


    Very polite knew what he was doing had a perfect drop off hats off to the driver. The phone service was the same very polite was able to meet my needs excellent service all around will definitely be recommending you guys !!

  • Bill M. VERIFIED

    40 yard Open Top 56003


    Driver placed the dumpster perfectly!

  • Lorie R. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 77356


    Crystal is fabulous to work with - very responsive! When there has been a slight issue with the porta potty, she was very proactive and attentive to resolving the issue quickly. She deserves a bonus and promotion because she is the main reason i have been with y'all so long.

  • Kathy A. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 92065


    Placement exactly where requested. Thanks.

  • Mike C. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 99201


    Thank u. And stephanie has excellent customer service


    20 yard Open Top 03904


    So far so good

  • Dave N. VERIFIED

    40 yard Open Top 77320


    The driver was a true professional and was very helpful.

  • Carla B. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 77979


    Customer service when calling was very professional. Drop off driver very nice. An hour late but no fault of his. Fog in the area. I gave a 4 for overall because i felt a call should have been made saying you would be late. But i've been in management for years and sometimes just not possible. Thank you.


    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 93619


    Driver was patient, friendly, & accommodating under challenging circumstances!

  • Patsy T. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 27932


    The driver placed the container right on the exact spot

  • dennise . VERIFIED

    15 yard Open Top 35206


    Last minute call, customer service person was awesome! And on time the next day.

  • Keith O. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 95003


    Driver was very helpful and courteous

  • Jessica B. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 10901


    My representative jordan was always responsive, friendly willing and able to answer all questions and resolve all issues as they came up. We will use your company again.

  • Pepper S. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 32259


    Well it would of been a 5 but you delivered our !St dumpster a day late.

  • Philippe T. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 49740


    Only one issue the delivery was to let on the day. The dumpster arrived at 3:45 pm on the job site.

  • Eric V. VERIFIED

    15 yard Open Top 74114


    This was a residential delivery for a non-construction project and my first time ordering a dumpster. I had no expectations, but melanie made this not only a painless experience but went above and beyond to fulfill my short notice requirement. A dumpster ws delivered in less than 2 hours. I would not bother to quote anyone else based on this experince.


    Multi Project 77474


    Delivery was on time and exactly what we ordered.

  • Christo V. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 85254


    Brian was unbelievably attentive. Called my cell. Left a message. Knocked on front door. Provided 4 pictures of location where he left 20yd bin. Friendly, courteous, sincere. I shared the experience with our president of our company division as well as our ceo. We are a software/hardware company with clients throughout united states and the service i received from brian is what we at our company call the ""wow factor"".

  • Warren H. VERIFIED

    40 yard Open Top 77078


    Dereck - super customer service...

  • Carol C. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 78834


    I was especially impressed with your dispatcher lynn, she was smart, courteous and did exactly what she said she would! She is the first from half a dozen companies i notified. Your driver was excellent, careful and kind, thank you so much.

  • Christine R. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 02067


    Communications between headquarters and the local dumpster delivery service was spotty but matt was very responsive, helpful, and professional!

  • Bruce B. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 17233


    Driver was very nice

  • Alton F. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 73018


    Everything is great. It was placed exactly where it was requested.

  • Mark B. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 77554


    You are sending these before delivery was made.

  • Stan M. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 03079


    Delivery went great. But dumper was to small and couldn’t complete the haul away.

  • Laurie H. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 29836


    They have been more than accomadating

  • Jill Q. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 48629


    Dewana was an absolute blessing! She was so very helpful with our weird needs. The first delivery driver was awesome, the second one i didn't meet with but all was handled.

  • Carin/Rob P. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 63440


    Great service i appreciate the communication

  • Visvaldis S. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 49093


    Thank you for friendly and professional service! Keep up the good work!

  • Annita H. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 23110


    I truly appreciate the promptness with which this was delivered, the courtesy and friendliness of the driver, and the helpfulness of the young lady who did the scheduling. She did a great job of helping me get things set up. Kudos!

  • Vanita I. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 63136


    Everything went well. He was very knowledgeable about the container and the contents. Thank you

  • Carol H. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 73044


    Super nice delivery driver.

  • Mary B. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 76106


    Very fast and just what i was in need of .

  • Molly S. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 39574


    It took a while to get it delivered to the right location. We noticed the toilet paper was on the ground and missing the bar to hold it in place. I will be calling this am to have a bar to hold the toilet paper

  • Nancy B. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 47804


    Awesome! Thanks for delivering for us so quickly!

  • Larry C. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 80642


    Steven at ext. 219 is fantastic with customer service i would rate him a 10 plus

  • Adolfo G. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 79606


    Great communication. Spot on service!

  • Mitchell L. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 95014


    Good, timely delivery of a like-new portable toilet. Thank you!

  • Carol A. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 73567


    I need to rent another dumpster next year. I will definitely call for your service again. Carol anderson


    30 yard Open Top 90045


    Our delivery person was very friendly, cautious of our property, and very skilled placing the dumpster. We were highly satisfied with him!

  • Rich S. VERIFIED

    12 yard Open Top 92832


    Thanks! Great service, and perfect placement! Rich

  • Valerie M. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 60064


    Outstanding job, thanks

  • John J. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 42303


    You guys were awsome.

  • David J. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 23061


    Steve the driver was on time, on course, on target, and was a heck of a driver and a nice guy. Thanks.

  • Loren A. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 18049


    Drop off and pick up was extraordinary. Will definitely use again and would recommend your service to others

  • Jason B. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 30501


    Time frame not being met. I am giving several days notice and requesting a morning delivery and box not showing up until late afternoon.

  • Frances J. VERIFIED

    15 yard Open Top 66603


    On time and driver was very polite

  • Margo B. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 77356


    Thank you. I didn't need to be here for the pickup.

  • Susan F. VERIFIED

    15 yard Open Top 29585


    The delivery was excellent. The driver made sure of the location where the dumpster was to be placed, he then placed boards down to protect my concrete driveway and he completed the placement quickly and efficiently. Best of all, he was pleasant to deal with and fun to talk with. I'd give the entire transaction from booking to delivery ten stars. It was a pleasure to deal with this company!

  • Lindsay M. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 28371


    Kelley was awesome!


    20 yard Open Top 54028


    A local dumpster rental co. Called me shortly after i arranged your dumpster. The price was half. Will never repeat business with you or recommend.


    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 85646


    Driver was very friendly and informative


    30 yard Open Top 65248


    Great driver!

  • Janet P. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 95603


    We have always had a good experience with zters and we use them on almost every project. They also provide great customer service.

  • Karen B. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 23970


    Always punctual and willing to assist in any way possible. Good people to work with!

  • Tammy F. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;25 yard Open Top 42164


    The service was prompt and the delivery person was very friendly. I will definitely recommend their service.

  • Matt G. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 23322


    Great job!!


    30 yard Open Top 30012


    Awesome service. Extremely friendly and helpful driver. Thank you all for your help with this. Moving is stressful enough without any kind of hiccups to get in the way. But, thanks to your customer service and delivery driver everything has gone smoothly so far. Thank you!!!🙂

  • Marlene G. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 29322


    Placed 30 yard roll off when and exactly where i wanted it :- very helpful right fitting my needs and explaining charges. As someone who has been in the waste industry for 25 years, it was great to have a transparent and pleasant exchange. Thank you!!

  • Lisa S. VERIFIED

    18 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 47038


    Very pleased with the entire process! Would highly recommend your company!!

  • Jean L. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 53011


    Called for pick up and they were at our house within the hour. Very happy with service.


    30 yard Open Top 53024


    Driver was great, called first to check drop location.

  • Nicole R. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 59102


    Everyone i've spoken to, from scheduling to delivery driver, has been extremely polite and helpful.

  • Katherine N. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 73750


    Thank you for getting it to us the next day. Really appreciate the speedy service. Dumpster was put exactly where we wanted it.

  • Michael S. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 77077


    Good service that i would recommend to others.

  • Jennifer A. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 50588


    Great customer service

  • Bill G. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 77356


    Lynn was great on the phone and keeping me informed. Driver was polite and right on time

  • Tony S. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 82501


    Dumpster has not been delivered yet? When will it be?

  • Gary L. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 53005


    What a piece of crap dumpster. I hope it holds together long enough for my stuff to be disposed of. It looks like it came for the bottom of a lake.

  • John L. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 30017


    Everything has been great until pickup of full bin and delivery of new. The driver showed up at 550a.m. needing all 5 of us to move cars to remove bin from our driveway.

  • Geri Y. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 31635


    Jeff was very kind and didn’t mind waiting. Was running late. thanks again jeff

  • Jean L. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 53011


    He asked us where we wanted it and was very professional

  • Kari B. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 35476


    Lameshia was my rep and she was fantastic. I cannot say enough good things about her and i will continue doing business with you guys because of her. Awesome customer service!

  • James E. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 49431


    I was very impressed with tabitha and hyle who i talked with regarding the ordering of a dumpster i ordered. Both were very helpful. Tabitha called me the day before the dumpster was to be delivered and assured me that the dumpster would be delivered in a timely fashion for the job i needed it for. Great customer service!

  • Nanette E. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 77320


    Fantastic service, a bit pricey in my opinion but well worth getting rid of all the extra junk that was left behind by previous owners. Will use again if needed.

  • Jason B. VERIFIED

    15 yard Open Top 30529


    Only problem was the delivery was later than scheduled.

  • Pastor B. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 46902


    I love the one stop shop concept and the absolute professionalism, speedy service, and kindness. I will use your services subject to pricing henceforth.

  • Matt G. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 85940


    Very happy you found my location and delivered the dumpster perfectly! Thank you!

  • Jeff C. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 48157


    My agent is great the driver was awesome but my dumpster forgot to be delivered.

  • Shawna C. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 77014


    They were very friendly and went over and beyond.

  • Geraldine D. VERIFIED

    40 yard Open Top 93117


    Shelby was very pleasant and easy to work with. Order arrived ahead of expectations

  • David J. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 96085


    Please give 5 stars to ext. #234! And, thank you.

  • Robin H. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 88001


    Working with lameshia was easy and great! She listened to my needs and presented great options for dumpster sizes & prices. She provided excellent customer service! She even gave me a follow-up call the next day after delivery to see if i was satisfied! Who does that these days!

  • Justin S. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 95336


    Had to dock a point because it needed to wait an additional 2 weeks for delivery.

  • Susan C. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 02703


    My dumpster was not delivered on the day it was scheduled to be delivered. I called and the had it delivered 2 day later.

  • Gary L. VERIFIED

    15 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 19454


    Very happy with service,

  • Keith C. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 32131


    Excellent svs! Found me a dumpster when all local suppliers said two to four weeks before a unit was expected to be available! Zeters rep don thomas checked and confirmed one available the very day i needed!!

  • Mike S. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 49755


    Great on the phone, on-time delivery with a clean dumpster, on-time pick-up. Very pleased with every aspect. We’ll done, i’m a return customer because the entire process is terrific!

  • Kathie B. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 60953


    The gentleman that delivered this was fantastic.

  • Kathy A. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 61447


    Great service to a very, very small town. Thank you. 20 yard dumpster made the job suoer easy!

  • Mark M. VERIFIED

    25 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 72704


    The driver was great and put it exactly where we needed it. Zachary from the call center went above and beyond the call of duty and deserves special recognition. Outstanding young man of great character and dedication.

  • Beverly F. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 76652


    Everything was perfect. Thank you! :-

  • Lois S. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 80535


    Ordering the portable toilet service went smoothly, the delivery occurred on the date that i requested it to be delivered, and the delivery driver was very courteous. He secured the unit into the ground to prevent it from tipping over. The construction site is located in a wind zone that can have high sustained wind for long periods of time and strong gusts. Unit was clean and stocked with toilet paper and hand sanitizer, as expected. Awesome!

  • Stephanie E. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 86351


    Thank you@

  • Bryan L. VERIFIED

    15 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 85739


    Very helpful on the phone talking to me about options. Delivery person called me twice to confirm the correct house and placement.


    20 yard Open Top 78643


    Very quick delivery and professional. The driver was friendly and very professional!

  • Racheal K. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 49730


    Customer service phone rep is amazing!


    10 yard Open Top 22443


    The driver was excellent and very polite.


    30 yard Open Top 30240


    Pickup was supposed to happen yesterday. We were told they’d be there first thing today. Needs to happen as people are picking through trash and will add to full dumpster if it isn’t picked up today.

  • Ivelisse G. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 33060


    Excellent as usual

  • Tyler W. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 40741


    Madison, was one of the top sells people i have had the pleasure to work with. Thank you, tyler

  • Wendy C. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 54904


    Very satisfied.

  • Keith M. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 92309


    From an office standpoint you guys are easy to work with and our onsite workers are very happy with you.

  • Brian W. VERIFIED

    40 yard Open Top 40601


    Great job.

  • Katheen G. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 77378


    Thanks so much, will be calling for your service again

  • Chris D. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 30052


    I placed my order a month before i needed the dumpster.i ordered a 40 yard dumpster. Then i was told after the order that it was not available. dumpster. I then ordered a 30 yard dumpster. On delivery day i got a 20 yard dumpster. I called susan who was very helpful and understanding with the situation. But she told me a 30 yard dumpster was not available. So i did not get the correct size dumpster for the project i have. She did come up with a solution and it helped, but i really needed the 30 yard dumpster that i ordered way in advance. Susan was very helpful but it is very stressful i did not get th right sized dumpster for my project because i have alot of large items that i will. Ow need to break down to get into the size dumpster that was evened the wrong size. But customer service was great.

  • Valerie H. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 68030


    Very satisfied!

  • Lindsay R. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 95608




    10 yard Open Top;15 yard Open Top 54613


    The lady on the phone may have been the friendliest person on earth! Only issue was, the site had the 10 yard dumpster at $310 and the price actually ended up almost $700! Luckily, they gave me a 20 yard dumpster for the same price because they didn't have any 10 yarders available, and i'm thankful they did because i needed it. Overall, it was a great experience. Keep up the great service.

  • Larry K. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 19977


    Ordering and scheduling delivery was easy. The customer service representative was courteous and explained the terms and conditions very well. Delivery was prompt and on time. The driver was more then happy to place the container exactly as i wanted it.


    20 yard Open Top 49420


    On time and dropped where requested.

  • Lisa A. VERIFIED

    15 yard Open Top 62230


    Driver was very accommodating and polite.

  • Steve K. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 80433


    Roll off was a day late and if not for andrea my account manager it may not have gotten delivered

  • Brenda P. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 02653


    You made everything very easy, and managed to get me a dumpster when i needed it - pretty crucial since i was flying there from pittsburgh and no flexibility regarding the dates. Susie was particularly helpful, thank you!

  • Jeff M. VERIFIED

    15 yard Open Top 80107


    Nice job! Got here early on a re- scheduled delivery day that i requested.

  • Aaron L. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 37185


    Everyone has been great to work with. Super nice and helpful on the phone as i put in the order. And the delivery driver put the dumpster right where we needed it.

  • William W. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 37191


    Outstanding! Could not have been easier!

  • Tonya H. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 44139


    My agent is always on her toes and fulfilling our needs!

  • Mike H. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 56401


    Thank you!

  • Linda N. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 65608


    Customer service has been outstanding.

  • Esmeralda C. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 78654


    Good service and i was on a plane flying and they took care of business for me

  • Mary D. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 63435


    Jaimie mont with zters has provided excellent service. Before working with her i did have a great deal of trouble getting through to your office when i needed service.

  • James G. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 31006


    Excellent company

  • Joyce M. VERIFIED

    40 yard Open Top 92243


    Stephanie stewart is an amazing account manager.

  • Cathy L. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 29446


    The portable potty was a little old but my experience was excellent with zters. I will definitely use zters again and refer your services. Thank you!

  • Nicole L. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 55327


    Was very easy going. Not out to make a ton of money of me.

  • Kymberlee N. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 32566


    Quick and easy process. Bonus it’s affordable! They got me scheduled for the same week and dropped it off without me even realizing.

  • Vanetta S. VERIFIED

    15 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 38618


    They delivered early and put it right where they were told to. Could not get over the good service.

  • Robert M. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 98374


    Very quick drop off and easy to get it picked up when i was done!Im glad we chose your company

  • Michael M. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 12125


    Terrible terrible all you do is deliver dumpsters think about that you stop listening after you get the credit card # don't tell us when you are coming put the box where you want stay south of the mason dixon line you should be fine

  • Sandy K. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;15 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 23139


    Delivered as scheduled. Delivery truck driver was helpful and cordial. Thanks!


    10 yard Open Top 12701


    Very pleased with you guys. Thank you .

  • Judy T. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 71018


    Jessica arnold has always been awesome to work with...

  • Riley D. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 77070


    Everyone was wonderful and we're really thankful we went with zters.

  • Audrey L. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;15 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 36207


    Excellence service, looking forward to call on your service in the very near future.thks.

  • Diane D. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 55920


    Delivery person was professional and courteous. Excellent service all around.

  • Scott S. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 76009


    Great communication they worked with me every step of the way.

  • Tracey T. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 27103


    Jamie m is wonderful!!!! Tracey tucker w/ petroserve

  • Kristin M. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 28804


    Donald is awesome! The delivery dude was prompt and put it exactly where i asked.

  • Michelle T. VERIFIED

    40 yard Open Top 47102


    Delivery driver was very nice and on time!

  • Kelly L. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 75158


    Despite terrible weather. the driver contacted and we worked together to get him through the backroads where i live. Put it right where i asked with no problem

  • Mary B. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 29835


    Delivered and picked up when expected. Placed in right position.

  • Sharron A. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 95673


    Your office staff is on top of the needs of their customer. It was a pleasure working with them and making sure the delivery was on time and picked up on time.

  • Marc S. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 53955


    Customer service was excellent and understanding. Delivery and driver also helpful and courteous. Thank you.

  • Rita A. VERIFIED

    40 yard Open Top 95215


    Delivery man who delivered the dumpster was pleasant and courteous and very helpful your customer service person nice and pleasant also and very helpful. The dumpster has a hole in the back of the dumpster but clean. Thank you.

  • Corinne B. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 99224


    Employee was friendly, helpful, and great to work with. Thank you!

  • Tony V. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 65473


    Cindy mcdonald is a pleasure to work with and she is on top of her game! I will use your service on all my projects. Thank you!

  • Hilda R. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 78596


    We were told they would call before they arrived at the house, they called after...was told north side too wet, but were able to get it in on the southside.

  • Barbara M. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 93221


    Thank you kenia... so helpful in getting us a container so quickly and precisely.!

  • Selinda S. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 78550


    Thank you for being so prompt on your delivery time and for being in contact with us through it all.


    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 33449


    The process has been smooth.

  • John L. VERIFIED

    15 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 06710


    Very prompt service on time and accommodating

  • Steve L. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 10950


    The dumpster was placed in the least effective position possible. The person i spoke with, cindy is her name, was very attentive to details, she took very good notes i reviewed them but there was agreement that a phone call would be made if the directed placement could not be achieved. The dumpster was placed not as agreed, there was no call to discuss the issue. I am extremely disappointed, not with the data collection but by the disregard of the plan agreed to.

  • Aimee R. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 38583


    Delivered on time, customer service fine.

  • Diana F. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 97056


    Amanda and hyle were awesome!

  • Paul G. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 48823


    Great !

  • Sharon K. VERIFIED

    25 yard Open Top 50401


    The delivery was a day late. The service of the office girls and the driver was so good i still have a 5 overall.

  • Debbie H. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 42303


    Fabulous communication with sales reps. All fees revealed up front. Dumpster was delivered first thing of the morning. I would highly recommend using this service.

  • Garrison H. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 95765


    The gentleman that made the delivery was extremely courteous and thoughtful. He made it a point to position the item on our driveway that allowed us access but did not interfere with people walking on the sidewalk. It made an impression on me and he deserves kudos for that.


    40 yard Open Top 57722



  • Jamie H. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 97470


    Lynne was amazing to work with and i look forward to doing more business with her.

  • Paul G. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 48170


    Timely and friendly driver thanks to crystall!

  • Marlys T. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 60180


    Excessively priced, fine excessive-$150 for gate that waà not locked i was not told they would be so early in am. The drivers were very pleasant and pickup went smoothly. Hard time getting answer to the phone when calling.

  • Steve V. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 65608


    Placed container exactly where i asked him to

  • Patricia M. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 38801


    Quick, fast, easy.


    10 yard Open Top 33544


    Excellent service. Delivery driver did a great job and was very personable.


    Multi Project 55767


    It was a pleasure to work with you! The taff was very friendly and informative!

  • Scott B. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 13642


    All went well with deliveries i had no issues and the drivers were polite and on time. The customer service was very good in getting set up and helping me understand the details. I was satisfied with working with zters on the set up and delivery.

  • Bill F. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 26452


    Tabitha was delightful and efficient. The delivery was right on time and well managed. We will definitely use your services in the future. Thank you for your help.

  • Jose A. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 28027


    Fast service


    40 yard Open Top 33540


    Friendly service and delivered when promised

  • Mary D. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 63435


    Good professional service. Representative wasexcellent

  • Katherine W. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 91766


    Thank you so much!! I have not moved in over 40 years and this is so stressful. Your cheery attitude helps.

  • Melissa C. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 32966


    Thank you for delivering the dumpster in time. We arrived at our location at 8am and it was there and we were ready to go! We were pressed for time these past few days and your timely delivery helped keep us on schedule. We appreciated it!

  • Gary G. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 92231


    You had a stumble but overcame. Good work

  • Jane S. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 32561


    Crystal ybarra was very helpful when i placed my order and in answering the follow up questions i had. The man who delivered the container was very nice and placed it just where we wanted it to go.

  • Paula S. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 36105


    The dumpster was delivered early and the man driving was very nice and cooperative.

  • April H. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 85641


    The diver was very nice and informative. The dumpster had some gross residue on the floor, but i guess that’s to be expected since it’s a dumpster. First time renting one. There’s graffiti on the outside of the dumpster... but again...it’s a dumpster and it’s serving my needs.

  • Aaron D. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 14454


    Great service and support. Thanks - aaron

  • Daniel R. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 66604


    Great service! Thanks

  • Patrick K. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 77554


    Driver did good !

  • Chris N. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 23324


    Ineka consistently handles any and all problems i throw at her with great customer service and a smile - thank you.

  • Nestor A. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 25984


    The service was fast and on time.

  • Aleisa B. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 35565


    Driver very nice, dumpster delivery was prompt & size was as requested.

  • Debbie S. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 27932


    From my first conversation with madison, i knew this was an excellent company. I called every company in our area, no other company came close to the professionalism i received from madison. She called back in a timely manner and even got the container delivered on time despite a gas challenge. Delivery staff was professional and knew what they were doing. We would highly recommend your company. Please keep madison happy. She is the gatekeeper to your company and will bring in the business and keep your customers happy and coming back. Thank you so much for the excellent service.

  • Jason /. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 37365


    Very nice delivery person, great phone service. Dumpster was delayed due to trailer breakdown, completely understandable.

  • Linda H. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 99352


    Driver respectful and explained delivery and pick up procedures.

  • Rachel K. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 92201


    Great job! Thank you

  • Sherri R. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 25880


    Worked with denna to determine set up and pay for my dumpster rental - she was patient, personable and professional. She returned my call later when i had a question with the answer. Delivery was as expected, and perfectly positioned on the property. I can't say enough good things about this rental from zters.

  • Lila L. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 93035


    Customer service is great, very understandable.

  • Donna A. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 16686


    Very pleased with the delivery. The driver was an excellent operator during the process. He knows what he is doing. Well done!

  • Edwin W. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 44024


    The dumpster delivered was a little older and rusted. It had been freshly painted so overall the appearance is good there was some trash from the previous use in the back corner of the unit

  • Harold K. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 43162


    Nice to work with.

  • Paul F. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 77320


    Dina is a jewel on the phone. Very knowledgeable, helpful, considerate, timely... She explained the process to me my first time, the intake of my information was efficient and she scheduled the delivery without making promises she could not keep. Contacted me a couple of days before the tentative availability, and made it happen. The driver introduced himself with a smile i am horrible with names, discussed the alternatives for placement and dropped the dumpster professionally in a tight spot the first try all during a pre-storm drizzle. Since it started to rain heavily, i only got a peek inside the dumpster. It looked in good condition but i have not opened the door for a decent inspection. Great experience so far...

  • Tammy M. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 54937


    Driver notified me 10 minutes before he arrived. Very helpful.

  • Angelika B. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 97703


    Friendly, helpful and professional driver/delivery tech brought the dumpster early and was in and out in minutes. Clarified for us key tips for loading.

  • Gina C. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 83869


    I am thankful that tyler is my account manager because there was a problem with the day the dumpster was said to arrive and i knew it was wrong. I knew he would catch the problem and fix it and he did!

  • Winnel H. VERIFIED

    40 yard Open Top 85623


    The 40 yard dumpster is now full. You can pick it up any time after 5/3/21.


    40 yard Open Top 97355


    Great delivery fast the price is great. I am happy with this business. I have used them 2 times now .

  • Carolyn M. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 30417


    Customer service with miss jennifer was excellent but your overall experience with your delivery and handling of me and my needs was not executable.

  • Daniel P. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 77355


    Excellent service driver was courteous and friendly dumpster delivered exceptionally early thanks for your service


    30 yard Open Top 28112


    I want to thank you for working so great to deliver the dumpster on short notice when we were working for the missionary of the poor brothers for only a week. I know you went out of your where to help. Thank you again. I really appreciated all your help. Ann eisner

  • Lynn M. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 99205


    Wonderful customer service, thank you for you help

  • Tonya J. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 64804


    Did not pick up the container on schedule- has not picked up as of today 2 days late and has not picked up yet planning to pick up monday which will bw 4 days late


    30 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 68020


    In the original setup i did get some inconsistent information but after that the process has been great. The delivery was off the beaten path but everyone worked to ensure a seamless delivery.

  • Peter M. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 53188


    The driver showed up promptly on the morning of the delivery date and did an excellent job of positioning the dumpster on a small inclined driveway.

  • Rachel L. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 29691


    On time and perfectly set!

  • Cynthia B. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 93620


    The whole experience from start to finish was extremely satisfying. Deena was very helpful and kept in contact with me throughout their service. Delivery driver was awesome!! Thanks for everything i will recommend you to everyone i know. Thanks for everything. Cyndi

  • Heidi V. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 98446


    The location of where the dumpster is not easy to access for the purpose i needed, making a bit more work. I would have liked a call or time the dumpster would be delivered to give direction. My son was able to give some but to exactly what i needed. Thank you

  • Nick T. VERIFIED

    40 yard Open Top 90703


    Delivery was as promised driver was a hoot. very friendly service was above expectations from the moment he pulled up

  • Nancy C. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 15552


    Very happy with service and would again.

  • Dwight M. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 57030


    The unit was placed in the right spot, easy to come out of the garage and right around the corner to the rolloff

  • Rick S. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 47648


    Prompt delivery, in location that was requested.

  • Sheila H. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 36442


    Right on time and courteous

  • Gabriel M. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 92582


    I did the setup for a week an advance and my delivery don’t chow up.

  • Kaye C. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 49614


    Driver was pleasant and very courteous.

  • Robert B. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 97123


    Crystal was so delightful to deal with on the phone.

  • Joanne D. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 02790


    Devin was personable and professional

  • Linda A. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 75243


    Very pleased with the timely delivery and pick up of dumpster. Specific delivery instructions were followed. I would recommend your company to others.

  • Julie V. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 93610


    Efficent friendly and really seem to care...thanks

  • Scott H. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 53070


    Driver professional

  • Erin S. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 66860


    Eric, the person i talked to on the phone was so helpful in getting me the dumpster. I’m not sure the name of the man who dropped it off, but he put it in the exact position i wanted even though it was a tricky, tight space.

  • Stacy C. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 22030


    J.d our account manager has always been more than accommodating for our needs.

  • Rich M. VERIFIED

    8 yard Open Top 93950


    Kaitlyn was great from beginning in getting things setup. Went very smooth. Pickup was scheduled by wife with someone else and that was completed with no delay or hiccups as well

  • Tracie B. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 63944


    Crystal was very helpful and friendly!

  • Bill P. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 76060


    What i expected and placed where i wanted with timely delivery


    12 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 87544


    Everyone is friendly and nice. This was my first time dealing with zters and so far so good.

  • William S. VERIFIED

    15 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 43056


    Was delivered yesterday. The driver was courteous and did a great job.


    20 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 94568


    The scheduling was great but the dumpster arrived with about 20% of it filled with dirt and weeds. I am not on site and was in meetings when the site emailed me a picture. They had to start demo so they started filling it. When i called after my meetings i was told i should have called earlier. Well the dumpster should have been checked by you before you delivered it filled with dirt, right?

  • Fritz M. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;18 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 74965


    Love your service!! Quick responce when ever i had a questions. Thanks so much.

  • Michael M. VERIFIED

    40 yard Open Top 93010


    Would be nice to have a heads up that driver is arriving in xx minutes. Also, driver was not wearing a mask, and even though he saw i was wearing one he still did not put one on.

  • Joshua S. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 77041


    Great job getting me what i needed when i needed it. Thanks.

  • Dennis S. VERIFIED

    12 yard Open Top 53520


    Excellent job all around

  • Tony G. VERIFIED

    15 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 32309


    Delivered on time and placed exactly where i asked. Great communication.

  • Mike F. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 60002


    Great as usual

  • Phillip R. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 24293


    Friendly and helpful, and delivered the items on time with short notice. Always a pleasure working with you.

  • Chris H. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 30062


    Good good good

  • Jennifer B. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 36051


    Driver was courteous and professional.

  • Robert (. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 89433


    Very polite very helpful used 3 40 yd dumpsters i have no doubt they went out of their way to keep them coming for me most importantly they service the reno and sparks area

  • Duane A. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 87508


    On time. Nice guy on the truck.

  • Jack W. VERIFIED

    25 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 93060


    Our rep, shellie williams, has been great. Kept us informed every step of the way. Very cordial and professional. Thanks.

  • Vickie M. VERIFIED

    25 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 95304


    I love working with casey, inika and crystal. Customer service during texas crisis was taken seriously and zters came thru with constant communication and these ladies took action ! Customer service was at its best and also during quieter times zters has always come thru for schaper construction.

  • Sarah N. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 24986


    Will not use anyone but you guys! Very friendly and always courteous.

  • Micheal S. VERIFIED

    40 yard Open Top 92591


    Victoria kennedy is fantastic to work with. She's been working with me for quite sometime and always been at the top of her game. Mjs

  • Isabel C. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 04037


    Delivered the next day to my house. Price was reasonable for 10 days. I would highly recommend.

  • Amber S. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 85192


    Great company to work with! So happy i found zters.

  • Laura H. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 34135


    Great customer service...friendly; professional with a ""can do"" attitude.

  • Martin Y. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 99336


    Will was great setting up the reservation for us also on the pick up of the dumpster we are working on resolving.

  • Carol B. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 32751


    Only issues were communication of when delivery and pick up would occur but all else was very good. Nice people to work with. Thank you.

  • Yevgeniy M. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 75440


    Everything was excellent.

  • Jerry L. VERIFIED

    25 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 91950


    I enjoyed the friendly service.

  • Richard H. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 92082


    Steven in houston is amazing. He scheduled one day service for us. Delivery and pick up from our home was very smooth. Sub contactor was los cabos in san marcos. they were great.

  • David M. VERIFIED

    15 yard Open Top 04952


    Very good customer service

  • Stephen M. VERIFIED

    15 yard Open Top 03818


    Tyvm for the service ...I appreciate the fast response to getting it here and getting it out of here ...ty all...Pro service !

  • Markey M. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 86303


    Donald is the best!! Merry christmas to you all. Markey

  • Adam D. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 92629


    I was very happy all the way around

  • Chason K. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 96003


    Really appreciate working with donald r. Thomas iii. Solid pm, great communication. 10/10 will use again.

  • Martin Y. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 99336


    Will smith was a great help in our process to get a dumpster delivered to 2424 w 7th avenue kennewick,wa made our job a lot easier having your delivery dispatch put it right in front of the door as requested thank you so much!

  • Linda L. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 27537


    Very polite and friendly.

  • Dawn S. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 53024


    We needed the dumpster picked up right away and you got it picked up within a few hrs. I was surprised when i called our customer back to tell her that it would be picked up that day or the next she told me it was already picked up. Great job zters!

  • John S. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 93012


    This was an extremely smooth process... No issues at all... thank you

  • David R. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 37764


    Professional, quick and polite.

  • Cathy S. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 61317


    All good so far. Calling now for pickup.

  • Martha C. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 03905


    I would highly recommend your service.

  • Enola S. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 30817


    Most excellent!!!

  • Kathie W. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 49747


    So far, everything is great! Delivery was on time, contact made during delivery for proper placement. Working with the service/sales rep devon h is just great. She's personable, knowledgeable and willing to go the extra mile to be of service!

  • Jeff A. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 28746


    Adam's the best! Everyone said the porti-potti was the cleanest they've ever seen

  • Veda B. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 62702


    Working with crystal was great. Very responsive to our questions and helpful. Worked with us to meet our needs.

  • Courtney . VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 91505


    Very impressed with delivery. Driver was a pro!! Jose was also very knowledgeable and easy to work with.


    30 yard Open Top 73548


    Will use again

  • Traci H. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 85118


    I am thrilled with my service and will use again!!

  • Sarah N. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 24986


    Thank you and i will definitely use your services in the future!

  • Steve D. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 50613



  • Enola S. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 30817


    Great service in such a difficult time, and over a holiday weekend.

  • Jackie W. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 38401


    Sapphire is awesome and definitely get the job done right!

  • Jason L. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 40165


    Miss denna was very nice and helpful

  • Traci H. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 85118


    We have struggled with other dumpster companies and working with you has been wonderful and timely!!! Will call again!!!

  • Benny S. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 16738


    Very good job

  • Courtney D. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 70607


    Megan from ztrers is great to work with. Delivered in a timely matter. Thank you.

  • Philip M. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 77354


    Your driver was on time, very friendly, experienced and accommodating with professional service, thank you

  • Benjamin T. VERIFIED

    25 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 93063


    Jessica was great!

  • Erin H. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 61114


    Always answered! Delivery and pick up were on time staff was very courteous and helpful

  • David G. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 65705


    Could you email me a final receipt

  • David N. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 76578


    We appreciate yall. Keep up the good work. Derek nichols- newman sports flooring

  • Shanette D. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 88310


    Teddy was great! He delivered the bin right on time, in the perfect place and was very professional. He even educated us on the bin and advised us on placement. Customer service was awesome as well. They were quick but thorough and answered all my questions.


    30 yard Open Top 73548


    Very well satisfied would use this company again

  • Donna H. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 66047


    Wonderful service and communication. Thank you mike!

  • Beth M. VERIFIED

    15 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 43119


    The driver even called to let me know when he had delivered the dumpster. I wasn't on the site and i wasn't expecting that. He followed the instructions i had given the dispatcher about placement perfectly. Thank you!

  • Nick R. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 97501


    Denna n was amazing. Always very helpful and prompt on fulfilling delivery requests!

  • Joan M. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 46750


    Good service.

  • Ricky J. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 75424


    Appreciate you and the service you provided.

  • Randy N. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 40109


    Very satisfied

  • Wayne F. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 28594


    We were charged for a dry run fee when no one contacted the number they were supposed to. I spoke with and agent and was supposed to be sent over call logs which i never received. The dumpsters were supposed to be removed on the 5th of november, they were removed november 10th. When i called on the 6th to get information as to why they were not removed i got a voicemail and left a message but was never called back.

  • Jose E. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 65767


    Great service! Dumpster was delivered and removed on time. No issues either way.

  • Vincent D. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 33040


    This service was awesome! I nearly called them with a last minute container request and they have far exceeded my expectations! Great service and will use them again!

  • Gary H. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 43446


    The wait times to get a live body to talk to were extreme. Had to make several attempts to reach someone with average wait times of 15 minutes or more. Otherwise the service was very good.

  • Charles W. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 45405


    Was very happy with your service and time line with delivery and pickup of the 20 yard roll off. Thsnks again, and if i ever need your service i will contact you again. Thanks chuck waggoner.

  • Lucia G. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 12594


    Costumer service is good. The deliver of the dumpster came around noon. Could have been earlier. Over all i will consider this service in the future.

  • Connie R. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 47108


    The gentleman that delivered my dumpster was friendly yet professional. I was extremely pleased with the entire experience.

  • Rick B. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 49242


    Drop off driver was very friendly and helpful

  • Abigail A. VERIFIED

    15 yard Open Top 54313


    Thank you so much for your services. Will definitely use again. Please send an invoice to email provided.

  • Ronnie D. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 62239


    Denna did a great job communicating everything from start to finish.

  • Sarah N. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 24986


    Thank you!! Will definitely call when we need another!

  • Rebecca H. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 71901


    Great communications and true to the word! Will use again when needed!!!


    15 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 55109


    Great service from start to finish!

  • Robert D. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 48401


    Whitney was very helpful in my booking.

  • Vickie M. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 94086


    Thank you for removing in a timely manner. We really appreciate this service you have provided.

  • Rodney K. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 17109


    A little more expensive than i expected but good service

  • Suzanne T. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 62704


    I appreciated the call from tyler to let me know that everything was ready and how to pay. And also the call from flowers letting me know they were on the way to deliver.

  • Stephany W. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 93908


    Thanks for calling back. Please schedule the pick-up asap.

  • Susan S. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 98277


    Devon was amazing! She worked very hard to make sure i had what i needed, even when i needed a dumpster swap next day. I talked briefly with two other associates during this transaction, i was not nearly as impressed. Devon is a rock star and is the reason i chose your company and will be recommending your company to everyone!

  • Brian M. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 04079


    Excellant service, thanks

  • Gary N. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 12065


    Very responsive and very easy to communicate with


    30 yard Open Top 28539


    Great service!

  • Randy F. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 50207


    Very responsive, helpful and on time.

  • Delton S. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 67831


    Tyler and joe were both very helpful and professional!

  • Jennifer G. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 93010


    Great service. Thank you!

  • Dotty F. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 22579


    The young man who delivered and retrieved the dumpster did an exceptional job! I believed you had stated they would retrieve the dumpster on october 15 because you could not guarantee the retrieval time on the 16th and we had to start removing furniture on the 16th. But we called the company and he came at 6:30 am on october 16th- he was wonderful! ! My husband knows his name now sleeping after driving uhaul back from va. I hope he advances in his company- he has what it takes! I apologize to their company for the call from my brother-in-law on thursday, october 15 th. He did not believe that they would come early on the 16th and really does not trust people . Obviously he has not dealt with top notch companies such as yours and the company from mollusk. I would certainly use your service in the future again! Dottie fox 🦊

  • Steve H. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 55430


    Dumpster was not actually empty when we received it. Mud and construction material stuck in the bottom.

  • Paula M. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 61938



  • Gary C. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 49120


    Delivery driver was very good explaining where to position the dumpster and what we couldn’t put in it.

  • Cathy B. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 72713


    Jax was great in customer service. She got answers to all my questions. Very helpful.

  • Frank M. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 92301


    The container was pretty beat up and i just wanted to state that for the record. Delivery customer service was great and crystal in the booking department did an amazing job.

  • Dennis D. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 12776


    Overall excellent service. Tabitha was extremely informative and helpful. The container was dropped off and picked up exactly as scheduled.

  • Gary C. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 53511


    Great communication

  • Mavis K. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 63857


    Very nice guy that delivered for us...thank you!

  • Kathinka V. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 71913


    Super nice delivery person.

  • Terri S. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 64504


    Stormi is great to work with !!

  • Rose-Ann . VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 01746


    The driver wasn’t the most courteous. He was on his phone taking a personal call and was using foul language as he conversed

  • Angelo P. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 32547


    I have the best service with steve and thank you very much excellent service

  • Jennifer G. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 93010


    Excellent service! Thank you!

  • Jimmy N. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 52404


    Happy to use zters any time i can

  • Patsy E. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 77619


    Very helpful about explaining the process and figuring out what would work best for my demolition removal.

  • Reenae J. VERIFIED

    15 yard Open Top 62612


    Surprised that the container was delivered by my garbage disposal company pdc/area.

  • Janet W. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 70605


    I feel i was well taken care of.

  • Patricia E. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 34135


    I worked with mccall sherline for our project site needs. She was always pleasant, and quick to fulfill our orders. She immediately responded to any issue that came up to make t it right. I appreciate her outstanding customer service she provided to us.

  • Joel J. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 52361


    The best service i have had in a very long time!!

  • Elijah W. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 60061


    Steven was very easy to work with. He was timely with communication, and very helpful in getting us a roll off dumpster.

  • Cindy W. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 39440


    Cindy was extremely helpful over the phone and i was very pleased that she was successful in finding a dumpster act for us on such a limited time frame. Delivery came sooner than expected and was dropped where we requested. Thank you.

  • Will J. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 55428


    John the driver if i'm was very patient and worked along with us during that process. Thanks william jallah

  • Dave T. VERIFIED

    15 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 98685


    Container delivered at 5:00pm. Just glad it was delivered on the day promised. Will conduct business with zters in the future.

  • Pamela H. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 64804


    All has gone well so far. Pick up is on monday, but have confidence that will be fine. Jessica was very helpful getting everything set up etc.

  • Theresa M. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 95973


    Thank you

  • Peter P. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 13755


    I’m gonna have to order another dumpster let’s see how that goes down then i can tell you how satisfied i am

  • John G. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 96007


    Top notch service!!

  • Jaimie B. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 13101


    We are very satisfied ! The service was great and everyone very friendly! We will refer zeters in the future!

  • Jason S. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 53040


    Great follow up by ramichelle. She made the decision to go with zters the right decision.

  • Toby J. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 90745


    Brandi is absolutely great with customer service. Thumbs up and up.

  • Susan K. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 44830


    Very complete and timely in all efforts with your large garbage bin. Thank you !!!

  • Kurt S. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 44139


    Awesome customer service. Would highly recommend the company

  • Amanda N. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 93309


    5* service from a 5* company...


    Multi Project 52627


    Everyone at zters did great. The delivery driver put the van in the wrong spot even after talking to him.

  • Myia D. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 95370


    Great job!

  • Deanna C. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 56069


    Great customer service and follow through. Tabatha was great to work with and did a great job representing your organization. Will use your company again should i have the need.

  • James D. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 59102


    Great service would recommend to my friends.

  • Gail H. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 30039


    We were very happy with everything thank you!

  • Mark W. VERIFIED

    12 yard Open Top 36321


    Driver did exceptional job placing dumpster right were we needed it.

  • Erik P. VERIFIED

    12 yard Open Top 86301


    The garbage container hasn't yet been picked up, this is one day after scheduled pickup.

  • Jeff D. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;25 yard Open Top 93065


    No issues. Thanks cindy!

  • Anna S. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 51577


    Great experience with leah as our account manager. Questions were answered very professionally. Email questions answered very quickly. Thank you

  • Mary E. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 38242


    Thank you for your professional service

  • Amanda N. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 93309


    Excellent service!! This company goes above and beyond... thank you guys so much for making this such an easy process.... 10/10 to ray-michelle... thank you sweetheart for being so helpful.. i will highly recommend this company if anyone is ever looking to hire a dumpster...

  • Tina M. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 92804


    Thank you!


    15 yard Open Top 01701


    Everything went great from delivery of the dumpster to the pickup but the most important thing is price and its a little steep for me. I think a lot more people would use your service if the price wasnt so high for just a 15 yd dumpster.

  • Dale N. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 56578


    Great job. Thank you for your help

  • Colleen K. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 60045


    It’s all good!!!

  • Lisa H. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 62629


    Super easy!!!


    30 yard Open Top 76051


    Dumpster was not fully empty two foot of mud and dirt and wood

  • Joann B. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;25 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 95363


    Very great service on time delivery and pick up

  • James D. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 59102


    Great service and timely delivery. Much better experience than i was expecting.


    20 yard Open Top 70601


    Your employee donald thomas iii is the reason we are returning to your company for service. He is consistently professional and gets the job done expeditiously!!! Sue may cannon medical construction division

  • Jessi C. VERIFIED

    40 yard Open Top 40356


    Very pleased with the overall service.

  • Jennifer R. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 60561


    Our delivery drive was fantastic!!!!!

  • Bonnie M. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 61858


    The transaction was top quality. The zters rep was excellent.

  • Cecille . VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 90019


    Their sales rep, zac, fully covered my requests, and i and company are totally satisfied. We definitely call him for upcoming project. Thank you very much, zac!! Sending my big thanks! Rie

  • Dennis C. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 98528


    Everybody i dealt with, from initial contact to dispatch to the driver who delivered and removed the dumpster, was personable, efficient, and did exactly what they said they would. Great service. Will not hesitate to use you again.


    20 yard Open Top 36268


    Very happy with the service that i received with our dumpster

  • Samer N. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 77041


    From the first time i spoke with mrs. Cindy mcdonald i knew i was in the right place. She was so informative and professional. Thank you all for your help and great service.

  • Susan K. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 44830


    Driver called me right before delivery and went over placement of garage bin and rules for what goes in ---appreciated this information again/

  • Brion L. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 89509


    I would use your service again.


    Multi Project 93436


    Always a great experience. Thanks for all your help.

  • Glennie C. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 42029


    Fast and easy to work with. Great to work with

  • Donald A. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 47353


    The service was good and the people were very friendly. Help me with questions i had. Would use again in future

  • Mary E. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 38242


    Driver called to confirm on way thank you

  • Melissa M. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 38104


    Very helpful. Thanks

  • Gwen S. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 47725


    Dumpster delivered early! Very helpful and professional

  • Mike Z. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 86336


    First, the office manager was very accommodating to our situation. He was prompt with communication, and provided excellent customer service. Second, the driver was also very accommodating in getting the dumpster .positioned properly without any damage to our property.

  • Gerold H. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 48629


    Representatives were very friendly professional personable and helpful

  • Cheryl F. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 64485


    The dumpster delivery was prompt and professional. I assumed removal would take place in 10 days. After i contacted office, response and removal was prompt.

  • Mike Z. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 86336


    Excellent service, driver went above and beyond to make delivery of the dumpster possible in a very tight situation. The office rep provided excellent customer service and was very accommodating to our needs.

  • Christopher R. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 18847


    Easy order, great delivery and pickup thanks! Chris reid

  • Betty B. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 29372


    Thank you so much for your quick service andtimely respone to my request.

  • Craig L. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 60451


    The driver from homewood disposal was courteous and friendly when he dropped off and picked up. They must be a valued partner of yours.

  • Roger K. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 60914


    Terrific job and receptionist was outstanding

  • Tara P. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 80482


    Sapphire was great and all the other girls i spoke to. Delivery and pickup was the absolute worst..scheduled to have a dumpster picked up friday it’s tuesday and it’s still there would not recommend this company and will never use them again

  • Luke P. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 94538


    Tyler is always responsive and as opposed to the old days of constant calls for service, zters is on point with quick responses and requires the least over site of any site service we use.

  • Christine H. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 95405


    Thank you, great service and prices

  • Mary H. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 63023


    Driver who delivered the dumpster did an excellent job. The 5 rating is attributable to his efforts

  • Tony C. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 91702


    You provide the service exactly as promised.

  • David M. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 15501


    Casie in customer service was outstanding to work with. Couldn’t have been more helpful.

  • Harry W. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 34951


    Outstanding and friendly service. Dumpster when delivered had debris from previous use in it. Still met my needs however.

  • Jeff D. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 47401


    The person who took my order was new but went above and beyond to accommodate my difficult order.

  • Cora D. VERIFIED

    25 yard Open Top 92040


    When the dumpster was delivered ... they did not leave enough clearance to open the doors.

  • Stacey B. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 95460


    Jamie was awesome in helping with getting the dumpster i needed. It was delayed but your customer service was great in handling the situation. Dumpster arrived and was put exactly where i wanted it to be. Thank you!

  • Jeff T. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 29501


    Dumpster delivered as promised and answered any questions i had on what could be included within the dumpster

  • Jaylene H. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 96008


    Nice employees and good service.

  • Andrew C. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 02642


    Customer service was excellent. The people were very knowledgeable and helpful. The delivery was fine. The driver was very good at unloading right between two trees to give us best access. The only issue was there was a large seam gap in the middle of the dumpster which we had to cover with plywood to not fall through it while walking things in. This gap also left s lot of small debris in our driveway after the driver picked the unit up with the truck. But i would still recommend zters for dumpster rental.

  • Nina J. VERIFIED

    12 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 76520


    Was very easy to use, delivered on time and in great condition.

  • Howard E. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 43758


    Excellent communication with me throughout. Driver was aware of spotty cell phone service in the area and called ahead of time for details of positioning roll off. I appreciate that.

  • Michael M. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 48071


    Everything was done efficiently and on time. Thanks.

  • Chip H. VERIFIED

    15 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 19035


    Initial contact with phone call was excellent and her follow up was excellent. Delivery of the dumpster was earlier than expected and your delivery person was very professional. Great overall experience.

  • Richard A. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 63343


    Very pleased with the service !!

  • Janelle T. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 77554


    Great customer service!

  • Karen D. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 55713


    I will definitely be using you guys in future if needed, and if not will definitely tell others how amazing you guys are all around! Exceptional service with temill who set me up with everything, and spaced out delivery guys name but he was fantastic all around too! Big thumbs up to your company!

  • Robert A. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 61032


    This was our first time using zters. The experience dealing w/ customer service was great, my on site guy got a call notifying him of the delivery as we were not on site and the container was placed where directed. The overall experience was above what was expected.

  • Daniel B. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;12 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 87508


    Wonderful service! Especially thankful to cindy macdonald accounts mgr. Such a pleasure to work with her... Delivery and pickup were done professionally too. Thank you, nouk sanchez

  • Steven F. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;25 yard Open Top 01904


    Expectations were met

  • Stanley W. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 03235


    The total dumpster service was outstanding


    30 yard Open Top 21221


    Thank you !

  • Steve W. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 48761


    Too long on hold all phone calls

  • Rodney W. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 54407


    Company agent was always pleasant, helpful, and prompt. Delivery and pick up went smoothly. Pricing seems kind of high, but i guess it's within industry norms.

  • Erika V. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 61085


    Thanks for coming out in the middle of the crazy rain storm we had, very much appreciated!

  • Sandra M. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 73439


    Will was very professional. When i called on the 4th because dumpster hadn't been removed he took the time to research the reason why and was able to provide answers that afternoon. Dumpster was finally removed on august 5th.

  • Dennis C. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 48624


    Fast, proficient and extremely good service. When we asked you to come and pick up the first one and deliver a second one to complete our job you were there immediately and. because of your promptness we were able to complete our job way ahead of our schedule. Thank you. We will most definitely refer you again and again to our our friends.

  • Linda G. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 95051


    Our second time using your service. I worked with cindy both times and she was very helpful and friendly. Great to work with!

  • John Z. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 61021


    Everything was excellent, thankyou, john zotto

  • Debbie P. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 04037


    Great customer service!

  • Steve R. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 48604


    The service was top shelf. The pricing was a little higher than other states and you claim it's due to dump fees.

  • David O. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 51058


    Thank you for your quick response to our needs and great service. The only improvement i can see is that i did not get an auto-generated invoice. I called an received that immediately.

  • Craig L. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 60451


    The driver was very friendly and placed the dumpster right where i needed it. It was obvious he's been doing it a long.

  • Mike D. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 60453


    Dumpster was not picked up on scheduled day of 8/4.

  • Bill B. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 70733


    Very satisfied with the service that zters provided.

  • Christine H. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 95405


    Very easy to communicate with very happy with your service. Thank you

  • Catherine F. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 98671


    Excellent customer service and communication. Special thanks to will for doing such an outstanding job!

  • William S. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 48623


    Well satisfied

  • Marilyn S. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 80487


    I definitely would recommend your service!! Thanks!!!!

  • Eric L. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 95222


    Driver john, i believe was personalbe and competant.

  • Tyler O. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 75254


    Jackie was great to work with!

  • Ricky C. VERIFIED

    40 yard Open Top 37190


    Very satisfied with service thanks

  • Anthony J. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 80016


    Angela was extremely helpful, and great to work with.

  • Betty J. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 60002


    Everything was great. Thanks

  • Reynolds M. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 94066


    Great job for us! Thank you!

  • Karla E. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 35603


    Jamie set me up for a drop off on frisy and told me it was a 10 day drop limit we worked day and night to meet our 10 day schedule, and our driver sid ""see you tuesday"" we are on a tight budget and searched for the best provider for our needs, i hope you guys understand our misunderstanding. Have a great day

  • Linda M. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 36530



  • Yvonne/Gary M. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 44047


    Driver called and gave an estimated time of arrival per my request and i was able to meet her at drop off location. She was very competent and placed dumpster where it was convenient for my use and for pickup when i am done. Just remember price quoted doesn’t include tax so make sure to account for that in your budgeting.

  • Annette A. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 54487


    Exactly what we were looking for. Great customer service. Dumpster arrived and picked up when promised. Thank you!!!

  • Jennifer B. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 60652


    I really appreciate the customer service! We got disconnected a couple times and someone called back and we got the order complete. The reps were both courteous and helpful. I’d definitely use your company again when i need a dumpster!!!

  • Cole D. VERIFIED

    15 yard Open Top 71291


    Guy who dropped off my dumpster was very polite and courteous. He was easy to work with. Thanks!

  • Annette A. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 54487


    Great service, on time delivery, great so far!!!

  • Cathy D. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 24348


    Thank you, everything went smoothly .

  • Lauren M. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 02660


    Tabitha was amazing on the phone. Delivery was when and where asked and dumpster was in great condition! Thank you!!!!

  • Timothy L. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 81425


    Delivery driver showed skill in assessing and safely placing the 30 yard rollout.

  • Steve R. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 48604


    First the dispatch team moved the delivery up to meet our needs. The driver called at the time requested. We weren't at the house but he placed the dumpster exactly where we asked in to drop it. The salesman also helped us on the rental price. Couldn't have asked for better service from your team. Also found out that your from houston and my wife and i have lived in houston most of our lives....Cheers!

  • Kathy H. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 97058


    Again, amanda did a great job! .

  • John G. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 96007


    Great service. I will be using you more down the road. Brandi is awesome!!

  • Delores C. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 54755


    I ordered the 20 yard dumpster and received both a 20 and a 30. When i called to say i didn't need two, i was treated with utmost respect and it was taken care of immediately. This certainly speaks well for your employees, at least the girls i talked to.

  • Lenny G. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 90807


    Thanks zters

  • Grace C. VERIFIED

    12 yard Open Top 86303


    Very good , no surprises

  • Robert K. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 46307


    The dumpster was delivered on the correct day but it was unclear if the driver contacted the point of contact at the site. Our pastor happened to spot the driver from his adjacent house and helped the driver position the dumpster is a great location. I will be using the on-line feature to order a 2nd dumpster to complete our project. Thanks keith p.

  • Madell L. VERIFIED

    40 yard Open Top 92281


    Were expecting pick up to be automatic. We had to call you to pick up container. Other wise good job.

  • John H. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 06033



  • Jerry W. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 48195


    This company takes care of everything. I am glad i found them. Great job crew!!!

  • Lenny G. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 90807


    Thanks for all the support

  • Victor F. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 42039


    Driver was very nice and easy to work with to make sure the dumpster was where i needed it to be.

  • Kristi L. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 77429


    Stormi was great. Fast efficient and very easy to work with.

  • Jasen L. VERIFIED

    40 yard Open Top 95662


    Dumpster is super beat up and doors barely close. Wheel falling off but was able to be set down at job site. Driver was awesome

  • Carrie C. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 56316


    Great verbal and email communication. My phone contact was most helpful. I felt bad that your team tried to contact me for the delivery and my phone was on silence and i missed their calls. Please apologize to your driver. Carrie lee carlson

  • Regina H. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top


    You did an awesome job. And you even came to pick up the dumpster when i had pre scheduled for a later pick up. I really appreciate your flexibility!

  • George M. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 28460


    Outstanding service all around from initial call to delivery. Will use solely in future.


    40 yard Open Top 57722



  • Tien P. VERIFIED

    15 yard Open Top 84120


    I am satisfied with your services.

  • Angie H. VERIFIED

    40 yard Open Top 95661


    Angie in the office has amazing customer service skills and is a pleasure to work with.

  • Carleen S. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 95928


    Victoria was really great to work with, she handled everything! Even the guy doing the delivery and pickup was friendly and professional. Will highly recommend your company! Thank you

  • Chris V. VERIFIED

    40 yard Open Top 95304


    Quick an easy


    15 yard Open Top 02919


    My dumpster is still here.

  • John G. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 96007


    Brandi was extremely helpful. Very friendly, and smart. She made sure i received my dumpster when a needed on short notice. Thanks brandi,

  • Kyle F. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 49255


    We have had to order 2 dumpsters so far. Tyler has been great at getting us what we need, in a more rural area. We aren't done with our construction project and plan on continuing to use zters.

  • Joan T. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 54501


    Prompt delivery and pick up. Very pleasant and helpful on phone as i never used your service before.

  • John L. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 10306


    Great service and reliability. Delivered a day earlier than expected!

  • Timothy W. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 94591


    Good job.

  • Barb C. VERIFIED

    15 yard Open Top 44663


    Great customer service from cindy who walked me through the ordering process to the person who delivered the roll off. She demonstrated so great skills off getting it just where i wanted it

  • Carlia B. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 72112


    Fast friendly service...

  • Janna U. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 85925


    Great service and perfect dumpster placement. Thank you!

  • Rachel G. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 54772


    Delivered when you said you would, perfect placement. Thank you!!

  • Carleen S. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 95928


    Victoria, my account manager, was very pleasant and helpful to work with. A little confusion with the delivery date but victoria handled everything. I will use zters again and will recommend it to anyone asking where i got my dumpster! Thank you


    30 yard Open Top 01089



  • Nick M. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 48451


    Ease of ordering and scheduling pickup. Driver was friendly and placed the dumpster just as asked. Will definitely use again in the future for any major trash removal.

  • Michael S. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 71846


    Dude delivering was super. Really appreciate all you are doing!!

  • Erica W. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;25 yard Open Top 92104


    Everyone i worked with was absolutely amazing!

  • Stacey B. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 54487


    Customer service great!! : but no parameters as far as when to expect delivery of dumpster 9am? 5:00 pm? 8:00 pm? No idea....after calling customer service to assist with follow up on time i was told he was on the way if not there already and still didn’t arrive til 2 1/2 hrs later and with a dumpster unit i wasn’t expecting. No open door on the rear of dumpster. Sorry.... disappointed so far

  • Marissa I. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 78043


    Thank you for the service you have provided the company. Great customer service.

  • Mark M. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 02061


    Thank you

  • Andrew D. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 04009


    Great experience.

  • Billy W. VERIFIED

    40 yard Open Top 32038


    The delivery driver was very helpful

  • Shelly T. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 76557


    Ronnie is always very pleasant to do business with. Service is fast and reliable

  • Steve S. VERIFIED

    25 yard Open Top 92127



  • Cathy T. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 95670


    Overall would have been 5 but didn't get it until the end of day

  • Denise C. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 79912


    Great service!

  • Leslie B. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 85364


    Great customer service on the phone and in person.


    30 yard Open Top 99328


    The whole process was very smooth. Appreciate all the help i received on the phone. The dumpster was just as described and totally did the job for us. Thank you for great service!

  • Mary L. VERIFIED

    40 yard Open Top 14532


    Will use them again.

  • Christopher R. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 18847


    Casey was very helpful, excellent customer service

  • Delwyn D. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 65240


    The delivery guy was very polite and placed it exactly where i needed it. The call taker was also very polite and efficient.


    40 yard Open Top 92629


    I had a complaint in the beginning on a change order by them causing me to question the integrity of their fee's. The manager called me and we had a long conversation. She was able to explain how the business operates and how zters fulfills its orders clarifying my question of cost verses container. Very well done. Thank you

  • Donna H. VERIFIED

    12 yard Open Top;18 yard Open Top 03598


    Good service would use again recommend them

  • Veronica P. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 47452


    The weather at first didn’t cooperate but i was able to extend my time and got done. I did over size but it was ok. The cost was more than i expected but except able. Every time i called your employees were veterans very courteous, friendly and helpful. Thanks 😊.

  • Robert F. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 53081


    The woman that helped me set up the delivery went beyond what she had to, to make the roll-off delivery work.her name is jacqueline chalhoub. Thank you jacqueline.

  • Kris M. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 55793


    You are the only company i contacted that took the time to understand what i needed and called me back to confirm! The women in this office are great!

  • Mike E. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 38826


    Easy to work with good price!

  • Randy M. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 40272


    Great working with you!!

  • Robert C. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 71913


    Thank you!

  • Rita N. VERIFIED

    40 yard Open Top 79907


    Andrew fielded my request and gave me excellent customer service all the way through to delivery. May you have a blessed day.

  • Carie G. VERIFIED

    15 yard Open Top 54135


    Very easy to work with, quick with drop off and pick up

  • Leslie B. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 85364


    Great customer service on and off of the phone. I loved the fact that it was so easy to order and have this delivered.

  • Wayne E. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 29058


    Other than a rather high cost, everything else is fine.

  • Elysha C. VERIFIED

    15 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 44055


    The customer service was great.

  • Jean L. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 50588


    Friendly driver

  • Steve S. VERIFIED

    25 yard Open Top 92127


    Could not have been better. Driver did an outstanding job. Very pleasant and helpful

  • Mike L. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 20774


    Great to work with. Delivered when i needed it and out of my way when i was done. Great job.

  • Thomas C. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 45014


    Amanda was great at meeting my needs when my 1 20 dumpster turned into 3.

  • Brandon F. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 75043


    Thank you very much for the prompt service. The dumpster rental made our residential clean out a real success! Very good customer service- we ended up needing an extra full load and they were able to accommodate almost instantly! Very satisfied!

  • David K. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 80401


    Early morning delivery, just perfect placement as well.

  • Danny H. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 29536



  • Caroline P. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 97224


    The driver did an amazing job maneuvering the dumpster in our driveway and thoughtfully placed in a way to leave us driveway space for our car. Everyone i spoke to on the phone was very helpful and pleasant to talk too.

  • Kenny L. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 29620


    I will definitely use you again.


    30 yard Open Top 44203


    On time, professional, and safe drop off and easy pick up.

  • Dave F. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 49682


    Great to work with, prompt and helpful

  • William C. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 27937


    You guys are a notch above the person that took my calll casey new my job started on the 9th. The porta johns only ship out on wednesdays . So instead of waiting till the 10th and possibly getting a fine for it not being on the job she sends it on the 3rd. That what i mean when i say a notch above. Thanks guys

  • Joel C. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 30096


    Great service perfect placement

  • Ginger W. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 76310


    Jason was responsive and knowledgeable. Delivery and pickup as committed. And the pricing quoted was exactly what i paid. Greatly appreciated.

  • Karina B. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 30517


    Donald provided very good customer service, fast and cordial. Very pleased with the service.

  • Dave C. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 60016


    First time ordering a dumpster and made the process extremely easy. Thank you.

  • Larry B. VERIFIED

    40 yard Open Top 85349


    Very satisfied. Will be calling again for additional service.

  • Melinda L. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 93436


    Very quick to get the dumpster. Greatly appreciate for cleaning out my moms home.

  • Casey T. VERIFIED

    18 yard Open Top 52060



  • David P. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 89419


    Amanda is fantastic.. Its really easy to get what i need when i need it.

  • Melissa D. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 18643


    Casey was exceptionally available and communicative and scheduled pick ups and deliveries efficiently. Grateful she was my service rep.

  • Donald R. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 72616



  • Kacey T. VERIFIED

    40 yard Open Top 99645


    Everyone did a good job, i was well informed and everything was done in a timely manner.

  • Rebecca M. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 19390


    Dumpster removal was promised by 10am so the warehouse could schedule a tractor trailer delivery around the pick up because the dumpster was blocking the warehouse door position. Dumpster was not removed until a little after 4pm that, causing major problems with our customer at the warehouse, their scheduled delivery, which done around the direction of zters of when this was to be picked up. The warehouse customer was very upset with us over the removal not taking place when promised, we are just the gc and had no control over this. Also, pricing was very expensive compared to others in the area, we went this this company because of initial schedule and when the dumpster could be delivered. Tabitha was awesome to work with, i would give her 5 stars, otherwise we were not happy with several parts of the service.

  • Janet B. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 40475


    Customer service was friendly and helpful and the dumpster itself was very clean on arrival.


    40 yard Open Top 44003


    Thank you for all your help

  • Dave C. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 60016


    Was very easy and good communication with ordering and delivery driver.

  • Robert G. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 85711


    A simple, satisfying process from beginning to end. I will definitely consider your services the next time i have debris of which to dispose.

  • Juan C. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 93286


    Great, fast and easy

  • David B. VERIFIED

    40 yard Open Top 93301


    Great service.

  • Emily W. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 95425


    On time, excellent service. Appreciate the deliverer

  • Betsy K. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 57069


    Customer service and everything was great. I definitely will recommend your company! I had a wonderful experience and jackie was awesome to work with!! Thank you, betsy

  • Brady V. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 85201


    Great job! Happy you guys were able to help in such a short notice! Great costumer service! Will definitely use your company again!

  • Julia M. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 30553


    My driver, jeremy was very professional and courteous! He walked me thru the location options before he placed the container. He was definitely a great representative of the company. Container was actually larger than i ordered but for the same price as the smaller unit! Win for us! Thank you zters for a great delivery! Would absolutely recommend this company!

  • Elizabeth B. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 59101


    My dumpster was delivered on time and was clean. Thank you.

  • Annette R. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 64093


    Prompt service, great scheduler. Unit is average, a few holes, seen better days, but functional. Not a 5 though.

  • Mary &. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 93257


    Very good i would use them again.

  • Ricky C. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 32136


    Good job

  • Robert G. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 85711


    It seems as though you've been doing this for a while. This is my first time renting a roll off. The agent i dealt with, tyler, was friendly and informative. The delivery of the dumpster was quick and easy. The driver called about 20 minutes before delivery. The unit delivered was larger than requested because they were out of ten yard bins. I'm impressed with the willingness to do that, at no extra charge, to keep to the promised schedule. I'm very happy with how the rental has gone to this point, and expect pick-up to go just as well.

  • Frank A. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 42211


    Great placement. Thanks

  • Gene V. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 63343


    Very easy to work with

  • Steven F. VERIFIED

    15 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 88310


    Hi there, everything worked out great! No issues and easy to load up. Thanks again steve

  • Jeff Y. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 96003


    Very easy to work with. I set this up from out of state.

  • Karen K. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 97219


    Excellent customer service by phone, efficient delivery and pickup. Thank you!

  • Bruce P. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 03561


    Driver was awesome! He worked with me to put the dumpster just where i wanted it. On pickup day i went to walk the dog at 0630 and it was already gone. No fuss no muss and i didn't even hear him remove it. I will definitely use your service again should i need waste removal! Thank you zters!

  • Sheryl B. VERIFIED

    40 yard Open Top 86001


    Very smooth, fast, and efficient process.

  • Mary &. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 93257


    Fantastic delivery...early morning right on time as placed as ordered. Thanks

  • Rudy V. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 49037


    Great people to work with! All around great experience!

  • John T. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 24162


    Liz is awsome. Fast, fun and made cleaning out my deceased parents house out simpler. Thank y'all very much.

  • Marlene G. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 32038


    Driver was very professional and courteous. Called when he was an hour away and then again as he got to my gate area. I will use this company again when needed.

  • Barbara J. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 84656



  • Melissa R. VERIFIED

    15 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 11553


    Angie is amazing!!!!

  • Roger N. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 45805


    Quick thanks.

  • Bill P. VERIFIED

    15 yard Open Top 94306



  • Mike C. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 06109


    Super customer service

  • David M. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 30643


    The container arrived very late on monday causing my contractor to pile up the demo debris on my driveway. When it finally arrived i had to move all the debris to the container. The container was scheduled to be picked up on monday and as of 745am tuesday, it is still here. Not causing me a problem, i just hope i will not be billed for the extra days.

  • Bart B. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 46311


    They said probably not till tuesday because i ordered it friday afternoon. Guy showed up monday morning dropped off right where i asked him. No problems

  • Melvin B. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 46368


    Customer service was friendly, cooperative and informative. The delivery person was knowledgeable and professional and the pickup person was friendly and courteous.

  • Matthew R. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 49286


    It still hasn't been picked up..

  • Scott J. VERIFIED

    40 yard Open Top 50533



  • John G. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 16353


    Did what you said you would do

  • Rudy V. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 49037


    The driver was very friendly and knew what he needed to place the container. He wasn’t able to put it where i initially wanted it but he explained why that wouldn’t work and we found a solution.

  • Ziggy L. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 60018


    When we need a hand washing station on our construction site due to the virus. Stetson was out the very next day!

  • Tina R. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 72396


    My dumpster was delivered a day late.


    Multi Project 85387


    Driver followed directions given to phone rep and placed our portapotty where i wanted it without calling! Good communication between your sales people and drivers! Not many places can say that!

  • Megan G. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 95210


    Jason was absolutely amazing. From the first call, he was very patient with me and answered every single question i had. He is why i’m so pleased with my experience with the company and would come back again for our next round of needs.


    20 yard Open Top 42207


    Very efficient

  • Amanda F. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 42361


    Carlie was awesome getting me set up and takin care of . The delivery driver was good as well he calle dto let me know he was on his way and such dumpster looks good and driver done best he could considerin it was middy when delivered . Over all very happy so far with all zters has done and carlie for being so understanding when i had alot on my mind she knew what i needed and such and delivering it so fast . I give 100 percent on all this so far .

  • Kent S. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 71463


    They made it happen!! I needed a 40yrd roll off dumpster in one day of notice!! Victoria & alexandria are top notch!!

  • Tammy W. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 84058


    So far so good, no complaints.

  • Janet S. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 86004


    Very nice driver, prompt, company was wonderful to work with ordering, confirming, etc

  • Gwen S. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 39501


    Donald expedited our order for a dumpster at a construction site at a time where local companies could not service our time-limited needs. We have utilized zters for portalet rental as well. I highly recommend zeters!

  • James M. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 46932


    We were very happy with the service that we received.

  • Lori T. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 48656


    I thought the many trees on our property would make dumpster placement difficult. The driver was excellent and was able to place it in the exact spot i hoped. What a pro!

  • Todd H. VERIFIED

    15 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 73701


    My rep. Jackie has been awesome!

  • Jonathan U. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 91762


    Always had solutions to my problems and you guys were able to pick up pretty quick. Definitely would do business with you guys again!

  • James G. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 01902


    Service was right on time

  • Lindsey M. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 46901


    Excellent service. Recommend to everyone

  • Mike L. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 75093


    Jaimie monti was a real pleasure to work with, quite an asset to your company.

  • Eric L. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 95222


    Awesome service. John was great to work with.

  • Wilson C. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 10705


    I was very satisfied with the delivery and pickup. The driver was great and not damage was done to property . I would recommend zters

  • Lorelie M. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 30519


    When i spoke with anyone, they were great! However, your phone system takes way to long and is cumbersome. It is the worst. The worst.

  • Melvin B. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 46368


    Excellent service and the delivery person was knowledgeable, professional and courteous..

  • Brad K. VERIFIED

    15 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 47872


    Thank you

  • Karen F. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 48030


    Nice job

  • William S. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 49837


    Clean dumpster delivered promptly with on schedule removal. Thank you.

  • Joyce H. VERIFIED

    15 yard Open Top 54628


    Driver very pleasant and considerate


    15 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 65686


    Driver was great. He had it off the truck within 5 minutes. Would definitely recommend him. Thanks

  • Glen L. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 95954


    Thank you

  • Laura S. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 30040


    Everything was great, except they came earlier than expected and my husband was on a conference call and didn’t get to tell them to put it on the plywood. They placed it great though.

  • Richard N. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 95666


    I was very happy with all aspects of customer service, delivery and pickup of the dumpster. I couldn't be happier with the experience with your company.


    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 42001


    Would highly recommend you to others

  • Michael R. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 96007


    I especially like getting a box that is not all beat to **** with broken latches or hinges. The driver was also courteous, knowledgeable and helpful, as was the customer service person on the phone. You guys so far get an a+.

  • John E. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 97211


    Easy and affordable solution to our large disposal problem. It was a pleasure working with steven bean.

  • Cindy B. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 54880


    Very friendly service. They drop and picked up on time . I rent again if needed.

  • Kimberly C. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 81212


    Great company to work with. They returned calls and delivered on time. Pick up was prompt. Delivery driver was great and courteous of personal property with delivery and pick up. Will call again if needed. A++++ service

  • Glenda C. VERIFIED

    15 yard Open Top 30016


    Efficient and reliable

  • Brian Z. VERIFIED

    12 yard Open Top 45884


    Will be using your services again .

  • David H. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 92154


    Dumpster was half the size of my last 10 yard dumpster i rented. My delivery came very late in the day so i really only had the dumpster for 2 days. I had to call throughout the entire day. Customer service was awesome minus the late delivery. I feel i paid twice as much as the last dumpster i rented for half the size.

  • Sharon S. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 95127


    Accommodating customer service via phone. Delivered sooner than expected.

  • John F. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 93230


    Above expectations delivery and pickup as i requested.

  • Pheng L. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 53081


    Absolutely amazing! Super friendly when on call. Also very quick with service! Would definitely come back to work with zters more!

  • Ricky J. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 75424


    Very responsive

  • Neil M. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 83854


    Removal was scheduled for friday but was not removed until the folowing tuesday. Other than that the customer serice was outstanding! Stormi was excellent and really helpful and made the whole process so easy. It was a great experience.

  • Richard K. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 93711


    No issues what so ever. Timely and professional service. Thank you ...

  • Janet B. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 98065


    Ronnie is great always there when i have questions more business coming your way!!

  • Lisa H. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 33157


    I would recommend . everything went well

  • Richard N. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 95666


    Delivery of unit was very timely and placed exactly where we needed it. Driver was very receptive to our particular placement request. Extremely satisfied with the entire experience.


    40 yard Open Top 73036


    I will definitely recommend zters if anyone needs your services. Thank you for a pleasant experience.

  • Bill B. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 44060


    I was very happy with the cost, service, and overall experience. I would highly recommend!

  • Renee B. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 61107


    Great experience. Super easy to set up drop off and removal. We will definitely use them again.

  • Jeffrey C. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 62830


    Great service. Thank you.

  • Michael A. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 88201


    Great service and got the job done

  • John F. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 93230


    I plan to re-use your service soon.

  • Micheal B. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 19464


    Lorna & i believe the drivers name was ian we’re both very polite and personable to deal with. So far we are very satisfied with our experience. Thank you for your help. Michael

  • Stacy S. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 37032


    Angie has been fast, accurate and professional. I continue to use this company for her superior service skills and understanding of customer needs. The whole company has delivered more than expected at a higher quality. Customer for life!

  • Kyle T. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 86005


    No issues at all

  • Emily D. VERIFIED

    15 yard Open Top 67211


    Will smith, the account manager, provided very good customer service, but the total cost was way too expensive

  • John T. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 10550


    Very pleased with your service


    Multi Project 35209


    Great to work with and expedited my requests quickly. service has been excellent.

  • Holly H. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 71203


    Great working with you.

  • Frank R. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 38471


    Great service

  • Robert D. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 32578


    Amanda is truly a gem, professional, and clearly knows her job very well....i would recommend thnk u

  • Holly H. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 71203


    Thank you so much for working with me on scheduling the dumpster. You were very accommodating. Hopefully i will never need another one but if i do i will call you for sure.

  • Gaynell E. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 90650


    Thank you!

  • Alyona A. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 95337


    Very helpful and lovely people! The removal and delivery guy was super helpful and friendly! We particularly thank him and victoria that was our operator for the whole thing! Thanks guys x

  • Gerald G. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 40342


    Was scheduled for thursday april 16 in the afternoon. Dumpster did not arrive till april 17 at about 1130am. I had help scheduled for the 17th in the morning and had to cancel that as i had no dumpster. Sapphire was great and it was not her fault, she kept me informed as she contracted for this dumpster

  • Ryan C. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 78130


    Jackie has been outstanding to work with at multiple jobsites and the company has delivered ans removed at scheduled dates.

  • Brian A. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 95124


    Super fast, great responsiveness over the phone, and easy process beginning to end!

  • Shedd F. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 53593


    Nothing surprising here. Awesome job once again!

  • Casey F. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 56479


    Placed roll off exactly where i needed it. Easy to get to.

  • Shelly T. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 14033


    Ronnie is who i speak with when ordering items. He is very professional and pilot! Gets the job done in a timely manor and just all around takes care of our site needs.

  • Laura H. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 34135


    Very friendly, very professional customer service/sales

  • Neil M. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 83854


    Everything for set up and delivery has been a very easy process.

  • Rudy F. VERIFIED

    15 yard Open Top 87506


    Will was great with communication. Everyone involved was efficient, courteous and professional. Good pricing on dumpster as well. Thank you.

  • Paulette C. VERIFIED

    15 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 91364


    Cindy snd all the other ladies were fabulous and were always there for us. Can’t thank you enough

  • Faustino G. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 33040


    Everything has gone very well, from the scheduling, delivery, and pick up.

  • Tonya R. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 38501


  • Alissa C. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 72727


    Thank you so much for all of your help. Your employees are all amazing and helpful.

  • Chrystal F. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 78552


    Phenomenal service from jessica to set everything up and the delivery driver was professional and courteous. Couldn’t have asked for a better experience

  • Liddia A. VERIFIED

    40 yard Open Top 90031


    Customer service was outstanding! The driver on the other hand was not willing to work with me. I had to struggle with him to leave the container. He simply didn’t want to put in the work. He was much better when he picked up the container, overall the service was good.... Jaime over the phone was simply terrific...

  • Norman M. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 78028


    Cindy. I believe that is her name this lady we. Above and beyond in getting my request... the driver that delivered was also met all my expectations. They are a valuable asset to your company. Thanks

  • Kymberly S. VERIFIED

    40 yard Open Top 85937


    Fabulous : thank you!!

  • Catherine S. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 95437


    Made and appt, had to cancel. Never used your service. Mccall was great.

  • Darcy H. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 40475


    Great except i asked for removal on the 10th and you came early. It was ok. We finished. Thanks!!!

  • Alyona A. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 95337


    Thank you:


    20 yard Open Top 15540


    Great fast service.

  • James E. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 97914


    Very pleased with the great customer service in the office and the willingness of the driver to deal with the difficult job site!

  • James H. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 22443


    I'd use you again good response ! Thanks !

  • Garth H. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 86001


    Amanda is awesome. Please keep her, if she ever leaves, not sure how you would replace her. Sincerely, garth

  • Jeff B. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 27330


    Delivery person was very nice and mccall was very helpful setting it up.

  • Heather M. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 48858


    Zero hassle, i was well informed, drop off and pick up was quick and efficient.


    Multi Project 92882


    The unit was delivered the morning of its delivery date and was clean.. Looked like new.. The driver was very pleasant and wanting to make sure i was happy with the location of placement.. Overall great experience to date..... well done guys......


    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 43724


    Nice follow up

  • Virginia A. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 85364


    Remodeling our home and the large trash container made the disposal of materials much more convenient. I will do it again when we remodel the upstairs. Too bad the 10 days didn't start after the day of delivery. We didn't receive the trash bin until late in the afternoon so we sent all the workers home until the next day.


    30 yard Open Top 61107


    Prompt delivery and removal of dumpster. easy to schedule on sort notice, as well as extending pick up on short notice. They explained the process, as well as recommended different sizes as i wasn't sure what i'd need.


    20 yard Open Top 32305


    Excellent services,very happy with the service they provided.

  • Michelle H. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 33418


    It was a pleasure working with alyssa and her co-worker.

  • Leonard P. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 65270


    Very professionally done and i would recommend this to any of my friends

  • John A. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 93101


    Very friendly and helpful staff. The container was more than suitable for our needs! Thanks!


    30 yard Open Top 32569


    Great service all around!!

  • Adelfa J. VERIFIED

    40 yard Open Top 77356


    So grateful that i found and used their service*** . Highly recommend them..

  • Tracy M. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 98133


    You h e a great team! We appreciate you!

  • Angela C. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 75471


    This was an extremely helpful service. We will use them again.

  • Randy R. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 47348


    Customer service was excellent and very friendly. Delivery and removal was prompt. Will definitely use your service again when needed. Thank-you

  • Scott H. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 68523


    Thank u. I'll be calling again

  • Keith B. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 02916


    Requested a call 1/2 hour before delivery. Never received a call. Dumpster not picked up on scheduled pick up day. Still waiting to be picked up.

  • Bear S. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 12498


    Great service and the driver was kind, courteous, and professional

  • Brendon A. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 75034


    Dumpster is placed perfectly, but there’s a considerable amount of dirt/concrete that was never emptied

  • Shannon E. VERIFIED

    12 yard Open Top 75604


    Very friendly customer service! Well spoken representatives, understood them and i really appreciate being able to understand what the salespeople and customer service reps are saying :


    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 39466


    Very friendly and easy gentleman to work with on this. Thanks again!

  • Brian L. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 53049


    We are 14 dumpsters in your doing a great job !! Thank you for communicating quickly to us

  • Chris C. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 85533


    Alexandra was phenomenal. The ease of which we could coordinate the delivery of multiple items using the same company was hyper-convenient.

  • Gary K. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 74020


    Many thanks!

  • Melissa C. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 79830


    I hope you realize what a gem cindy - account manager is...She rocks at customer service. Any time i need a quote or to check on the status of an order. She is on it! I don't have to worry! If i could steal her away...I would. It is rare to find great people who care and who are attentive. She is the reason we come back!! Thank you! Melissa curtis modular homes of texas!

  • Colby T. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 67601


    I was needing it removed today however they removed it yesterday, so i didn’t have the ability to throw the remaining stuff i had into the dumpster before it was taken.

  • Wendi B. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 29150


    My csr, jason, was wonderful, knowledgeable and so pleasant to deal with! Very good experience!

  • Josh S. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 44077


    Could not have asked for a better first experience using zters!

  • Sandra D. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 51012


    The ladies i spoke to on the phone were so very nice and helpful for what we needed. Delivery was prompt...as was pickup! Both of the men were very nice also. Thankyou so very much!

  • Joan C. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 33040


    Donald is awesome. Answered every question and responded to calls and emails immediately!! Thank you donald!!

  • Susan H. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 45843


    Very clean unit, easy to access, delivered and pick-up on time and before expectations!


    10 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 55304


    The dumpster had snow and beer bottles in it. Also the driver backed the dumpster into a snow bank. Making it impossible to open the back of the dumpster up. The back of the dumpster wasn't even on the driveway. Also, the dumpster was at an angle in the driveway. Had it been placed where i had directed it to be placed when i called and ordered it. I would be giving better marks.

  • Pamela K. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 72756


    Great service & will contact you once the building begins again -- probably in june. Thanks


    30 yard Open Top 77554


    The ordering process was great. The delivery worked out just fine. The quality of the dumpster was extremely old and has basketball size holes in the bottom. We’re going to make it work, but the quality of the dumpster was quite poor.


    20 yard Open Top 92335


    Don't know if i should review, i waited all day and no one arrived to pick up the dumpster.

  • Paula . VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 93036


    Call takers are very professional, courteous and helpful. Answered all my questions. I requested the dumpster be delivered the next day. The call taker couldn’t guarantee that it would arrive, but requested it. The dumpster was delivered that afternoon. I also received a phone call from the person who was delivering the dumpster 30 minutes before arrival. He was also very courteous and professional. Great job by all!

  • David R. VERIFIED

    15 yard Open Top 32225


    Customer service was great from the point of taking the order and getting the dumpster to site. The issue to follow was that it too over a month for your team to remove the dumpster. I was told multiple times it would be removed. The issue was your team didnt know who the container belonged to and even had us send a picture of the container so they could figure what company facilitated this order.

  • Gregory W. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 77545


    I was taken aback at the sight of the dumpster and my immediate thought was that i was delivered the worst and ugliest bin in the entire inventory. I also remember reading that care would be taken to preserve the drive way in the placement of plywood or something for the dumpster to sit on. The driver provided nothing and scratched the drive way in the unloading and pickup process.


    Multi Project 37072


    Very quick response

  • Janine L. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 98023


    Driver was super helpful and accommodating. The whole experience was flawless and i would highly recommend your service.

  • John F. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 95377


    You guys were awsome

  • Jack L. VERIFIED

    15 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 18337


    Service was good, dumpsters were in good condition and coordination of drop off and pick up's worked well. Jack laviano

  • Janine L. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 98023


    Service made a very difficult time a lot easier. Driver was pleasant, helpful and diligent. I would highly recommend your service to anyone.

  • Long L. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 80138


    Excellent service and follow up by the office team, and timely delivery by courteous driver thankyou

  • Sally P. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 89060


    Excellent company to deal with. Super courteous, and efficient.

  • Jared D. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 22150


    Casey etie is very helpful. There was some confusion with the initial delivery but she handled it all for us.

  • Spencer H. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 88001


    Zters just used the city of las cruces to provide my service. All they did was set it up. The city did the rest. Next time i'll just call the city. I should at least get an additional ton of weight 5 tons total for free.

  • Mike K. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 21638


    Well done

  • Bryan B. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 63435


    Had no problems at all. Would use their service's again if needed.

  • Jeremy S. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 60085


    Your driver that dropped off the unit was the best. Friendly, professional and one hell of good driver. I have drove flatbed tow trucks for years and my drive way is a tight fit. Your driver had no problem what so ever in close quarters.

  • Mark J. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 78834


    Great service! Thanks

  • Larry Z. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 08510


    Staff was very friendly and helpful

  • Yolanda S. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 31705


    I really like doing business with zters. Yolanda s.

  • Clayton D. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 73503


    Amanda is the rock star and got this moving for us, we couldn't have done it without her!

  • Sally P. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 89060


    Easy to work with. Friendly, timely courteous.

  • Josh S. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 44077


    I couldn't answer my phone when the driver called but he placed it perfectly couldn't ask for any better

  • Stacey N. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 45662


    Great company to work with!!! Thank you!!!!!

  • David O. VERIFIED

    25 yard Open Top 01923


    Customer service was top notch, fast and prompt service and andrew was a pleasure to deal with.

  • Anne M. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 39854


    Easy and convenient, no problems at all!

  • John K. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 88012


    This couldn't have worked out better! Great job by customer service and drivers too!

  • Thomas W. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 93277


    The young man who helped my had to jump through hoops due to the city of visalia ca being obstinate. Dont deal with that city again, they want a monopoly of the dumpster service.

  • Christine J. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 84501


    Very helpful and accommodating. Excellant friendly customer service, jackie was really great to work with. Definitely will use this service again.

  • Ken Krutsch . VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 84663


    Amanda and the delivery driver were outstanding and professional!!!!

  • Maiken S. VERIFIED

    40 yard Open Top 91360


    Everything went great and getting this dumpster scheduled was one of the easiest times i have ever had. Victoria was amazing!

  • Robin M. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 98626


    Great service!! However, where’s my bill??

  • Heather A. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 28043


    Ronnie is awesome!

  • Vicky G. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 31792


    Great customer service as well as service. We will definitely use your services in the future.

  • Keith D. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 42211


    Angie and donald were both wonderful. Thank you.

  • Craig P. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 80138


    Drop off and pick up drivers were very customer focuses. Great experience overall! Thanks.

  • John T. T. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 92679


    Service was excellent. People on phone and delivery on time called me when they placed container. We will use again and will highly recommend to other people needing same service. Thanks. John t tosti.

  • Rosemary A. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 95381


    Stormi was beyond helpful i appreciate her the driver that came out was friendly and professional will recommend to family and friends!! Thank you!

  • Richard D. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 85213


    Driver was very friendly. Knowledgeable of safety in placing dumpster. Excellent driver.

  • Michael v. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 75846


    Stormi was great at answering all my questions

  • Betty J. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 98663


    I am amazed at how much a dumpster costs ! I realize you have to m ake a living, but golly!

  • Tommy B. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 78559


    Very happy.


    Multi Project 93561


    Always have done a great job. Thanks for all your help.

  • Gerald G. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 71292


    Everything went as explained by you rep. Very pleased with the service we received.

  • Larry F. VERIFIED

    40 yard Open Top 95358


    Very happy with the service

  • Russ T. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 20746


    Great response from liz

  • Chuck H. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 30728


    The dumpster was not completely cleaned out. There was soil and burnt lumber stuck to the bottom. The dumpster was placed exactly where i had requested it

  • Todd R. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 46385


    Good services and driver was very nice and placed it exactly where needed

  • Edward K. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 81520


    Fast delivery!

  • Keith B. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 47712


    Driver showed up on time, put dumpster where i wanted it, was polite and answered my questions.

  • Dana F. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 43410


    Thank you, mccall - you were great!

  • Greg B. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 63034


    My container arrived as scheduled, and when i called for pick-up, you responded efficiently and on time. Thank you.

  • Michael P. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 48067


    Quick delivery. Dropped off exactly where i wanted it.

  • Janet G. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 11788


    Excellent service

  • Lisa S. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 22567


    Driver was fantastic. I asked him to put the dumpster near the deck so that i could throw the material from there and he did a great job!!!! Thank you

  • Christina N. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 97239


    You all were great about working with us for the delivery and pick up schedule and the dumpster was placed exactly where we needed it to be. I appreciated that the driver called me on my cell when he arrived to double check the location and that our request to have the dumpster picked up friday morning was honored. Nicely done and i would definitely use you all again!

  • Kenneth C. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 39341


    Very professional

  • Chris N. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 31419


    Ineka is great to work with and handles all our needs with great professionalism....

  • John R. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 27278


    Delivery driver did great communicating with me.

  • Rene M. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 53015


    Great communication. thank you

  • Abby A. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 70776


    Great company ! Thanks for the great service

  • Angela M. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 92270


    Delivery went perfect even though container was much larger than the 5’ we thought it was going to be.

  • Rebecca W. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 98683


    I will go back to zters in the future. Thanks!

  • Dennis W. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 27856


    Tabitha was very pleasant and professional. Thanks for exceeding my expectations. Dennis williams.

  • Michael V. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 47712


    Delivered as promised !!

  • Christine Y. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 98332


    Thank you!

  • Linda C. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 43558


    Zters came through for us in a very difficult time losing my brother. You delivered what you promised!

  • Florence A. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 97405


    Your service was fast and efficient. The size of the dumpster more than fit our needs. We appreciated having it picked up on christmas eve.

  • Andy W. VERIFIED

    15 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 86413


    Everyone i spoke with was very nice and thorough from beginning to end! Thank you, andy werner

  • Harold R. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 55433


    Great same day service!


    40 yard Open Top 92010


    Jessica was very helpful and friendly, the dumpster arrived on time and was picked up on time, no complaints!

  • Susan T. VERIFIED

    40 yard Open Top 91768


    Customer service was very kind and friendly.

  • Cindy S. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 60914


    I called on wednesday to schedule a pickup on friday. I called again friday night at 4pm because it was still in our driveway & was told they could pick up as late as 6 pm. Now it is saturday - 8:20 pm - the dumpster is still in our driveway. Not a huge deal except we paid for 10 days, sunday is day 10 & now i am worried that i am going to get charges for an extra day.

  • Cindy S. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 60914


    Tabitha was super helpful!! Thank you!

  • Mark H. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 01013


    Driver did an excellent job with delivery

  • Jennifer M. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 02905


    Absolutely amazing! I worked with lorna who was wonderful and helped me to complete a project that was so important. She worked with me the whole way through and took care of every question and issue that came up. I am so grateful to lorna and the entire zters team for their exceptional courtesy, support and thoughtful professionalism in helping me get the job done! Thank you so much, zters! I will recommend you to everyone.

  • Larry C. VERIFIED

    40 yard Open Top 92082


    The receptionist was great and handled all my questions and concerns.

  • Micheal S. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 92530


    Delivered and picked up on time. Great phone relations.

  • Joel M. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 61109


    Customer service was awesome. Delivery and pickup was exactly when we wanted them. Will be using again in the next 3 months.

  • Jeff G. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 95010


    The phone staff answered promptly and always knew the status of our delivery and pickup.


    30 yard Open Top 98001


    The driver placed the dumpster exactly where we wanted it and he was very nice.

  • Marvin S. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 29714


    Excellent seervice

  • Michael M. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 97141


    Thank you

  • Greg B. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 63034


    The delivery was so early i thought i dreamed it!

  • Deanette P. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 77474


    Outstanding, delivered early, can't thank you enough for taking care of us

  • Brett D. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 80138


    Great communication and the portable toilet was placed exactly where we requested!

  • James G. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 95603


    Never called for placement. Had instructions to call james. Now its placed in the wrong area.

  • Dave C. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 47421


    No comments.

  • Wayne B. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 78629


    Jackie did a great job, very curtius, went out of her way to answer my questions. Great job jackie

  • Mike B. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 98168


    Tyler was great

  • Mary V. VERIFIED

    15 yard Open Top 54956


    Awesome experience

  • Tabitha M. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 42324


    Very polite and helpful. Thank you


    20 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 81050


    Thank you! :

  • Mark R. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 37810


    Good service an delivery


    30 yard Open Top 98922


    Very helpful even with the changes i made!

  • John F. VERIFIED

    12 yard Open Top 23518


    Both delivery and pickup were handled by professional, courteous, and skillful drivers. I was exceedingly pleased with the service, and i will recommend zters to everyone.


    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 40510


    Thx for all your help!

  • Patti W. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 45133


    Was everything we expected. Thank you

  • Kenneth L. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 77511


    1day late on delivery,but they got it there the second day ,second time customer ,i will use again ,thanks


    20 yard Open Top 23310


    Amazing experience..... Tabitha is awesome!

  • Jason M. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 78056


    Very personable and professional driver

  • Michelle P. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 13502


    Very speedy response time was much appreciated! Very nice job all around, thank you.

  • Daniel C. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 77406


    Everything was great

  • Courtney D. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 79782


    Always a great experience working with ineka with zters!!

  • Jessica B. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 42376


    Product was not removed on the 5th and we didn't hear from anyone.

  • Robert P. VERIFIED

    40 yard Open Top 93035


    Tyler was very great to work with

  • Charles J. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 01521


    Fantastic and professional service best price in the area. Dumpster was delivered and picked up as scheduled. Highly recommend

  • Jaclyn K. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 75002


    The driver was very polite and nice


    20 yard Open Top 23310


    Tabitha is amazing.... She helped beyond expectations and got my equipment delivered the same day!!!

  • Deborah S. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 48654


    During pick-up of the dumpster, a near-by table set was damaged. I only learned about the issue when a neighbor called me.

  • Dawn W. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 28540


    Excellent service

  • Marilyn L. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 55025



  • Heath G. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 30677



  • Debbie S. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 60096


    The dumpster was placed perfectly and promptly. Very pleased

  • Nancy M. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 22923


    You guys did great....even put the container exactly where we needed!!! Thank you!

  • Shella B. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 70634


    I was in need of a dumpster at the last minute and received one a couple of hours after i called. Fast and friendly service. Casey was great and the driver was very nice.

  • Bryan R. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 97062


    The drop off driver was excellent. Great guy. I never spoke to the person who picked up the dumpster.

  • Richard D. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 63125


    Driver was polite and put the container right were i wanted. picked up on time.

  • Johnny L. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 74525


    The initial delivery was made on time as promised. The 1st pick up and swap went great as well. The final pickup was taken care of in a very timely manner as well.

  • James G. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top


    Delivered by a very friendly knowledgeable person. Flexible with pick! Excellent service

  • Lori B. VERIFIED

    15 yard Open Top


    My tow truck driver didn’t clear the driveway all the way so they accommodated me. So impressed.

  • Gregg S. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 24522


    This was the first time for me to use a dumpster. My son-in-law handles all the planning with you. However i am very pleased with everything beginning to end with your services and will recommend your company at any time. Thank you for making this easier for me! Charlotte ahles

  • Mark O. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 58201


    Very helpful, informative, and as it appears so far timely and accurate. Thank you

  • Nikki A. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 62809


    Great experience all around - from reserving dumpster to drop off/pick up.

  • Larry L. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 71909


    Placement of the dumpster was exactly as ordered. Thank you

  • Bryan R. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 97062


    The driver was friendly and excellent at placement, a real pro. Well done!!! I was impressed with his skill level.

  • Joyce W. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 73038


    I am so very pleased with zters. Zach was wonderful to work with as so was tyler , both answered all my questions an helped in every way possible. In the future when i need a roll off dumpster zters will be my choice of companies hands down. Thank you zters for everything. J. Williams


    12 yard Open Top 53566


    Very easy to arrange, excellent customer service!

  • Sylvia F. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 89412




    Multi Project 67410


    Awesome service!

  • Shedd F. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 53593


    Thank you, thank you!

  • Mike S. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 53545


    Arrived on time and pick-up was great.

  • Sarah S. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 95035


    Extremely happy with zters and my account manager, brandi. I am happy i came across this company for our company's dumpster needs.

  • Beth H. VERIFIED

    15 yard Open Top 85622


    Driver was very polite and check to make sure dumpster was placed exactly where we wanted it.


    10 yard Open Top 48616


    Timely service. Delivery and pick up were when requested.

  • Rick S. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 74859


    Excellent right on ime and professional

  • Chris A. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 92311


    Was here on time and placed the bin right where i needed it


    20 yard Open Top 53140



  • Katie L. VERIFIED

    40 yard Open Top 75901


    Carli ladner is our account manager and she is amazing! We have received excellent service from her and zters team!

  • Lesli T. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 47167


    Thank you for accommodating us on such short notice at amstar/at&t! Macall was very helpful!!

  • Carol W. VERIFIED

    15 yard Open Top 66047


    You guys rock!

  • David O. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 97063


    Excellent delivery!


    10 yard Open Top 48616


    Driver called, was there when he said he would be. Efficient and professional.

  • Mike B. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 55746


    The customer service was nice and was easy to communicate with. Delivery went well letting us return to work.

  • Kenneth L. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 77511


    I was in a bind because of another dumpster company,they delivered the next morning and the driver was very helpful ,i will order another one from you in november ,thanks

  • Gwen C. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 97015


    I thought the price was a little high. The dumpster was delivered in the time frame but had asked for delivery at the earliest time. Overall good job.

  • Jill E. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 97233


    The service i received was very good. If i hear that any one needs a dumpster i will give them your phone number. After this years cleanup i could be calling again next year. Thank you for all the good service i received.

  • Mary P. VERIFIED

    15 yard Open Top 16803


    This service is awesome, prompt, clean and pleasant to work with.

  • Ronald P. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 54902


    Unfortunately, i was not onsite at time of delivery. I requested the dumpster 10-20 feet from the garage door, and on the right-hand side. The distance was ok, but the unit was placed on the left side, blocking access to the garage door.

  • Martin R. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 41055


    Nice professional company

  • Carol W. VERIFIED

    15 yard Open Top 66047


    And the customer service was outstanding. My car was in the driveway when the delivery came. The guys came back later, to fit my schedule. Thanks so much!!!

  • Paul J. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 49614


    Easy to work with. Good communication.

  • Lisa J. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 65203


    I have been on tons of projects at dsg and when it was time to get dumpsters onsite i dreaded it because it seemed like it was always an ordeal. Ronnie in customer service has made this something i don't even blink about. I can let him know what i need and bam - done! He's my only source now and i greatly appreciate him!

  • Kathy V. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 98849


    Drop off and pick up were on time. Driver was great.

  • Larry L. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 59829


    Will use them again.

  • Jill E. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 97233


    Mccall was very helpful and answered all of my questions and was very helpful about the change as to where the dumpster was to be placed.


    Multi Project 75125


    Excellent customer service. Will recommend to my friends.

  • Kelly D. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 03244


    Great service. Delivered quicker than my expectation. Great price. I did shop around


    40 yard Open Top 94538


    Linda is amazing!!! This is a large project and i couldn't fulfill my customer's expectations without her working her magic!


    Multi Project 21401


    Thank you for your service

  • Carol F. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 28630


    Excellent service will recommend to family and friends. Thank you

  • Steven F. VERIFIED

    15 yard Open Top 17963


    Fast and efficient

  • Rochelle M. VERIFIED

    35 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 95688


    Great service! Knew who i was when answering my calls. I used 4 different dumpsters, they were always delivered on day promised and picked up in timely manner. Will definately use them again!!!

  • Christy . VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 30540


    We were very pleased and satisfied with zters. Customer service was exceptional i spoke with steven and was very impressed with his response time on returning my calls and scheduling my drop off and pick up times. Thank you so much zters i give you a huge thumbs up, and we will use your service again

  • Linda B. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 50310


    Sending again as not sure it went through from my phone. Everything was great. Ronnie worked with me on the arrangements and was polite, professional and it went smoothly. The guy who brought and picked up the dumpster was great as well. All went very smoothly. Thanks for a great service.... Linda burge


    40 yard Open Top 93215


    Linda is amazing! She is helping me with a large project and i couldn't have made this happen without her and her team! Kim roberts allen industries speedway conversion project

  • James T. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 68005


    Delivery worked with my concerns with the driveway.

  • Donna K. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 95988


    The gentleman that dropped the three containers off at the property was really courteous, very professional and boy i was amazed at how he could dump the container so close to the fence, it was amazing. Chantel was my agent there at zters she also was very friendly, courteous and very helpful. Thank you all so very much for all your hard work. Donna moseby for 810 pacific ave. Willows, calif.

  • Randy S. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 45133


    Will recommend to others your service. Great communication and follow thru. Excellent, thank you.

  • John H. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 49097


    After having issues with delivery, a representative called me justin and made things right. Wonderful response and experience.

  • Joan G. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 12477


    Very helpful and very pleasant customer service. Drop off and pick up on time have already recommended zters to people. Thanks

  • Linda B. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 50310


    Customer service from ronnie was great. Delivery was on time & driver so nice. Thank you


    15 yard Open Top 46725


    Excellent service was more than i expected for less than expected! Service was top notch and professional will definitely use again!

  • Accounts P. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 78934


    Jd does a great job taking care on our needs!

  • Chris N. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 28704


    Been very pleased with your company throughout our time working together.

  • Marie M. VERIFIED

    Multi Project


    Only complaint i have is the hold time on the phone to get thru to a rep it totally is way to loooong!

  • Richard L. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 28594


    Mccall was great getting us the container when we needed and also getting it pulled on short notice. The driver was great and made sure he got it where we wanted. Thanks to all!! Rich

  • Judy B. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 38242


    This company was dependable and price was satisfactory. Will use again thank you

  • Jennifer F. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 53121


    Very good company qiuck and on time

  • Mark E. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top


    Only problem was a small removal date schedule glitch, which was resolved quickly by one phone call.

  • Robert F. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 87301


    Every one was really friendly an courteous. Was a wonderful experience working with them

  • Rick R. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 83301


    When talking with carli and setting up dumpster she was very professional and courteous. Dumpster was picked up and returned on time

  • Robert Y. VERIFIED

    40 yard Open Top 85302


    The delivery guy was great and did a fantastic job !!!!! Very quick also.

  • June S. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 85901


    Excellant customer car by jackie ext. 145. I'll be a return customer thanks to her.

  • Michael M. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top


    No issues at all. Thank you.

  • Chip D. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 15025


    Angie in customer service was very professional and helpful. She was able to get me a roll-off with very little lead time. Very knowledgeable. Good representative, for sure. I have a business and i appreciate good knowledgeable team members. She's a good one. At the time of this survey, the dumpster had not been removed. It's scheduled for today or the next day. I'm writing regarding the drop-off. Scott was the driver. He is a great representative of your company as well as michael's hauling. I asked him to place the dumpster in an area that was a bit difficult. He never waivered. He was very helpful and put the roll-off exactly where it needed to be. Really good attitude. Especially given the weather lately. Hot, humid and generally uncomfortable. Scott never rushed me through the placement. He also was very skillful with the rig. Moving the dumpster laterally while using a vertical lift. Impressive. My experience was a very good one.

  • Wendy S. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 17331


    Thank you!

  • Jacky H. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 28435


    I have been very pleased with this company. I have to say that i have not had good luck with dumpster companies and was at my last string when i had to look for another company for a job that we were starting. When i found yours i was praying that i didn't have the issues that i endured with the other companies i dealt with prior. This is a great company to work with very prompt and professional and i would highly recommend to other companies that need your services.


    20 yard Open Top 44646


    I was told you do same day delivery and didn't receive the dumpster until the next day. Which caused me to have to take leave from work to get the job done.

  • Kathryn G. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 86301


    Very pleased and great delivery driver - did a great job in a tight space!

  • Wendy T. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 57563


    Everything went very smoothly.

  • Thomas P. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 75799


    I am very pleased with my representative and the way she handles my account.

  • Patricia L. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 54487


    Very good service.. thank you!

  • George N. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 28512


    Lucy was awesome in setting up and delivering right on time, which was critical for my project.

  • Jericho H. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 47265


    There was a slight issued in pickup and zters went above and beyond to take care of it right away.

  • Alpha O. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 49236


    I appreciated the fact that you explained everything up front before we set a date. Also, it was a good amount of time to get rid of all i needed too. You came and left without any problem. Thank you!!!


    30 yard Open Top 97415


    Everything worked out great we would definitely use you again and recommend you!

  • Tricia H. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 46947


    Zters was awesome, i will see if we can use you on more of our jobs in various state.


    20 yard Open Top 49402


    Every thing went as promised. Thank you

  • Barbara B. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 49684


    The delivery driver was so very friendly and helpful. Our first experience with a dumpster and it was a very good one. Thank you for all the help. The phone set up was very easy also. I would recommend your company.

  • Brenda G. VERIFIED

    15 yard Open Top 02863


    Excellent service, will definitely use your services and recommend you

  • Eric L. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 44446


    All good!

  • Thomas L. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 67480


    On time, safe, and friendly!


    Multi Project 79056


    I had a last minute call for portable restrooms and a dumpster and you met my need within hours. Great response time and customer service! I would recommend your service in a heart beat :

  • Shedd F. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 53593


    Great company!

  • Rosemary S. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 44094


    I was very pleased with the customer service staff, starting with will. He answered all my questions simply because i have not rented a dumpster in the past. But everytime i called, if will was busy, another agent was very helpful. I would definitely recommend your company to any of my friends and family and may be calling you again on another property. Thank you, rosemary stalzer

  • Thomas M. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 25844


    Great service quick delivery and pick up

  • Shedd F. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 53593


    Thank you, thank you! We love zters!

  • Jerry C. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 62568


    Mccall did a great job getting me set up for my project. Very pleasant and very professional! The on-time delivery allowed me to begin work as soon as i had returned from my morning meeting. Thank you, jerry

  • Mike F. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top



  • Tamara S. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 45729




    30 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 77521


    Excellent experience, i do plan to use this company again. Everyone was very helpful with phone experience.

  • Jason L. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 74464


    Great service, even got delivered a day early.

  • Nancy P. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 78654


    Very easy to deal with. Thank yoy

  • Mike F. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top



  • Brenda G. VERIFIED

    15 yard Open Top 02863


    The driver was very polite and very helpful...Excellent service

  • Gary P. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 38201


    Both, the receptionist and delivery driver very polite and helpful. Prompt service.

  • Jodee B. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 65248


    The ladies i spoke with about obtaining our dumpster were very friendly, professional and helpful!

  • Josh N. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 29020


    My account manager did a great job getting everything set up and found a great local provider. The local service provider was excellent and was able to work with my short turn around. I appreciate the work of all involved.

  • Christine C. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 52761


    I called on a friday the week before the 4th of july requesting a dumpster. I had hoped to get it on the 3rd if at all possible, unfortunately it was scheduled for the 5th. Amanda and her team went above and beyond and were able to get it delivered the morning of the 3rd which was a huge help to us. Although we were not able to finish the our project at this time we will be calling zters again when we are ready to move forward!

  • Martha F. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 02921


    Couldn’t be any easier.

  • Wayne W. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 19977


    Sales was great dave explained what should happen. I ordered a ten yard container. I said it was a mani home comm. Limited space.i was told that the driver would give us a heads up before arriving. No call. Driver who was, like dave , polite and helpful did his job. When i saw the 20 yard container i knew why there was no call. I would have waited until one was available.now i have to park at my neighbor 's and had to explain the tire tracks across my neighbors yard.well aside from that ""how was the play mrs. Lincoln"" that about wraps it up wayne

  • Tamara S. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 45729



  • Oscar C. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 84032


    Price is high compared with other companies around. But you were able to deliver on time.


    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 21797


    Overall, our experience was good. There was a lack of communication a few times though. The first time was when i reserved the dumpster. I received the quote from our account manager via email. I booked through that email and in the notes section asked for the dumpster to be delivered on a specific date. The dumpster was delivered in that requested day, but it we were kind of left to guess if the dumpster was going to show up or not. A quick phone call to confirm that they received the form online and would deliver the dumpster in our requested day would have been nice. The second time there was a lack of communication was for the pick up date. We were informed that the dumpster would be picked up on the 10th day. It was halfway through the day when i called and asked when we could expect the dumpster to be picked up. We are selling the house and photos were scheduled to be taken the following day and we didn't want the photos taken with a dumpster in the driveway. Once i called our account manager, things got sorted out, but the dumpster was not picked up until the following day and we had to reschedule the listing photos. A quick phone call to confirm the pickup date could have avoided this. Our account manager did what she could and contacted dispatch to attempt to have the dumpster removed in time, but we didn't want to take an chances. Other than that our account manager and the delivery driver were very friendly and really great at what they do. For the most part, everything went smoothly. I appreciate the work these two employees did for us!

  • Vinod G. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 46793


    You are the only company to charge a 30% increase to deliver a 2nd dumpster

  • Carole L. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 61846


    I did not realize until driver left, i did not receive the reflective hazard thing that was to go on either end of dumpster. I was told that i had to have that, and paid extra for it. It wasn't that much, but i did pay for it and did not receive. Can that part of charge be refunded?

  • Jeff W. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 61938


    Everything went smoothly. Kayla was great. I would recommend this company.

  • Jeff W. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 61938


    Easy communication kayla was great. Everything went smoothly.

  • Kitti W. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 56544


    I was informed yesterday that the garbage unit has hole in the side that a water bottle will fit in. Due the strict environmental restrictions that we have to follow on this site, unless we can get a liner in the unit this is of no use to us. The hole that is in the unit does not appear to be deliberately cut for drainage. The unit has a sign on it that says ""warning no garbage"" this is a garbage container. Garbage has the potential to be exposed thru this opening. If construction material is placed in this unit there is the potential for something to protrude thru the opening allowing for the potential of injury to anyone passing by.

  • Robert M. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 38320


    Container was 10% full of dirt when delivered. Concerned about weight of dirt causing me to be charged for overweight

  • Peggy W. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 21713


    Thank you for being so responsive. However, the port a potty was out in the wrong location. So i will have to move it.

  • Barbara R. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 13339


    Ashley was great. So was the man who delivered the dumpster. The only problems was we didn't get an eta until 15 minutes before it came.

  • Delia S. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 39601


    Trey with zters was very nice and helpful. When other zters agents were contacted they too were very nice and helpful. However, they subcontracted the dumpsters to a business in another state who could only pick-up and return the dumpster once a week. This is a construction site. We need daily service. That is why we cancelled the dumpster early. We should have been told they couldn't properly service the contract.

  • Gary H. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 42211


    Missed the delivery

  • Rick B. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 95446


    Very happy.

  • Xingliang Z. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 28315


    Wish i could have more specific delivery time.

  • Paula G. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 43138


    The roll off was picked up in a timely manner and the driver was courteous and respectful, thank you.

  • Nancy H. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 56058


    The deliveryman was courteous...asked about readjusting dumpster after it was placed.

  • Helen V. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 80904


    Good service

  • Carrie M. VERIFIED

    15 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 29653


    Confusion with 10th day pick up. Tenth day pickup came at 11:45 am; not a full day to be considered 10 days.

  • Fred B. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 40216


    My only concern is twice i called and was told i would get a callback â“within 30 minutesâ” and those calls never came.

  • Shelly H. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 27581


    Very disappointed that i payed over $600 for one dumpster. I had the dumpster full in 2 days and needed another dumpster. Had no idea that i had to pay another $600. I thought i could get another dumpster since i had it rented for 11 days. Very confusing. I asked for a partial refund since i only used 2 days out of 10 only to be told no refunds or reimbursements. Will not recommend your service to others. People were friendly but rates are ridiculous.

  • Bill M. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 75605


    Was delivered a day late

  • Timothy E. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 28327


    The dumpster was delivered in the front driveway as opposed to the back yard as requested. Upon calling, they had my note of where to drop off, but the driver didn't seem to get that info. Furthermore, it was backed to a tree, only allowing the gate to be opened 1/3 of the way.

  • John W. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 75833


    Thank you

  • John W. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 75833


    Thank you

  • Debbie S. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 72401


    Faye was very helpful and informative.


    20 yard Open Top 35988


    Dumpster wasn't placed where we asked for it to be put.


    30 yard Open Top 67055


    The driver placed the dumpster in the perfect spot!!!! Thanks!

  • Beverly B. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 37658


    Very nice folks to deal with.

  • Kirk W. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 28467


    On time, placed perfectly.

  • Bill C. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 27870


    Dumpster was delivered on schedule. 4 dumpster had about 200lbs of cattle feed/corn/meal that was rotting. Smell was putrid and sickening. 1. I have pictures.

  • Stewart R. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 04691


    I did have to shovel a foot of snow from the dumpster, and it was a day late

  • Terry M. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 37035


    Dumpster was delivered to the wrong spot

  • Terry M. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 37035


    Dumpster was delivered to the wrong spot

  • James S. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 31516


    Right on time with the proper size container and delivered it exactly where i needed. Contacted me by phone on delivery as requested.

  • James N. VERIFIED

    15 yard Open Top 94551


    Other than a little trouble with availability/delivery around the holiday, everything went fine.

  • Cornel G. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 37381


    Great job..

  • Evelyn M. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 28079


    Called for pickup. Had to leave on 2nd day after call for florida. We left everything level. Hopefully the pickup went well and nothing was added to dumpster. Can't answer last 2 questions.

  • Daryl B. VERIFIED

    40 yard Open Top 93245


    We were going to need several swap-outs, and i don't think they understood that. Otherwise, the service was great!

  • Charles O. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 70448


    Good first experience.

  • Sandra H. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 72916


    Leah was great.


    10 yard Open Top 54555


    It was a little nerve racking not to beable to know when the delivery would be made. But everything worked out and we did get the dumpster in a timely manner.

  • Elaine S. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 56401


    I appreciated the kind service from my account manager, and loved the quick service as well. I do plan on using zters again!!!

  • Chris W. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 01772


    Pick up was problematic. First driver could not retrieve the dumpster and managed to cause a lot of lawn damage. Second driver was able to remove the dumpster without issues.


    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 29803


    Better communication with driver would be good. Sitting around all day waiting

  • Joel L. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;15 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top;25 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 98118


    The driver, mike, did a great job placing the dumpster and protecting the driveway with wood, even though not totally necessary. I appreciate that extra attention to detail and respect for my property

  • Doug R. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 02346


    When delivery was not made on scheduled date 7/5, i called to see what happened. I was then told that you changed the date to the next day 7/6, but you had not notified me.

  • Cindy T. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 38401


    Was not delivered

  • Rhonda K. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 53186


    I was told to expect a call prior to delivery. I didn't receive one and was surprised when the delivery driver arrived unexpectedly.

  • Austin D. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 38655


    Now come pick it up. it was supposed to be picked up yesterday and hasn't been yet nor have i had anyone call me about rescheduling

  • Patti B. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 53220


    Was told the dumpster would be there on friday by 9am. When i went over there at 3 it still was not there. It didn't get there until after 4

  • Jessica S. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 53039


    Should not use the vendor that wouldn't guarantee delivery date/time; i did not need the stress the day before expected delivery when i had 12 people lined up to help fill the dumpster. Madison was great in finding a different vendor.

  • Kenneth C. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 45669


    Driver had to negotiate a narrow long and winding gravel road with low clearances. Probably didn't care for that but didn't complain. Prompt delivery the next day after my phone call. Guy on the phone was courteous and caring & called me back.

  • Dennis L. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 71655


    The 30-yd dumpster was delivered as scheduled on 6/16/22 at 09:06 cdt.

  • Donna H. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 50665


    The dumpster was delivered on time. I was not present when it was delivered, but it was placed just as i hoped it would be. I am very pleased. Thank you!

  • Jack . VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 02906


    Not even sure what this applies to


    20 yard Open Top 79062


    Overall the delivery man was very friendly and put the dumpster in a perfect place. We did have to wait a little longer than we were led to believe we would receive the unit but guess that was zters fault and not the perryton delivery. We were told dumpster would arrive early around 9 or 10 am so we had to wait till about 3:30 pm to get started on our day wasting about 5 hrs of daylight and work day. This is the only reason i gave zters a 4 on two items . I was glad we received a end entry walk in unit as it was new and doors worked excellent so guess the wait was acceptable.we have rain wed today if we would have got unit asap in morn the day before we could have got more done before this rain today but maybe it will be cool if i can get to the area without a lot of mud . It may rain all day ?

  • Gerald R. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 54730


    Ordered 30 yard dumpster. Order confirmed. 40 yard dumpster delivered because 30 dumpster not available. Ok with me, although for loading purposes we would have preferred 30 yard dumpster.

  • John R. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 95073


    The bin was delivered about 2 pm but was promised for no later than 11am. The driver was excellent as delivery up a long, steep, narrow driveway and very limited turn around space made delivery very difficult. The driver was excellent and went the extra mile to accomplish delivery. We will ask for him by name next time. And there will be a next time when we return to continue our clean up job. Thank you.

  • Kenneth B. VERIFIED

    12 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 53548


    Arrives 1 day early not a big deal but we had planned to move the cars so we could get it all the way to the garage. They still got it really close so np

  • Sherri F. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 42413


    I was told it would be delivered on tuesday. I took off work and had people here to demo. No dumpster ever showed. We had to put trash on a trailer. Now, i have to un load the trailer to the dumpster. Just made more work for me. I called and was told it needed to be confirmed.

  • Brent S. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 72745


    Drivers were both very professional and helpful.

  • Richard M. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 78133


    Delivery was early driver was efficient and friendly.

  • Todd V. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 49093


    Denna is great. Zters performed as hoped for.

  • Matt J. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 52003


    Thank you for communicating with me on everything and making the delivery. You guys are great. Thanks.


    30 yard Open Top 10950


    The driver, clearly, is one of the best in the business. He dropped the container precisely where i wanted it and, believe me, it was a tall order and he executed with a smile. Outstanding!

  • Chris P. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 23930


    Brandon was superb! A+ in every way. There was a lady that i spoke with once when brandon was not available who was a piece of work. She just wanted to tell me all the things she couldn't do and wouldn't listen to what i was asking.


    20 yard Open Top 75847


    I was promised an invoice and have yet to see on. I signed a dumpster receipt with no amt of charges on it, which made me nervous. The driver was polite, efficient and personable--all good things. We appreciate the good contact, the quick delivery and soon an invoice, dan

  • Pete K. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 90046


    The driver broke a trash can in half, and refused to help me get a claim. I sent an email to customer service, but have not heard anything.

  • Sean H. VERIFIED

    15 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 62901


    Walter was absolutely the best, he figured out my needs and figured out the best solution to efficiently get my project done.

  • Denford O. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 28081


    Some trash left in can from previous delivery, very bad smelling. one day late of original delivery, megan to adjust 10 day rental time

  • Sandra . VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 97138


    I called for pricing which i received. I called back because they were one of the most reasonable companies. Delivery time was less than a week, so far no complaints.

  • Mark B. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 39532


    Your driver put the dumpster exactly where i needed it right down to the inch. And it was delivered very early so i didnt have to wait all day. The cost was a little high and in the future you should offer a military discount. :

  • Theresa K. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;18 yard Open Top 49272


    Very satisfied. I would recommend your services and would use zters again.

  • Christine C. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 52761


    Dumpster was was supposed to be delivered on wednesday and never came. I called and was told it was not on haulers schedule for wednesday but it would be put on friday's schedule. It was never delivered. I had a 4 day weekend to work and help lined up and nothing could be done without it. Very unhappy.

  • Bobby R. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 94550


    You did terrible on the 1st delivery but great on fixing the problem

  • Christopher K. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 75407


    Dumpster blocked the garage entrance although there is space as discussed to offset it to one side and leave the garage access clear

  • Morris T. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 30168


    Cindy did a great job with follow up on the delivery.

  • Greg T. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 54143


    The only issue is where the dumpster was dropped. My team left for lunch on the day it was scheduled, but clearly marked the location. I had also put specifics in my original order. The dumpster was placed at a strange angle not parallel to the house making it hard to create a ramp for the 2nd floor. I called to have it moved, but was delayed because a relocation fee had to be questioned. Moot point now because it is full and needs to swapped out.

  • Terry M. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 36542


    Everything went well.

  • Irvin B. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 70586


    Yuri- our customer service contact is doing us a good job.

  • Jeffrey S. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 17519


    All good dumpster showed up got filled then taken away no fuss no muss!

  • John E. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 28445


    My container didn’t get delivered till around 6 pm the day it was scheduled to be delivered i had requested a morning delivery. My rep was great good customer service though i had to wait around all day i was there at eight till six to receive my container

  • Ezequiel G. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 49014


    We received an email that our dumpster has been delivered, but the dumpster has not arrived on site as promised.

  • Randy F. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 62523


    Please have the driver call me every time a dumpster is exchanged or delivered for placement.

  • Karen C. VERIFIED

    15 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 47993


    The dumpster had some dirt/mud leftover in the dumpster making it difficult to walk things to the front of the dumpster. Also, i don't want to loose part of my 2 ton of weight included in rental price to the dirt/mud left in the dumpster. The dumpster was delivered on time and set in the correct location. I am setting up a pickup time soon and i hope all goes well with that as well.

  • Caren C. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 73507


    A delivery eta or timeframe window would have been helpful rather than spending my entire day trying to anticipate the arrival. I called customer service and all i was told was it would be on the site by 5pm. Helpful but very unhelpful at the same time.

  • Danny H. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 78643


    Only issue is delivery person said they usually picked up in 7 days. We told him our receipt said we have 10 days. Why the confusion? He should have the correct info on when to pick up the dumpster!

  • Rebekah S. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 31326


    Driver did a great job navigating through our gates and placing the dumpster as close to the specified area as possible.

  • Cindy H. VERIFIED

    40 yard Open Top 98848


    Haven't even received a phone call as to when the rolloff will be delivered so i can not comment . Shelly was really great and was able to get my info to pass it on.


    30 yard Open Top 53081


    Dumpster was in pretty rough shape with rust holes and a lot of sharp edges and protrusions. Not the best for use in a residential area. Drivers positioning of the dumpster was perfect.

  • Jeffrey S. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 17853


    I heard no complaints

  • Cindy H. VERIFIED

    40 yard Open Top 98848


    Other than being on hold for almost 15min. the service was great.

  • Josh S. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 27405


    I asked 3 times if the delivery was guaranteed. It turns out the representative was in training but she told me it was. I have strict deadlines and they must be met. When my delivery wasn’t met i called and got the contact for the actual company to make the delivery of my dumpster. I knew more at 8am, the following day, than your company could regurgitate at 9:48am- all i got were excuses about drivers quitting. I’m sorry but if people are quitting why are you over promising and under delivering. Manage expectations. I was made a “priority” and still didn’t get my dumpster until after 3pm and they didn’t follow my notes and give me notification 30 prior to delivery. Your staff remained positive and professional throughout the endeavor. My rate was corrected and for that i am very happy.


    30 yard Open Top 33004


    Delivery truck pulled down our phone/ internet lines that at&t needs to come repair.

  • Jennifer C. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 62401


    Not sure of the condition of the dumpster delivered. Techs have not complained about it

  • James K. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 38587


    Unit was supposed to be dropped off on the seventh, was finally dropped off on the eighth a day late.

  • Joseph M. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 49615


    I requested a call so i could be at the site for placement. The driver called from the site. So i could not be there

  • Tommy T. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 62275


    Great job thank you!

  • Jerry D. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 53090




    20 yard Open Top 98360


    It's hard to reach customer service via phone or email. When we did reach them they were wonderful.

  • Harold K. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 43162


    Fast service.


    30 yard Open Top 98930


    Delivery was made 4 days early. Fortunately, i was on-site and able to accept and properly spot the dumpster, but it did make for some disruption of my schedule that morning. Your customer service representative did not charge me for the extra days, so ultimately no harm was done.


    30 yard Open Top 47408


    Service was good, professional. Dumpster was delivered in a timely manner and was the proper dimensions.

  • David H. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 74014


    Dumpster was in poor condition. Was not picked up on time. Was initially billed to the wrong credit card due to a zters system outage.

  • Larry V. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 88310


    Was a painless experience. Thank you!

  • Lorie R. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 77356


    Crystal and stormi were great to work with! Very responsive and answered all of our questions being a first time renter of these types of items. Crystal also called us after seeing our photo of the driveway and sharing it with the driver as they recommended a smaller dumpster to lessen the probability of damage to the driveway. For her to share her concerns with us was above and beyond, so thank you!


    20 yard Open Top 27589


    My only complaint was that our delivery was scheduled for 4/14/21 and i called customer service at 3 pm as i had not had any update. I was told that dispatcher would send message to driver and our case manager would also check on delivery and call me back asap. I never received another call. Dumpster was delivered on 4/15/21 about 6:30 am. No explanation offered for delay. Dumpster is fine and customer service had been great up to that point in time.

  • Linton S. VERIFIED

    25 yard Open Top 65768


    Wanted a 20 yard container but got a 25 yard instead.

  • Susan J. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 24368


    No problems at all.

  • Chris N. VERIFIED

    25 yard Open Top 98092


    All was solid.

  • Bruce H. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 53126


    Couldn’t and didn’t ask for anything more. We are happy and would use this company again if we needed to

  • Brian W. VERIFIED

    15 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 27948


    Experience was very good.

  • Leslie R. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 92679


    Customer service on the phone was terrific. Delivery was perfect. Really nice man set up just as i requested, he even put the boards under to protect the driveway. Happy, friendly service. The condition of the dumpster was an issue. It has multiple locations of rust rot. One door hinge is broken making for difficulty in opening. Time to retire this one fellas.

  • Wayne D. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 86351



  • Linda A. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 87532


    As far as i know everything is fine. My crew in espanola gave no negative comments. i can't rate the delivery or overall as i am in romulus, mi your driver called me when he arrived at the location. Very polite on the phone.

  • David H. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 95942


    Good job

  • Monica T. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 55901


    When i initially called to order my 20 yard roll off i gave all my information but when i looked for it on the expected day of delivery it never arrived b/c the agent had never put the information into dispatch! The 3 day delay was frustrating but i did receive the container before my construction project started.

  • Julie K. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 95746


    The first time was great but we live in a community where you cannot park your car in the street at night. We did not know that they would be coming at 7 am the day after thanksgiving to pick up the container. When we got the call we went out to move the car but the guy had already left. Since it was a holiday we could not get ahold of anyone. So... the container is still here. It would be nice to get a timeframe for when things will be delivered or picked up. But, zters had been super great in accommodating in helping us and following up. It is just hard to plan when you don’t know the times of drop off or pick up.

  • Shreekant P. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 77554


    Ordered 40 yard dumpster, got 30 yard

  • Chuck R. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 27534


    The driver was awesome. Great attitude, very friendly and professional. Communication could improve between scheduling and the customer though. Overall still very good.

  • Cheryl L. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 89508


    I was told that seven days was included in the dumpster rental charge. On the first day they delivered the dumpster around 10:00 a.m. On the seventh day they picked up the dumpster at 7:30 a.m. So, i only had the dumpster six days, not seven.

  • Steven B. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 45159


    A day late but it still worked for us !

  • Chuck R. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 27534


    Communication could have been better but the actual delivery was perfect.

  • Steve J. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 55346


    The dumpster never showed up. A day off work for nothing.

  • Tammy W. VERIFIED

    18 yard Open Top 49232


    The dumpster was never picked up. Still sitting in the driveway. Was supposed to be picked up yesterday.

  • Marie S. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 27932


    Customer service hotline takes too long on hold waiting for a live person to pick up the call. Been calling several times to reach someone. Other than that, services is great and provided with the special request.

  • Betty V. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 98282


    Thank you.

  • John W. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 29706


    Thank you

  • Camille P. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 80481


    I was cleaninng out a house for someone and called a few days ahead for a quote. I was quoted $510 for a 30 yard roll-off. I passed this information along to the homeowner and he was ok with the cost , so we proceeded. I called zters back and was told we could not get a 30 yard, only a 20 yard. I asked for the cost difference and was told that the 20 yard was going to be the same price. I asked the person i was talking to why would they be the same cost since i couldn't get as much in the smaller one. She said that the only difference was the height, which i said didn't make sence, since it would carry a much smaller load. At this point zters had me over the barrel and i had to agree or put the project off until i could locate another company with a larger dumpster. I ended up needing 3 20 yard dumpsters, when i only planned on getting 2. When i ordered the 3rd dumpster i was told that someone quoted the wrong amount on the dumpsters and that if i get any additional dumpsters the cost would be over $600 i don't remember the actual quote i was already planning on giving them a bad review, but this was the straw. I actually needed an additonal dumpster, but would not call them. We ended up hauling everything to landfill ourselves using our trailer. This cost us a lot of time, but the job still needed done. The whole thing cost us much more time and money than anticipated and took us way over our budget. I would like to say that the people i spoke with at zters were very pleasant, but whoever is in charge really needs to know how badly this company is being run. As a business owner myself, i'd be embarrassed if this were my company.

  • Jason S. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 53040


    Ramichelle was awesome and kept me posted on the progress of my dumpster.

  • James K. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 92117


    Took a little time to order, but overall service-great, delivery person-fantastic: friendly and efficient!

  • Robert S. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 86336



  • Laura C. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 77498


    Delivery was scheduled between 12 and 3; odd timing, however the roll off was not delivered until 4:30 pm, and the pick up was to be for the following day in the afternoon. I received a call from nexxus at 9:47 am; asking if they could go ahead an pick up the container; i stated that we were not finished; and that they could pick up as we requested; pm

  • Carol H. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 92395


    All customer service was very good once i got thru to a person. Andrew was good to return my calls and very nice. The delivery driver was quick and professional. The dumpster was ok.

  • Alastair M. VERIFIED

    15 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 10570


    Placed my order on a saturday, when regular sales reps weren't at their desks. Somehow the order didn't get properly relayed the following monday. My rep, zac, had to hustle to get the dumpster on site, on time which he did. Suggest better communications between weekend phone-answerers and reps.

  • Bill F. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 91941


    Servise was good . Communication for the removal ,was the only hard part . Thanks

  • Joann B. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;25 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 95363


    Sorry i needed to make correction i thought everything was great only 1 thing and getting date corrected

  • Connie C. VERIFIED

    25 yard Open Top 91905


    I was very impressed by the driver...He was very friendly and very enjoyable...The problem i had was the size of the container...The container was very short instead of the normal high container...The driver explain to me that whoever took the order marked a25 vs 40...Since he was very friendly and enjoyable i did not have the heart to tell him that i was not satisfied and rec’d the container...My husband and i had a hard time trying to keep the trash flat on the container...Other than that i thank you for the service...Connie

  • Darrin M. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 81401


    Bin delivery was 2 hours after the window we were given. We had to call to find out about it instead of company calling us to notify it would be late. Late delivery held up the job.


    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 45133


    1st time user everything went pretty smooth i was satisfied thank you

  • Brian P. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top 92688


    Pick up ended up being 7/28...not a huge deal.

  • Norma L. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 72761


    Your driver was very courteous and helpful !

  • Judy R. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 31774


    Customer service followed up on my first issue and had it resolve in a few hours. I would recommend this company again as long as the ending process goes well.

  • Tony H. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 72396



  • David K. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 80401


    It seems like the staff is overextended. The ""covid"" excuse is getting a bit worn out given the unemployment rate today..... Driver was very professional, skilled and easy to deal with.

  • Dave B. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 15320


    The dumpster was not completely cleaned out of trash from prior usage. The garbage left in it was about 8ft x 4ft x 1ft. Also the dumpster was very old. The drivers were very nice - both for delivery and pick up.

  • Tina H. VERIFIED

    15 yard Open Top 95926


    Sorry. dumpster never showed up. Delivery person not familiar with chico or bad gps. Should have called office number instead of home phone. So we should have dumpster from tuesday 7/14 thru tuesday 7/21.


    20 yard Open Top 46360


    Dumpster was on time and customer service was great.

  • Martha R. VERIFIED

    10 yard Open Top;20 yard Open Top 49908


    Operator was unable to provide an estimated time of dumpster delivery. Cli called several times requesting estimated time of delivery. Was told i would receive a call back, but did not receive one. Despite not being able to tell me when truck would arrive, operators were very pleasant. Dumpster was removed from my property in a timely manner. I would use service in the future.

  • Karen M. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 72756


    Driver was very professional and accommodating. Was very helpful.

  • Dmitri S. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 74014


    Only complaint is the driver did not call before arriving.

  • Kevin Y. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 47006


    The cleaning which was asked to be either late saturday night or before 7am sunday morning was not completed until 9am when we already had over 1000 people on site. The driver said he was told to have them done by 10am so thankfully he was early compared to what he was told.

  • Alan R. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 97537


    Pick up and removal of dumpster did not occur on scheduled date.

  • Anthony R. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 29803


    Was supposed to be delivered on monday but got postponed to tuesday by company

  • Jenifer H. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 59101


    Quick and efficient. Went out of their way to get me the services i needed.

  • Randy B. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top;40 yard Open Top 77808


    Very good

  • Marissa I. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 78852


    Is there an option or time frame i need to know about to get the dumpster serviced in the morning? The dumpster is full and there is still alot of trash pending to be thrown

  • Dean H. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 54801


    I would like a recipt e-mailed to me.

  • Yvette R. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 98837


    I called and asked for the driver to: 1 call me and i will show him where i want the port-a-potty to go 2 i then explained to put it to the left side of the driveway the side the mailboxes are on! Because we are having our front lawn sodded and the dumpster has to be on the right side, in front of the house. No phone call, and the port-a-potty was delivered on the lawn, on the right side.

  • Joel H. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 81007


    Lnitial delivery was later in the day than i had hoped; but was otherwise very good and the driver placed the dumpster exactly where i had requested. Thank you very much!

  • Aric R. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 46978


    The price was a little steep i was in a hurry so i went with you guys if i would have had more time i would have went with someone else. I could have saved myself about 300 dollars other than that it went ok,.


    10 yard Open Top;15 yard Open Top 03854


    Jessica was great in explaining the options and explaining the service; we both neglected to confirm time of day that the dumpster would be delivered. It would have been better to know a window of time.

  • Paulette N. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 54241


    Great hookup with customer service. Answered all my questions. Dumpster arrived on time and driver gave some comments before he left.

  • David K. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 77339


    It hasn't been picked up

  • Robert P. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 30056


    Would have been nice to have a delivery time estimate day of delivery.

  • John M. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 48430


    I was pleasantly surprised. Thought out of state customer service would result in incorrect info on delivery but i was wrong. Polite customer service, proficient delivery drivers, and stayed true to my requests. For good price. Would definitely use again. I only put 4 rating but i’m very picky so that’s probably a 6-7 for most people.

  • Elaine G. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 97330


    When we opened the dumpster there was garbage from the previous rental.

  • Bear S. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 12498


    Very satisfied and driver was courteous and professional

  • Donna S. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 64427


    Dumpster didn’t arrive until after 2 pm

  • Jose O. VERIFIED

    40 yard Open Top 95333


    The roll off was late but i got a very responsive followup.

  • Quentin H. VERIFIED

    30 yard Open Top 80112


    Communication between customer service and dispatch center wasn't super clear, but we had a snow storm hit the day of delivery. I will chalk it up to bad weather as to the miscommunication. Everything else went really smoothly.

  • James E. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 43050


    Delivery was fine but when the container was removed they left significant ruts in our neighbors front yard.

  • Roger E. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top;30 yard Open Top 48757


    The delivery guy beat me there and put the dumpster exactly where i wanted. This is refreshing to me to see a good driver and attention to detail. Please tell him or her good job and thanks.

  • Shawn A. VERIFIED

    20 yard Open Top 71913


    I enjoyed working with alexandra.

  • Michael H. VERIFIED

    12 yard Open Top 32541


    I asked for a phone call before delivery and never received it. Overall service was good. Thank you